Dance Dance Danseur – 2 [I Can’t Be Friends With Someone Like Him!]

Hello everyone and welcome to the first post of the first covered show of the new season! What I have here is Dance Dance Danseur, MAPPA’s latest attempt to make me like them as a studio. And you know what? It’s working. Lets dive on into it and talk about why!

Starting off I want to praise MAPPA for the visuals in this episode. I rag on them a lot, mostly because it’s amazing just how low their production can get at times. But in others, like here, it looks fantastic. From both an animation, background and direction standpoint, Dance Dance Danseur was gorgeous. I loved how creative Munehisa Sakai got with some of the scenes. His willingness to go wide to better show off the ballet, how it completely switched color pallets, lighting and editing style when the lead dancers came out in Swan Lake. Or the way Jumpei’s legs moved in his alleyway ballet scene, or Miyako’s almost ephemeral quality in the forest, or, or, or, etc. There were to many good scenes this episode to list. And while that may result in Dance Dance Danseur burning out later on, for now? I love it.

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