Chihayafuru – 11

Here’s also the thing with the team matches: because Chihaya’s team has two rookies, it pretty much means that the three other players need to win all of their matches to make up for that. That does put a lot of extra tension on them compared to the usual. It’s just one of the examples of how well this series is put together. This episode pretty much spent an entire episode and nothing more on the finale of a tournament. The perfect length to both deliver a good climax and to also prevent things from dragging on.

No,w, I do wonder: nearly all of the characters of the flashback arc returned. Will these characters do the same as well? Especially that tall guy looked like he might return much more often after this, and it’s already great to see two characters who actually know the main cast in this team, through various karuta clubs.

I also love how this show handles its foreshadowing in this episode. I often feel like sports series try too hard to build up on the big opponents that they have to beat. For on, it’s still a mystery of what Arata is going to do. But also, this episode referenced the upcoming opponents in just one single line, and never again mentioned them afterwards. I like how subtle this was done.

Speaking of which, I can already see one really big problem with the way this series is set up: Arata. Right from the beginning it was clear that Chihayafuru would end halfway through its story, but for a long while it was still a mystery what this would actually mean for this series (especially for the ones like me, who haven’t read the manga). However, Arata is clearly being set up to only reunite with the main cast, in the second half of this story. In other words: the part that’s never going to be animated. And that’s a bloody shame because the part where Arata appeared again in this episode was awesome.
Rating: ** (Excellent

7 thoughts on “Chihayafuru – 11

  1. It is a tight episode. My full 20 min of attention. Every moment counts. Instead of focusing only on Chihaya, the other players are given time to reflect on their matches as well. It is such a joy to watch Chihayafuru.

  2. I like how Chihayafuru handles even more then just the main characters. The rest of the team were developed in their respective matches too. This is without a doubt my favorite show of the fall season. It is the most consistent also…it’s good, week after week after week! I also enjoy how they keep adding little elements to the game, like the fact that Chihaya could read the pattern of speech of the women who read the cards!

  3. Warning: this is pretty gushy!

    I love love love love love this episode!

    So beautiful!

    Parts that I liked.

    1. Desk-kun arguing that his pinky was lower than the other player’s hand, and how the motivated Nishida, and what a beautiful barrel roll that was <3

    2. Sudo! S is for strike/seme/sadistic his character was interesting, and he made a good rival!

    3. Chihaya showing her spark, when she created the team order, she's starting to think in terms of what's good for the team! <3

    4. Mashima acknowledging the others and utilizing his skills in memorization.

    Last but not least.

    Arata arata arata. They chose the best moment to cut to him.. it was a great tension release, and even in that tiny bit they managed to pack a lot in. like the manager asking him not to look at porn, but uh, what kind of magazine was in his hand as he said that? And I loved the shock when Arata sees the influx of mail in his inbox.

    And I have a thing for megane-kuns and I just loved when they returned to him, and you see his head cocked sideways, he looked so adorable there, and then we switch to the computer screen and see it's because the image that Chihaya sent is sideways. <3

    I also loved the animation on the Nishida flashback scenes where he's watching Arata receive the trophy, just the way the orange background around him moved, and the slightly sketchy textures.

    love love love love love (one for each team member)

  4. This is going to be a classic, if they can stay this good till the end.

    It made me tear up…..d$@m them for being so good.

  5. I have to say, when the ending music started playing, I started to cry. This episode was just so amazing. I especially loved when Porky did that barrel roll thing. It was just… Wow. This series is the best I’ve seen so far this whole year, as far as keeping my attention. If I miss even one minute of the episode I feel terrible about it. (Most shows I’m watching this season, I tend to skip little bits here and there, because they really just get dull at points. Not this series though. It’s just to good.)

  6. Basically what everyone else said. I was seriously sweating and my heart was pounding at the end of the episode. (And yes, let me join in the Arata Arata Arata chant. >_> *fangirl mode ON*) DEFINITELY my favorite show of the season!! ♥

  7. Man, so much spirit and energy!

    Especially love the ending when Arata stayed on the computer to read every mail and wait for her final reply (to see whether she won or not). Then, you hear “new mail!” sound and you hear Arata scrolling his mouse… and tipped his head to the side only to find out he wanted to view the image properly. <3
    Shows how much he still cares ^_^b

    I was very skeptical to watch Chihayafuru because it didn't seem to interesting from the outside… but I gave it a chance. I'm glad I did.

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