Ayakashi – Japanese Clasic Horror – 03

The goodness continues. Somehow, the third episode managed to follow the second episode’s brilliance. The first half of the episode shows several characters struggle with Oiwa’s curse. It was lovely to see all of them become so paranoid at her sight. The second half of the episode, we get to see a bit of Osode’s story. That one is so full of unexpected plot twist, I really had to control myself not to fall off my chair…

I really like the way this show is heading for. It’s not often when deaths of characters are so common, that the creators manage to make each and everyone of those deaths awesome to witness. Not to mention all of the different complots that are going on. At first you might think them to be boring and repetitive, but once you see more of them, you’ll be able to see the unique aspects of all these complots.

Ayakashi ~Japanese Classic Horror~ – 02

Oh my friggin’ god! This is one disturbing anime… I had no intention of blogging this anime after seeing the first episode. It really looked like some mediocre concept executed rather boringly with rather dull art. How this episode proved me WRONG!

I repeat: do not get fooled by the first episode. It’s just a big introduction of the second one. So many horrible things happen (I can reaaaaaly understand why they called this Japanese Classic Horror), most often considered taboo in anime. Seeing Oiwa kill herself was extremely painful to watch. The other murders that happened afterwards gave me the chills, and when the episode ended with the text: "this is only the beginning", I really had a tough time swallowing.

If you like to see some horror movies, and have a bit of patience, then I’ll certainly recommend this.