Dr. STONE S2 – 9 [To Destroy and to Save]

It’s done, the war is over, peace has come to Dr. STONE! Or at least that’s what it wants you to think. With 2 episodes left something is yet to come. What it is, we will have to wait and find out. But as far as this week goes lets dive right in shall we?

Now normally I would start this section lamenting Dr. STONE’s action production. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, Dr. STONE is not an action show and it shows. But you already know that by now so lets skip to the good stuff and talk Tsukasa! This was a good week for him as Dr. STONE acknowledged a lot of holes in Senku’s “Save everyone” argument. If you have limited fluid, who do you save? How do you feed them all in a stone world, etc. Tsukasa saw these problems and, with a decent amount of bias, took that terrible choice onto himself. He’s always ridden the line of a redeemable villain. This week cemented that for him. Most important of all though it took what was previously a “Fuck yeah action” finale and shifted it to a “Fuck yeah humanity” one. And you know I love those.

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Dr. STONE S2 – 8 [Final Battle]

This is it ladies and gentleman, the culmination of Dr. STONE’s story, the big kahuna: The final battle. Ignore that we still have 3 episodes left, thats not important, because its time to RUUUUUUMBLE! Lets dive into it.

Right off the bat I have to say that this was a very rough episode. Both production and narrative wise Dr.STONE ran into a lot of problems. For production, the only part that felt “well made” was the opening sequence about the cave. Showing us how it got formed over time, how Senku ended up there and all that jazz was a great way to remind us of our roots. Of how far the series has come from the first episode. All without being a shot for shot recap that everyone would hate. After that though its like Dr. STONE forgot what the landscape was. Multiple times we were shown the open field in from of the cave. Only for the entire action sequence to forget this layout, add more men, more ground and some hills before reverting back to a flat plain. There was 0 locational consistency here.

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Dr. STONE S2 – 7 [Secret Mission]

Yes, I know I’m late on this weeks Dr. STONE. In my defense work has gotten busy and I’m closing/moving into my new house this week, but the real issue is just not knowing what to write. This week of Dr. STONE was pretty straight forward all things considered. So lets leave all the flowery language and metaphors behind and just jump right into it.

I want to start by pointing out some clever directorial tricks I saw this week, starting with the languages. Dr. STONE isn’t the first anime have bilingual characters and it won’t be the last. But many anime struggle with how to portray this. Sometimes you get complete Engrish and other times they don’t even try at all, such as with Vinland Saga. But Dr. STONE was rather clever about it I think. It started in Engrish, established the conversation, before blending back into Japanese while still matching the mouth flaps the whole time. It’s a really simple trick but one I wish more anime would make use of. Beyond the languages, Dr. STONE also had some rather evocative shots this week. From Yuzuriha’s secret to Gen holding Lillian’s throat as he spoke with her voice. They did a good job of bringing emotion to a scene with limited animation.

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Dr. STONE S2 – 6 [Prison Break]

Wooo more Dr. STONE! This week Chrome channels the collective intelligence of the modern world to enact the most daring escape in 3 millennia. And the best part is that’s only slightly hyperbole. So without further ado lets dive in!

This was a big week for Chrome and Dr. STONE as a whole. It was effectively the culmination of Chrome’s story these past few cours. His final transformation from a “primitive” to a full on science user. No help, no Senku, just using what he had learned and his own ingenuity, and I really like how it was presented. Dr. STONE opened the episode by introducing Yo and using him to reestablish how different Chrome is from more “modern” people. After all, even as meat heads they have a modern education and know a basic amount of science. More than you would expect a “primitive” to know at any rate. But Dr. STONE uses this to remind us that science has no barriers, anyone can use it if they put their mind to it. Whether it be a modern day genius like Senku or a “simple primitive” like Chrome.

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This weeks sees the Senku 1 get both a name change and an upgrade! Meanwhile Chrome comes up with a plan of escape and Tsukasa begins to take action, all in this weeks episode of Pimp My Ride Dr. STONE! So without further ado, lets dive in!

First I want to talk about the slow shift in focus we’ve seen these last two episodes. I said in the seasonal preview that I was afraid this season of Dr. STONE would focus to much on the conflict and not enough on the science. And the next few episodes, 2 and 3, help alleviated that. We got a good focus on humanity, some scientific progress, the sort of thing you want out of Dr. STONE. But these past two episodes we are starting to see it slide back down the science slope. We’re starting to burn through science scenes, such as the quick upgrading of the Steam Gorilla with its new wheels and such, in favor of progressing the conflict more and more. My favorite bits like the humanity aren’t totally gone, and Senku got to showoff the paper shield a bit. Just not as much as I’d like.

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Dr.STONE S2 – 4 [Full Assault]

And we are back with more Dr. STONE! This week we Chrome gets captured, Tsukasa reappears and Senku builds a car of all things. So without further ado lets dive in!

This week was a bit of a slow one for Dr. STONE as its a bit of a transitionary episode. No big emotional gutpunches, just setup for future conflict and reintroducing our main villains. It also wasn’t that great production wise as we can see from the CGI mechanics and the return of still, sliding objects. About the only thing Dr. STONE did do this week was further its narrative a bit through the reintroduction of Tsukasa. This marks the first time we have seen him since the start of season one. We’ve heard plenty from Hyoga and the others but he hasn’t had much presence. So the question becomes: Can Tsukasa earn his place as the antagonist of Dr. STONE?

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Dr. STONE S2 – 3 [Call from the Dead]

Welcome to week 3 of Dr. STONE! If you enjoyed last weeks emotional cliffhanger then boy do I have an episode for you. This week Chrome struts his stuff, Taiju gets punched in the face and Dr. STONE hits us with another tear-jerker of a climax. Without further ado, lets dive in!

Starting off, I can’t get enough of how vibrant and colorful Dr. STONE is. The colors always pop, especially when it goes all in on the big emotional moments. Yet it never seems to lose that thick line work that I love. Obviously as we zoom out to wide shots the detail decreases. We also see some increased CGI for some of the more mechanical science bits back at the village. But when it’s important, Dr. STONE never fails to craft some stunning stills. Add on to that the improved animation we have seen and it looks as if the production is in a very healthy place. I can only hope this holds true, because every week I find myself looking forward to more Dr. STONE. It’s not the hypest or most action packed series this season, but its competing for the most heart.

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I am back baby, and with another season of Dr. STONE! I’m so glad this series got a second season. Because while this arc is a bit more combat focused, it appears like Director Shinya Iino knows exactly what people loved about the first. The science is back in full force, the picturesque direction and we may even have a few animators this time! So without further ado, lets dive into episode 2!

Speaking of animators, hot damn does Dr. STONE actually have a few now. Last season was hardly animated at all, relying primarily on well shot stills and poses. This season however already has a few pretty good cuts and I’m looking forward to more! By no means is this a sakuga action show now but it is a step up. And the best part is that Dr. STONE hasn’t lost what made last season work either. The emotive posing, detailed background art and expressive… expressions are all still there. The Homura chase sequence was a perfect way to show off all of these, as we got a bit of each one. I don’t know if this is just a one-off event to start the season off. But my hope is that with the reduced run time, 11 episodes, Dr. STONE will be able to show off a bit more.

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Dr.STONE Anime Review – 71/100

There are few genres more ubiquitous than Battle Anime. From classics like One Piece and Naruto to the modern like Kimetsu no Yaiba and Black Clover, they are everywhere. Constantly trying to one up or explore the idea in new ways. As a consequence of this, a sub-genre began to appear, cleverly called “Non-Battle” Battle Anime by Super Eyepatch Wolf. In these kinds of anime, it rare for a conflict to be physical in nature. Whether it be cooking in Food Wars or gambling in Ultimate Survivor Kaiji, a punch is rarely thrown. Dr.STONE by TMS Entertainment however takes this one step further, removing the battle portion entirely, unless you count battles with nature herself. And it is here, in the survival and science rather than physical combat, in a celebration of what it means to be human, that Dr.STONE excels.

Without further ado, it’s time to get into the review.

(Disclaimer: I am working to make 50 the new “average”. 70 is not an average score people. 70 is above average. Also this review contains minor spoilers. Carry on.) Continue reading “Dr.STONE Anime Review – 71/100”

Dr.STONE – 24 [Voices Over Infinite Distance]

And so ends Dr.STONE, at least until next year when the announced 2nd season comes out. Its been a series of highs and lows, but one I ultimately enjoyed, and this episode is no different. As we get one more heartwarming moment of humanity, some comedy and a teaser of what is to come. Lets dive in!

Starting off, this episode was actually a nice look back at the season and all that was accomplished. Of course some of it was just raw montage’s of what happened. But most of it was presented in an organic way. Such as instead of raw flashbacks, we just cut to shots of the actual creations themselves. From the ramen stand or the forges, etc etc. Another good example of this was the juxtaposition between when the astronauts were making the record. Showing Senku and crew making a record player in the present, mimicking their bonds through the milenia. For what has partially a recap episode, it was nicely put together and felt more like a look back at how far we had come. Now though, let’s move on to the meat.

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