Ayatsuri Sakon – 07 – A Mother’s Love Goes Deep

Okay. Why did I ever decide to drop this show?! It’s awesome!

For the ones who see this show for the first time, this show is a typical murder mystery anime, carried out perfectly. The main character, Sakon, is an interesting case: he’s a puppetteer, and he always carries his favourite puppet, Ukon along with him. The awesome thing is that Sakon himself is a quiet, serious young man. Ukon, however, has a complete opposite personality. He’s impulsive, talkative and rather innocent.

The best thing about this anime is the fact that Sakon’s very good at solving murders, especially the really gruesome ones. he really shows this during the episode. It probably was one of the best episodes of Ayatsuri Sakon yet. In the end, it turned out to be a beautiful tale of a mother’s love to her daughter, and therefore taking the wrong pathway in order to protect her. So sad.

In any case, if you’re a fan of mystery-series, I seriously recommend you to check this anime out. I really have no idea why I stopped watching this show.

Ayatsuri Sakon – 06

The first arc ended in mass-murder. This one only has three deaths. The ones in the two previous episodes, and the one that happens in this episode. That doesn’t mean that this arc is less awesome. Even at the moment right before the criminal gets revealed, I really had no idea who it was. Everyone could have done it.

That’s the thing I like about Ayatsuri Sakon: they develop each character so, that he or she could possibly be the murderer. Everyone hides something, or acts suspicious. They’re either too calm, or they just freak out. The creators then manage to blend the murderer in with the other characters, and somehow manage to make that one character stand out the least, making him or her the least suspicious of the bunch.

The techniques used by the murderer are quite clever. Especially with the second murder, it had me startled for a while. This is proof that we’re dealing with a very cleverly-written anime here. Sakon also made good use of this when he solved the case.

The climax of this episode was the best yet. You’d think of a dramatic ending, with lots of time spent on it. The bad guy learns his lesson, or at least sees the futility of his actions. Well… eh… no. I just loved the abrupt ending of this episode. The creators managed to eecute that one very nicely. The next episode will probably feature the aftermath of this tragedy, as there are a lot of unknown questions left behind by this one.

Ayatsuri Sakon – 05

I so hate myself for not remembering all of those names. I get that a lot in anime. It usually takes me four to ten times in order to remember each individual character name. It was the same in this episode. As there are lots of different characters playing in this arc, and all of these characters have a certain name, there were lots of times in which I kept wondering who the hell "Takamura-san" (or any other name) could be.

Apart from that, this episode was just as awesome as the previous one. We really get to know all of the different characters (except their names -_-), while it’s still totally unclear who the murderer could be. Sakon still impresses me, and the cliffhanger was once again amazing. I am SO looking forward to the next episode.

Ayatsuri Sakon – 04

I may have said it before, but the idea that the calm, quiet and unsocial Sakon becomes a total different person when he weilds a puppet, is pure brilliance.

Anyway, this episode started another arc, and itstarts of awesomely. There’s a huge load of new, unique characters, each with his or her reasons. Under normal circumstances, I would have hated these kinds of characters. Ayatsuri Sakon however, somehow manages to make me feel along with each and everyone of these characters, and succeeds in not making them annoying or anything for even a second. Some of the characters get explored a bit, and a person gets killed. All of this is executed brilliantly and accompanied by some awesome music pieces.

I’d love to see the outcome of this.

Ayatsuri Sakon – 03

This episode was so cool. Finally we get to see an anime which isn’t afraid to kill off lots of their characters, and at the same time make every death count. Although it was a bit predictable that the girl stayed alive, and that the creators gave a too obvious hint away before Sakon solved it. Apart from that, I loved this. From the reason the bad guy/girl was doing this and the way the conflict was finally resolved, to Sakon, making his puppet act like one of the murdered characters. I’ll definately keep following this.

Ayatsuri Sakon – 02

Okay, this is another one of those awesome shows that deserves more attention than it gets. We have the main character (Sakon), who is a very skilled puppeteer. He himself is a very timid boy, who doesn’t speak to often, but his puppet is cheerful, blatant and full of energy. That alone is something you don’t see often.

Now the good part: Sakon is very good in solving murders, and so he is often asked as a bodyguard. I’ve only seen up to the second episode, but I love it already. There’s this group of seven adults, who are childhood friends. They return to their now deserted old schoolbuilding because of one of their friends committed suicide when they were children. There the killing begins. I’m not really fond of some of the characters, but they do work perfectly in this case. Slowly, after more people get killed, some of the characters go berserk, which only leads to the pleasure of the killer.

The end of this episode showed a very powerful cliffhanger. Therefore, I can’t wait to see what happens next.