Last week’s introduction of the Taichi Cup had me excited for this episode. Who wouldn’t want to spectate a free-for-all tournament where Meijin hopefuls like Harada-sensei could clash with Class C challengers? Retro was in attendance, as well, which the show could have used to follow up his recent promotion to club president. The variety of participants might have created some fun matchups, maybe an upset or two – if the show had treated it as anything more than a distraction. When the Taichi Cup’s screen time ended just six minutes after it began, I was disappointed at the wasted potential that it represented. But as the episode ran on and it became clear where we were headed, I understood the reason for its brevity. Chihayafuru has historically placed climactic moments in its penultimate episodes, and used its season finales to cool down in their wake. And boy, did this one feature the mother of all climaxes.
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