Runway de Waratte – 3 [Smile Down the Runway]

Welcome to another week of Runway de Waratte! This week is pretty straight forward, finishing up the fashion show and letting our leads get a win. The question then becomes, is it earned and how well is it set up? Well, let’s dive in and find out!

Starting off, I want to talk about Runway’s production this week, because I have issues. The big one is clearly the pacing, as we are going really fast. It feels like these last two could have been spread out among 3 episodes, to give things room to breathe. As my primary criticism with the series so far is how quickly our leads are moving up the rungs. Getting these “Victory” moments so quickly. I have actually heard a lot of dialogue was cut from the manga here, so that makes sense. Meanwhile the actual animation and such felt stiff. It’s not a big thing, as this isn’t an action series, but a lot of characters felt lifeless, and the direction didn’t help. Being pretty simple across the board. Sure, the actual walked looked nice as stills, but it didn’t manage to evoke any big emotions for such a big scene.

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Runway de Waratte – 2 [The Professional World]

Welcome to the second new series I am blogging this season, Runway de Waratte! A really odd choice for me all things considered, but it caught my interest and I figured why not branch out. This week continues the surprises as Runway backs up the progress a bit and shows us just how brutal the fashion industry is. Lets dive in!

Runway opened up answering a lot of questions/issues I had with the first episode. Such as how quickly it was moving, how they became professionals almost immediately, etc etc. I didn’t like how it seemingly skipped over all the hard work/amateur level stuff they could have done. So to see Tsumura’s age come in, how they won’t hire high schoolers and such, was nice. It sets up the end goal of the season, getting hired, and makes them actually work for stuff. Now I am still not sure what Chiyuki’s position in all of this is, as her father seems pretty adamant about not letting her model. He didn’t even lift her suspension until the 2nd half of the episode, but that’s also not terribly important I don’t think. No, the important thing is what Runway does from here.

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