Popolocrois 2003 – 26

Short Synopsis: The ending of Popolocrois 2003, in which Zephys has to be defeated somehow.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10 (Awesome)
So, it’s finally finished. Wyrdwad and the other fansubbers did an awesome job in bringing the two Popolocrois series to the English community.

About the ending, it was definitely different from what I expected. With the way that Wyrdwad kept hyping it, I expected Zephys to brutally kill everyone on the entire planet before Pinon could find a way to defeat her, but instead the body count is kept relatively low and instead this episode focused at making these deaths have impact.

It got me thinking about those “everyone dies”-endings, and indeed their major flaw is that they fail to make each death have an impact. While a death in the middle of a series is a great way to include some character-development, if someone dies in the final episode, there’s hardly any character-development to get out of it, let alone if five or six of these people die at the same time. Most series also don’t take their time to show proper aftermaths, which makes you wonder about the point of these deaths.

While I can’t consider this ending as the best one I’ve ever seen (that spot is filled by series such as Utena, Mouryou no Hako and Haibane Renmei), this was an excellent ending nonetheless. Like I hoped, it wasn’t focused at “ZOMG kill Zephys!”, but instead it was really focused at making Luna’s mother’s death have as big of an impact as possible. It formed a perfect closure to this series, and was miles away from the cheese that you usually see in endings like this. It didn’t drag nor was it too short, and it pretty much avoided any of the common pitfalls that endings usually have.

I’m not going to write a review for this series, since my experience has shown that I’m pretty bad at that with series that I watched over half a year ago. Still, overall, the 2003 series wasn’t as good as the 1998 series due to its rather weak first half, but it did have a much better main storyline compared to its predecessor, which especially made its final quarter a joy to watch. The 1998 series, in contrast was all about its characters, and therefore was downright awesome to watch in its first three quarters, especially when Gamigami Maou and his antics became involved.

Popolocrois 2003 – 25

Short Synopsis: Pinon and the others try to stop the forest half and the sea half of Zephys to combine.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10 (Excellent)
Wyrdwad: you rock!

Awesome to see this series finally fully subbed. The Popolocrois Franchise has really been the cream of the crop in the RPG-adaptation genre, and I hope that me blogging it for the past three years has introduced some people to this wonderful franchise.

Anyway, about the episode, this is going to be a short post, since I’m obviously edging for that final episode. I’m pretty curious to see what the creators can make out of it. Usually in anime, this is the point where things turn dull: the big bad guy has reached its final ultimately powerful form, and it simply has to be defeated in the final episode, usually requiring some sort of hidden power to be summoned from the lead character. I really wonder what’s going to make that final episode so special and I want to find out as soon as possible.

Popolocrois 2003 – 24

Holy ****! I kindof knew what to expect from this episode, but it still turned out really good. Poor Luna, Wyrdwad was right about how dark this episode was. I originally thought that her mother would turn against her, but now it seems that every water spirit has been turned into a dark one. I’m not sure whether they can be returned or not when Zephys is destroyed, but the fact remains that some of them let themselves get killed in order to save Luna. I’m looking forward to the next episode, as I can imagine that the aftermath of this episode is going to be really emotional. There’s also this matter of the curse, that can only be undone when Zephys is defeated, and that she’s about to unite with her forest-part. I’m eager to see some more development on her part as well, which I assume we’ll be getting in the next episode too.]]>

Popolocrois 2003 – 23

That. Was. Incredible!!! Seriously, though, Wyrdward kept hyping the final four episodes of this show, and HE HAD ALL REASON TO DO SO. The death in Gurren Lagann made me think about how to successfully kill off a character. Since to really do it, the element of surprise just isn’t enough, and I actually could care less about that death in Gurren Lagann, it was way too long and drawn out, the creators really tried to make him go down like some sort of Messiah-wannabe or something. So, what makes a good death? THIS EPISODE! And the strange thing is that I have NO IDEA why. The death wasn’t significant to the story, it was predictable, technically, it should have just been an ordinary death. But when the crab shattered on the rocks, something I can’t describe hit me. It’s been a while since a death scene moved me like that. I really wonder what the creators have in store for episode 24, which is rumoured to be even better than this one. What was this about the darkness in Luna’s mother’s heart? Did Luna really hurt her mother so much? And what was that last warning on the stone tablet? It also was great to see the usual battle-tune back, when Gaude first appeared in front of Pinon and the others. I’m definitely going to get myself the soundtrack for both the Popolocrois series (you can find it on the forums of Anime-BT, credits to Aquagon and Wyrdwad ;)) as soon as the series are done. Gaude, your role has been small throughout the series. You’ve been an insignificant character, who was overshadowed by your companions Paanya and Zephys. But I’ll definitely remember you after this episode. Your loss has been a sad one.]]>

Popolocrois 2003 – 22

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by ImageShack.us Short Synopsis: With the final arrival of a new release of Popolocrois 1998, the 2003-series also enjoyed a new release. In this, some side-characters are left behind, the Remnus is boarded and the Demon’s Passing is crossed. Good: Great to see this back again; Gaude and Paanya. Bad: Half of the episode was recap. Overall Enjoyment Value: 7.5/10 Ah, it’s great to finally see a bit of Popolocrois again. You could call this episode a “calm-before-the-storm”-episode, in which people prepare for the final four episodes. It’s probably to make sure that the next few episodes won’t be too rushed, but the episode itself did remain rather standard, in comparison to episode 22 of Popolocrois 1998. The recap of the great moments was nice, but I think I would have preferred some original content. I’m not sure if it was a good idea to just cast away half of the crew, and focus on the children. Still, it may be good to focus on the characters that are really important to the story, but I wonder why Aina was included. What role does she still have in this anime, apart from wooing over Marco? Still, Gaude and Paanya surprised me. They’re actually sprites! I’m not sure if it hadn’t been mentioned or I simply forgot, but their roles now suddenly became a lot clearer. Paanya also joined Zephys because he hates the Law of the Moon, because it took away his mother. I suspect Paanya has a similar reason. That’s also why we never saw Paanya on the sea, and Gaude on the land.]]>

Popolocrois 2003 – 21 – Punpun and Kogoto Goodness

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With this episode, the Croconesia-arc has ended, the finale is probably about to begin, and I’ve finally caught up with the subs. Here’s hoping that the final episodes get released quickly, as something tells me that I haven’t seen the best of this anime yet. The episode itself was very good again. Not as good as the previous three episodes, but I still made for a great watch. 🙂

While you would expect that the current episode would focus entirely on Momba, it actually tells two stories right through each other: Momba’s story, of course, and Punpun and Kogoto’s story. Unexpected, but surprisingly touching. I also loved how Pinon, Marco and Luna were just pushed into the background in order to feature the threesome to have their own airtime.

As expected, Momba fails the ordeal. The previous episode may have given him courage, it didn’t remove the chicken inside of him. Afterwards, Pinon attempts to give him a bit of courage through the placebo-effect, though Kogoto rather blows that point. Still, when Momba learns that Pinon and him actually have some similar points, he agrees to try again.

There’s just the problem that Punpun got a strange idea again, and dressed herself up as a female Croconesian (I loved how Luna tried to imagine what that would be like ^^). If I’m not mistaken, it’s actually the first time in the anime that she separates herself from Kogoto. The latter gets incredibly worried about her, and the fun starts.

Of course, Punpun’s plan never works, but she does have to battle a rather scary-looking dragon-zombie. Kogoto and Momba manage to find her in time, and another battle follows, in which Momba finds out that he can actually do something useful. That exactly was enough to give him a bit of courage. Kogoto, meanwhile, does the impossible of building a instant-catapult on the battlefield, in order to hit down the Dragon Zombike. Pinon, Luna and Marco arrive just in time to see him hit down that huge creature. ^^

Also… I’ve been wondering… what about Papu? Does he still have a role? He’s really starting to turn into the usual cute, useless pet. Still, the fact that the law which forbids forest sprites to enter the sea, and water sprites to enter the land is called “The Law of the Moon”, and he happens to be the Seirei of the Moon, there could be some point at which his presence can be useful.

Popolocrois 2003 – 20 – Adventure in Croconesia

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I am SO glad that I decided to continue watching this anime. The past few episodes really have been awesome, with the current episode as no exception to this. There really are too little people who know about this great episode. Same with its 1998 counterpart. It’s a real recommendation for any fantasy-fan.

Pinon, Punpun and Luna SO reminded me of Souta, Shirayuki and Ringo. Now that they’re travelling together, it becomes even more apparent that Punpun keeps clinging to Pinon. Let’s just say that Luna doesn’t like that. (^^) Also, this episode revealed another interesting future-couple. Donovan just acted way too nervous when Elena suddenly appeared in a beautiful dress. (^^)

Still, as the episode takes place in Croconesia, the main focus of the episode has to be Momba. And indeed, in order to get to Zephys, a special boat is needed. In order to get this boat, one must overcome an ordeal. That just leaves the problem that only a Croconesian can captain that ship, and thus take the ordeal. Poor Momba. The next episode will be a living hell for him, as he’s just been acting like a big coward throughout the anime. But that’s what makes him such a great character. ^^

Still, against all clichés, Momba doesn’t get to be the hero of the episode. Elena gets the glory for that, as she quite bravely defeats one of Zephys’ minions. Momba just learns a couple of things. I’m suspecting that his moment of glory will come with the next episode. ^_^

I think that one of the major elements which has made the past few episodes so great is the great bland of action and comedy. Due to the first half of the anime, the characters have already been fleshed out. Right now, the creators are making perfect use for this, which makes each of the scenes funny yet dramatic at the same time. There aren’t many anime which can achieve the same, not to mention at the high level of the past couple of episodes. The chase at the end of the episode was a brilliant example of this. It also was something you couldn’t predict AT ALL.

Overall, if you’re wondering whether or not to check out this anime: DO IT!!! It may have a slow first half, but the second half really is awesome. 🙂

Popolocrois 2003 – 19 – Whoa, 600 posts!

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Before I continue with the post as usual, yes that’s right. This currently is my 600th post. Yay! Quite an amount in less than a year, don’t you think? (^^)

About the episode: it was a seriously awesome one. Finally this series is picking up, with awesome results. It now deserves to be compared with its 1998-counterpart. The first half of the series really did an excellent job in fleshing out the characters, and now we finally get to see the fruits of this.

Gamigami was amazing. It doesn’t happen often when a character is extremely funny, but extremely sad at the same time, but he’s one of the few characters who can do this. Gamigami really was funnier than he ever has been in the 2003-series, but at the same time, he also finds out that his beloved Narcia has been turned to stone. When you combine this, the results turn out awesome.

Marco also has this effect a bit, though not as extreme. He has the habit of becoming incredibly nervous when tension starts rising, and he relieves this tension by keeping himself as busy as possible. It has a rather chaotic effect, but it provides a nice comical element to accompany the tension. Nonetheless, the effect this has is awesome.

In any case, Momba figures that a hermit in his home country, Croconesia, named Delvoi-sama might know how to get the Lunar Drop back. But in order to get there, they need a ship, which has just been destroyed at the end of the previous episode. Gamigami offers his own submarine, so that Pinon can save his precious Narcia, while he makes sure nothing happens to them. Punpun and Kotaro will accompany Pinon.

The submarine is just full of eccentric details you’d expect when considered that it’s being used by Gamigami, Punpun and Kotaro. The tatami-room is back again. It seems to be built for Kotaro, as he’d be terribly scared otherwise. Three crab robots also seem to be on board (including the weaknesses they showed us in the past couple of episodes), and the secret weapon of the submarine: fart missiles. It sounds childish, I know, but when they actually got fired, the results are hilarious. I’m glad they were fired under water. ^^;

The fight of this episode really was awesome. The monster designs continue to become more gruesome with every monster appearing. This time, it’s a gigantic monkfish. It’s piloted by a small shrimp-like creature who’s a bit too full of himself. Marco and Kotoro set out in order to try and defeat it in the crab robots, while Pinon gets to scared to head out. The three of them played their part perfectly. Especially when you compare Pinon with Kotoro. I think that Kotoro was even more scared than Pinon was, though the fact that he didn’t want people to think bad of him made the former go, while the latter stayed behind.

In the end, Pinon sees this, and gets inspired by Marco’s and Kotoro’s courage, so he grabs the third crab robot, and in the end, he destroys the monkfish from the inside. Luna then saves him when the robot blows up. So cute. ^^

I’m really thankful for Anime-bt for bringing us this awesome series, along with its 1998 counterpart. I’ve almost caught up with their releases on both shows now, and I’m wishing them good luck with translating the final episodes. ^_^

Popolocrois 2003 – 18 – Finally we have an actually great episode. :)

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Seriously. The previous episode was nice and all, but it was also rather boring and dull. It really ruined my mood for the show a bit, and I was about to give up hope…

Then this episode started. Seriously, it was the best episode so far! The creators were very sneaky in this. The first minutes start out mediocre again. The Moon drop has to be found, and it’s located on the altar of the moon, which only appears during the full moon. The Dakart arrives right at the moment of a full moon, so they’ve only got less than a day to find its location, or they have to wait for a full month. Basic and convenient.

Then, when Pinon and the others actually arrived in Popolocrois, this episode actually started to get funny when it seems that Paanya has a very convenient power: mimicry. He can even copy all of the powers of the person he copies. It’s great to finally see a bad guy who tries to actually use a strategy to get to his goals. Especially because Paanya’s just a big goofball, and he screws up easily. He demonstrates his powers with a little play between Pietoro and Narcia, as he’s just waiting in Popolocrois castle for Pinon and the others to return, and he’s really bored to death. XD

His plan is simple: hide Sabow and Lulu in a closet, and pretend to be Sabow, in order to find out the location of the moon drop. His plan was so obvious when you looked at things as a viewer. It was great to see him pretend to be Sabow, without being found out. The crew of the Dakart then goes to search the castle, with lots of references to events which happened earlier in the series. I especially loved it when Aina found a picture of Pietoro and Elena when they were young and started fangirling. (^^;)

Of course, it doesn’t take long till Paanya gets discovered and the location of the temple of the moon gets found. Paanya retreats, preparing his second plan. The Moon Drop is located on the small island behind the castle, the one with the dragon temple. When Pinon, Luna, Marco, Elena and Aina walk in the forest, Paanya executes his second plan: lure Marco away from the others and pretend to be him. This plan seems to work, and he does get hold of the Moon Drop, though then Marco catches up with them again, so he’s forced to drop it. He flees and prepares for his third plan, and boy, he works fast.

In the time it takes for Pinon and the others to get back to the castle, he overpowers the crew of the Dakart, moves all the statues away, stuffs them into a closet, ties the members of the Dakart to them, and prepares himself to pretend to play for Pietoro. By this time, things really get serious when Paanya pretends to be both Leona as Pietoro as Narcia. This really does something to both Pinon and Marco. Especially the former gets incredibly happy when he sees his mother alive. So cute. (^^) Still, Paanya acquires the Moon Drop, and flees.

Things get even worse when Zephys sends out a giant crab to set the Dakart to flames. Paanya then heads for the island of petrification, which is said to resolve the spell which binds Zephys. Pinon, Luna and Marco are after him, and they reach the beach. Until they’re attacked by the same crab who destroyed the Dakart. Pinon and Luna go after Paanya, who ends up cornered. He then uses his powers to try, confuse and beat the former.

Right before the climax, something very interesting happens. Zephys, in the form of Luna’s mother appears, and takes the lunar drop from Paanya. Luna finds out that her mother is in the complot, Elena finds out that her Dakart is destroyed and Zephys heads off to the island of petrification.

The great thing about this episode is its combination between comedy and drama. The drama just keeps building up. The episode starts with a few serious scenes, which increase in intensity during every climax. During the first three quarters of the episode, there’s also lots of comedy, despite the seriousness. When the comedy stops, and some awful facts get revealed (the lunar drop being stolen, Luna finding out about her mother and the Dakart being gone in this case) they work out greatly.

IF this show can keep up with THIS level, we’re IN for something AWESOME. 🙂

Popolocrois 2003 – 17 – Decent scenes which scream potential

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It’s annoying! Each episode has one or two moments which just scream potential, surrounded by mediocre scenes. This episode was the same: Luna’s worries about her mother were very sincere, but Zephys’ complot seems very basic: “I turned the people of Popolocrois to stone because now I can blackmail you into delivering the Moon Drop to me”. The adventures in the lunar castle were rather boring.

But the fact does remain that the pacing is currently huge in comparison to the first half of the anime. Everyone got turned to stone in episode 14, which seemed like a major plot event. Still, the lunar castle was reached within three episodes, and Pinon and the others only remain for just half an episode inside the castle. Next episode, it seems like they’ll be back in Popolocrois again, to look for the Moon Drop.