Mob Psycho 100 III – 3 [Getting Carried Away ~100%~]

Hello everyone and welcome back to Mob Psycho 100, the best show of the season! It’s a rather tame episode this week, but even tame a Mob Psycho episode is still one of the most solid things to air. Don’t believe me? Well lets jump in and see if I can’t convince you by the end of this post.

First up, what do I mean by “tame”? Simply that there weren’t any “big” moments. No grand sakuga showcase, no fight, nothing that we can point to and say “That looked incredible”. Instead what we got was simple, solid consistency. Everything from small scenes of character acting to expressive body language and engaging visual metaphors. The kind of things that fall by the wayside in a lot of series, because who is going to notice, right? But Mob Psycho is known both for its incredible highs and it’s consistently solid “lows”. So now that we’ve seen that solid “low”, when can we expect the high? And remember, I say low but that’s still wildly above average for TV anime. Back to the high, from what I’ve read we know that Hakuyu Go, from Season 2 Episode 5 fame, is working primarily on episode 8. So expect that to be huge.

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Mob Psycho 100 III – 2 [Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki Appears! ~The Threat of a Hundred Demons!!~]

Hello everyone, and welcome to the premier show of the season, Mob Psycho 100 III! Some people might take issue with that considering some of the other big hitters airing, but this is my post not theirs so they can suck it. Enough with the rivalry though, lets dive into the episode proper!

Right off the bat, Mob Psycho continues to be one of the best looking shows of the season. The colors are bright and saturated, characters expressive, the movement dynamic. There’s no CG backdrops or janky crowds, just hand drawn goodness. Sure, it’s not polished and perfect. The lines aren’t neat and clean. But there’s a distinctly human element to it that I love. To paraphrase kVin, who often expresses the same feelings I have but with better words, it’s appealing in a way few things are and really fits what Mob Pyscho is going for. Combine that with the extensive use of eyecatches and this is some of the most visually engaging stuff I’ve watched this season. You could argue about Do It Yourself‘s expressive and polished visuals, or for Time Machine Blue‘s timeless minimalism. But for me? Mob Psycho is where it’s at.

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