Short Synopsis: Tadaima.
Good: A perfect moment for nostalgia.
Bad: Bad? This episode? No way. ^^
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8.5/10
Those who’ve read my entries about the latest episodes might remember my small comments about how I disliked the old characters being written out of the main plot. After this episode, there is no way for me not to fanboy. Shuurei finally has the time to relax, after she accomplished all the tasks she set out to do, and finally has the time to socialize with everyone she met in the first arcs of this anime. That was SO cute. 🙂
I loved Shuurei’s expression when she finds out that she can see Kouyuu again, and their reunion was just as good. The dinner-party with everyone was really sweet (I loved it when the old guy got drunk and started throwing people into the water), but the definite highlight was the reunion of Shuurei and Ryuuki. I can’t believe it’s been around twenty episodes since they had a talk between the two of them. And it looked perfectly. You could already see the positive influence Sakujun has had on her, and Ryuuki’s reaction to this was so cute.
The episode also really was nostalgic. Especially the scenes which referenced back to the first episode. Boy, I almost forgot that Sho Taishi started everything. Apparently, Shuurei’s manju still stick in his mind. I also nearly forgot that Ryuuki´s first gift to Shuurei was a twig he plucked from a tree. Great stuff, really great stuff. I’m really rooting for Ryuuki, Ran, Kouyuu, Shouka, Sho Taishi, Reishin, Kijin and all the others of the first seasons to play a more active role in the second season, which just started yesterday. Quite a good timing of We Suck-fansubs. I can’t wait till the second season. :)]]>
Category: Saiunkoku Monogatari
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 38
Short Synopsis: We pass one month, Shuurei heads back to the capital and presents her plans.
Good: Great to see such a large pacing.
Bad: This had to happen, though very exciting it wasn’t.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10
This was a surprisingly focused episode, as pretty much everything is about Shuurei’s proposal about the future of the Sa-province. Pretty straightforward everything. Shuurei presents her plans in front of a huge amount of important people and gets a bit nervous, but of course there’d be no way that Ryuuki didn’t accept her proposal. I did like Kokujun, though. He really needs to struggle now as the head of the Sa-clan. But what was that quote of Shuurei that she plans to use the transfer of the rights of the Seven-Coloured Paint of Luminescence from the Kou clan in order to take care of the funding? I didn’t quite understand that line.
Still, I’m afraid to say it, but Saiunkoku hasn’t been as good as it once was. The first half of this series shined so much, because it featured a woman, climbing up in a male-dominated society. Now that she has reached a high position, Shuurei has been doing other things. And I don’t mean that the second half didn’t have its memorable moments (Sakujun’s death was amazing), I still like the episodes in which I was cheering for Shuurei not to give up more enjoyable than her mission to restore the Sa-clan. While her plan to restore the Sa-clan definitely is insteresting, I do hope that in the second season she gets put in another situation, with all odds against her, and nobody to help her. That’s where she shines the most. There’s also the matter that the first half of the show featured a nice combination between seriousness and quirky scenes. I’ve been missing these quirky scenes a bit, mostly due to the fact that the funniest characters and combinations of characters were written out of the main plot.]]>
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 37
Short Synopsis: Shuurei lets her tears lose in the comfort of Ryuuren, and she comes up with a plan to rebuild the Sa-province.
Good: Obviously, the crying-scene would turn out great.
Bad: One of the more quiet moments of the series.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7.5/10
This episode definitely was different from the other episodes of the past few months. Not only does it close some wounds from the past, it also looks into the future. I quite liked it, ‘but on the other side, there weren’t any amazing moments. Still, the scene between Ryuuren and Shuurei was great, and it’ll be very interesting to see how Shuurei will actually turn the Sa Province into the centre of intellectuality. Obviously, this won’t be an easy task, and I can see Shuurei spending the entire second season in order to do this.
Still, this does make you wonder. Obviously, two episodes won’t be enough to create a fully fledged Saiunkoku-climax, which probably means that the final two episodes of Saiunkoku will be about preparing for the meeting, and putting the final ideas into Shuurei’s plans. Still, I’m suspecting that the second season can’t be all about the plans to turn the Sa Clan to an intellectual capital. I’d personally love to see some more background on characters whose background we haven’t seen yet or insufficiently:
– Ran (we actually don’t know anything about this guy’s past)
– Eigetsu (especially the identity of Yougetsu)
– Ensei (where did he grow up?)
– Sho Taishi and his companion (what is their role in this story?)
We’ve also seen Ryuuki’s clan, the Ran-clan, the Kou-clan and the Sa-clan. Apart from that, there still are three (or four?) clans that haven’t had a lot of attention. I somehow suspect that they’re going to play some kind of role as well. Especially when Shuurei pays her visit to the capital.]]>
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 36
Short Synopsis: Shuurei and Eigetsu get officially appointed to their posts, Eiki reveals the truth behind Chuushou’s death and Enjun’s massacre and Tei Yuushun’s identity is revealed.
Good: Great to see another light-hearted episode.
Bad: While it is nice to see that Sakujun has another chance of living, I do feel cheated somehow.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10
This episode reminded me again why the first half of Saiunkoku Monogatari appealed to me so much. It’s a great combination between complex storytelling, compelling characters and at times a bit of quirky dialogue. The Sakujun-arc has been really different from this first half, it’s been way more focused. But that can also be because I watched the first half raw. Watching raw and subbed does make me experience things differently.
Also, Sakujun was removed from the spot where we left him after the previous episode. This can mean two things: either someone found his (dead) body and dragged it away, or he wasn’t dead at all, and just walked away on his own. While I do believe that the first option was the case, the fact that his body wasn’t found does mean that he’s still alive, due to the general rule of anime which says that unless you explicitly see a character DIE, he’ll live. (A notable exception being Shouko from Night Head Genesis)
In the end, it also appears that neither Enjun nor Kokujun has killed someone. Enjun took the blame from someone who admired him enough to kill off everyone in his path, while Kokujun got protected by his father from Chuushou till the end. The real reason Enjun also tried to kidnap Shuurei also gets revealed. In the end, he did it so that the Sa clan would get investigated upon, so that all the bastards in the Sa-clan would be removed. Quite a noble goal.
So, this episode formed the aftermath of the Sakujun-arc. That still leaves us with three more episodes, from which I really wonder which path this series will take. Will the first season end with a huge climax, or will the final episodes of dedicate themselves to a bit more character-development? There’ll probably be some kind of time-leap in one of the future episodes as well, showing how Shuurei got experienced as a governor.
Quote of the day: “Excuse me if I wasn’t lovable.” – Ensei]]>
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 35
Short Synopsis: Last episode left us with a dangerous game between Seiran and Sakujun, this episode continues this, and closes with a surprising, but tragic twist.
Good: Oh my god… that was one amazing plot twist!
Bad: Seiran has become rather useless, hasn’t he?
Overall Enjoyment Value: 9/10
Even though shows like Kanon have ended, the shows that I’m currently watching still have a few episodes to go. If these episodes are going to be as good as this one, then I’ll be in for a huge treat. The previous episodes were all good, but for some reason I felt that they all lacked something that the first three arcs did have. But with this, I totally take back my words. Sakujun was too amazing this episode.
So we start the episode with the little gamble between Seiran and Sakujun. As suspected, none of them are willing to just put their lives on a 50/50 scale. Seiran notices that Sakujun’s eyes got a strange colour, so in combination with the alcohol he got inside of him, he just destroys the table and attacks Sakujun. Sakujun, in his turn, used a very strong liquor that would bring any non-human-gorilla within minutes. Seiran feels this as he starts to move, so Sakujun escapes, saying that Seiran is not the person he’d lose a bet to.
But then Shuurei runs into him, and oh my god… the reason he kept asking her to brew Gan-Lu tea for her suddenly becomes clear! He actually put a slow-working deadly poison in the hot water Shuurei served him, while the Gan-Lu tea contained the antidote for it. Shuurei, however, refused to give him the Gan-Lu tea in the end, which means that he lost the bet he started on his own accord!
Talk about tragic deaths. And to make things even better, not all things have been resolved with Shuurei and Sakujun, unlike most deaths. Shuurei has never called Sakujun by her name, and she also never had the chance to brew Gan-Lu tea for him. She actually left him in order to get help, and he didn’t die in her arms, like you would expect. Also, Shuurei will never know this plan. All the dialogue we hear is in his head. Shuurei will never really know what really happened. Sakujun’s last words of “Shuurei” also were too cute. It’s true, I never really realized it, but he never mentioned Shuurei by her name as well. Almost never have I seen a story between two people in which a name was so important.
With this episode, I forgive this series for being a bit lacklustre at times. This episode definitely made up for so many things. The question remains, what will be featured in the final four episodes, and more importantly, can it be of the same quality of this one? I most definitely hope so!]]>
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 34
Short Synopsis: The new head of the Sa Clan has been chosen. Seiran, meanwhile shows how determined he is to get Sakujun out of the way.
Good: The game between Seiran and Sakujun.
Bad: To be honest, I expected Kokujun’s craziness to have a larger impact.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10
The major part of the episode focused on the new head of the Sa-clan. Ensei and Eigetsu attend the meeting, while Shunki and Shuurei free Kokujun. It’s a pity he didn’t really turn crazy and followed Enjun’s example. In the end, Shunki talked him out of it by forcing him to take up the position of head of the Sa-Clan. Him, in combination with Shunki and Eiki will prove to be a good head of the clan, while the other stuffed-up bastards who have been causing so many troubles to the Sa-Province have been pushed back.
Still, the really interesting part of the episode came with Seiran and Sakujun. In the end, Seiran desperately wants to put an end to Sakujun. We still don’t really know what caused all his grief in the period he spent with the Satsujinzoku, but he’s seeing Sakujun as a huge threat to Shuurei because of it. He’s even willing to wage his own life to mere luck, in order to get rid of him. And then still it’s a matter of 50% chance of success. The next episode will probably focus on this little game of them, which really makes me look forward to it.
It’s interesting, with this, there are still five episodes left of the first season. I wonder what kind of ending the creators are having in mind. For only five episodes remaining, just having Sakujun as an antagonist probably won’t be enough to provide a challenge to Shuurei. There will probably be time devoted for Shuurei to get used to her position of the governor of the Sa Clan, but that’s not what you’d consider a climax, would you?]]>
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 33
Short Synopsis: It’s the day of the selection ceremony of the head of the Sa-Clan. Ensei and Eigetsu go to attend it, Shunki rushes off to Kokujun, meeting up with Shuurei along the way, while Seiran heads to somewhere unknown, wondering why women always have to be stronger than him.
Good: Great episode! Shuurei was awesome, and finally Shunki shows a bit more about herself.
Bad: Not anything I can think of right now.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8.5/10
Sakujun was very interesting this episode. I just can’t seem to figure out what he’s really thinking. This episode showcased the last day that he’ll be together with Shuurei, so obviously he’s feeling a bit lonely. But is he really going to leave things like this? Also, what did he realize when he uttered the words “fantasy… for me?”? I just can’t seem to figure out whether he’s just a lazy guy, playing around, or that his intentions are going to be harmful in the future.
Sa Shunki meanwhile shows that she had a very good reason to remain silent. She actually has the power to order any person to do anything she wants. Quite dangerous if misused. It’s another one of the few supernatural elements in this show. It’s interesting, most of the episodes never even deal with supernatural elements, but they are there nonetheless. The eight great ones who founded the country, for example.
And holy god, Kokujun. It’s never shown explicitly, but he actually cut his own grandfather. The next episode is going to be very interesting, when Shuurei and Shunki realize what happened to him. Sho Taishi, meanwhile, continues his own storyline. His intentions are quite interesting. He always remains in the shadows, and does what he has to do for himself, while Shuurei and the others do what they have to do.]]>
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 32
Short Synopsis: Sa Sakujun has no desire to marry Shuurei. Sa Chuushou, however, wants the marriage to happen at all costs. This episode showed how desperate he can be at this.
Good: Shuurei. Amazing character.
Bad: Now I know for sure: Shuurei’s self-confidence is directly proportionate to the quality of this series.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10
Yup, now I know for sure. The reason why the past few episodes have been rather disappointing finally became clear to me. It’s simply that whenever Shuurei shines, Saiunkoku Monogatari shines. The reason for the mediocre past episodes was simply because Shuurei had been thrown off her balance a bit by Sa Sakujun. This episode, however, she’s back to her usual awesome self, having turned even stronger because of her experiences. 😀
I love the whole Sakujun – Chuushou – Shuurei-triangle in this episode. After the incredibly dramatic episode 26, he turned into quite a nice villain. I especially loved the hair-treatment Shuurei gave him. I think that Shuurei finally realized that Sakujun is just playing around. While he may be annoying, he isn’t really a threat, which is why she starts focusing on the real bad guy: Sa Chuushou. The bastard is planning to set his entire country aflame if Shuurei doesn’t marry his grandson! At least, that’s what he claims. It obviously isn’t enough to trump someone like Shuurei. Which makes me wonder. What measures will he take in order to get the two of them together in the end? He now knows what she’s capable off, and I don’t think he’s just going to sit around and let things happen.
I also liked how Shourin escaped Sakujun’s knowledge. It’s great to see that he isn’t perfect either. Kokujun, meanwhile, still is in his cell, turning crazy. Shuurei will probably find him in the next episode. It’ll be great to see how he’ll act from that point. The point remains that he bears a lot of resemblances to a younger version of Sa Enjun, he just was a bit too shy in his earlier episodes in comparison. Now that he’s actually turning crazy, some murderous instincts might awaken in him.]]>
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 31
Short Synopsis: Sakujun comes to Shuurei to escort her personally to the main house of the Sa-family. When she’s gone, Sa Shunki arrives, and Sa Kokujun meanwhile gets a few dangerous ideas.
Good: Kokujun.
Bad: Too bad that Ryuuki, Kouyuu, Shuuei and Sho Taishi didn’t play a big role.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 6.5/10
One problem with Saiunkoku Monogatari that I noticed recently is that the first episodes of the arcs don’t impress me anymore. It probably has to do with Shuurei. I hate to say it, but she hasn’t been growing lately. Still, with a bit of luck, we’ll see some changes to this in the next episode.
I’m really liking Kokujun after this episode. In the beginning of this episode, Eiki mentioned how much he resembled his grandfather’s brother, but I never expected that she also included his more malicious side in this. It seems that he got locked up with his father, though apparently the guy never moved at all. At the end of the episode, he’s becoming crazy as well, convincing himself that he has to be the one to kill everyone. This definitely can be interesting, especially after his father woke up after hearing what he said.]]>
Saiunkoku Monogatari – 30
Short Synopsis: Finally, Koren is reached. That just leaves the problem of a certain member of the Sa-clan and the hairpin he took.
Good: Lots of diplomacy and preparations by lots of different characters.
Bad: Not many exciting things happened this episode.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10
Lots of things happen this episode, though all they did was build up for future episodes. It’s absolutely necessary for episodes like this one to be shown, though as standalone episodes, they could have been more exciting. A quick rundown:
– Shunki starts moving to Koren, probably because she senses that Kokujun is in danger.
– Kokujun reaches his father and gets arrested.
– Kokujun’s father also seems to be arrested because he retaliated towards his father.
– The bald eagles of the brown province are actually the sons of one of the members of the Wolves of the Wind, Hokuto. He died now, though.
– When Shunki and her two companions travel, they run into Ryuuren who gives them the seal of the Ran-clan.
– Shuurei meanwhile manages to enter Koren due to some quick action from Seiran and Ensei.
– They temporarily move to Shou’s sister’s house while they try to find a way to get the flower bud back.
– In the house, they receive two messages.
– Through the first message, Shuurei requests the help of the local armies in the Sa-province.
– The second message comes from the idiot. He invites him to the ceremony in which he gets appointed to the head of the Sa-clan. One day before the deadline of the governors.
– We finally meet someone who’s oblivious to Shou Taishi’s influence: Eiki. What role will she have in the following episodes?
– Seiran, meanwhile, ordered a rather strong poison from Shou. If I had to guess, he plans to poison Sakujun with it.
I’m wondering what happened to Ryuuki, Kouyuu and Shuuei. There isn’t a trace left of them in this episode. Where have they settled, so that nobody would notice them?]]>