Jujutsu Kaisen S2 – 4 [Hidden Inventory 4]

Welcome all, to the climax of Jujutsu Kaisen’s Hidden Inventory arc! Much like Undead Murder Farce, I apologize for this being so late. I was attending Otakon this past weekend and while it was a great time, I’m behind on… literally everything. So enough lollygagging, lets dive into the episode!

Starting off, while this episode wasn’t as visually as impressive I was hoping it would be, thematically I think it was fantastic. Yeah, there wasn’t the same degree of spectacle as say… the ending of Season 1, or Mahito vs Itadori. But in place of that Jujutsu Kaisen managed to tell a story with its fights. The way Fushiguro played with Suguru, explaining himself in such a way as to purposefully mislead him while at the same time powering himself up as per his pact. Or how it communicated Gojo’s mentality in the second half. And none of that is to say it looked bad, it obviously looked great. It was just more… subdued then I was expecting, in a good way. They didn’t go over the top and ruin it with poorly composited CGI backgrounds like the previous seasons forests for instance. Overall I’d say it was… Just right.

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Jujutsu Kaisen S2 – 3 [Hidden Inventory 3]

Welcome all, to episode 3 of Season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen! Apologies for the delay on this, I had a concert last night and was out until 4am. On a side note, all of you should go check out Ok Goodnight and Challenger Deep, great bands. Enough of that though, on with the episode!

Getting into the episode proper, I need to reiterate that this is, hands down, the best Jujutsu Kaisen has ever been. Ever. Without question. Everything about this season so far is hands and feet above what came before. From the character interactions and individual stories in this little stand alone arc to its implications on the larger story. The only thing I think Jujutsu Kaisen season 1 may have a leg up on is animation. Not because this season is bad, in fact as far as direction goes I would say this season is still the clear victor. But This episode showed us a bit of what can happen when you get to ambitious. Some of Gojo’s fight looked kinda sloppy, such as Gojo’s Blue attack. The CGI, compositing, and general style of animation just weren’t quite there for me. At least the character acting was top notch though.

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Jujutsu Kaisen S2 – 2 [Hidden Inventory 2]

Welcome back everyone, to another season of Jujutsu Kaisen! This shouldn’t come as a surprise, we all knew it was coming and you all know I like to try and cover sequels when I can. What is a surprise though is just how positive I am on it, as I ended Season 1 with some concerns. Why am I so positive on it? Well let’s jump right in and talk about that!

Starting with the production, it should come as no surprise that Jujutsu Kaisen looks pretty good, on basically every level. The animation is fun, whether it be character expressions or battle sequences, the direction feels nice with good use of visual metaphors, such as basically any scene with Fushiguro in it. We haven’t gotten anything particularly incredible yet, nothing that breaks the bank or makes you go “Wow”, but overall I think it’s solid. Definitely above your average “Shot-reverse-shot” anime production. If I’m being honest though, I’m not really all that concerned about this? Jujutsu Kaisen is MAPPA’s Golden Goose, they aren’t going to leave it out to dry. We will get some fantastically animated action scenes. We will also, probably, get some questionable composites and schedule crunch just like we did with Season 1. Will that stop me from enjoying the right though? Not really. And here’s why.

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Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Review 80/100

Recently it feels like there’s a Shonen Jump series in every season. From last years Kimetsu no Yaiba and Haikyu to Dr. STONE S2 this season and even My Hero Academia S5 coming up. Everywhere you go its Jump, Jump, Jump. Sometimes a man wants a break. Oh what’s that? A new cornerstone of Weekly Shonen Jump got an anime adaptation you say? Kohei Horikoshi of My Hero Academia called it the next pillar of the magazine? And Keiichiro Watanabe is animating for it?! Well count me in! Originally created by Gege Akutami, produced by MAPPA and directed by Seong-Hu Park who also recently The God of Highschool, ladies and gentleman I present to you: *Jujutsu Kaisen, the next big thing. So without further ado, lets jump into it.
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Jujutsu Kaisen – 24 [Accomplices]

This is it, the grand finale, the last episode of Jujutsu Kaisen… And its actually pretty good. We get some sakuga, there’s no cliffhangers and most important of all Nobara finally gets a moment to shine. I can’t believe my wish got fulfilled that quickly. So without further ado lets jump right into it!

And as always the first thing we need to talk about is the production. Some how, some way, MAPPA managed to make it through the season without melting. There were some warning signs in there and even this episode suffers a bit from poorly composited CGI trees. Beyond that ever returning bugbear though? It was pretty damn good. Keiichiro Watanabe makes a return with his cloth and effects animation on Nobara’s final blow. Meanwhile Seong-Hu Park once again proves himself a more proficient animator than he is director in the close quarters Itadori sequence. And it’s not as if the animation was restricted to just the action either. Tomiya’s work on Mahito during the board game was stellar, not to mention a few other scenes as well. As far as ending a season strong I think Jujutsu Kaisen did just that here.

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Jujutsu Kaisen – 23 [The Origin of Blind Obedience 2]

Welcome everyone to the penultimate episode of Jujutsu Kaisen! And this week I present to you: Megumi Fushiguro. That’s it. I don’t have anything clever here, this is Fushiguro’s episode and its pretty damn good. So lets dive into it.

As always lets start by first bitching about Jujutsu Kaisen’s production. Or at least that’s what I would say if it didn’t do a great job this week. Everything from the composite and choreography to even the CGI tracking shots were good. Whether it be the intensity of Gojo’s stare during Fushiguro’s flashback or Itadori running and spinning through the domain. It’s frankly amazing how much of a difference changing the environment you are tracking in can help. I’m sure you remember the forests of the tournament arc and just how… bad that looked. Of course part of that comes down to this room being a flat plane compared to complex foliage. But it’s not as if Park didn’t know what the environment would be like in each of these shots before planning them out. So let this be a lesson on using the right tool for the right scene.

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Jujutsu Kaisen – 22 [The Origin of Blind Obedience]

Welcome back to Jujutsu Kaisen! Last week was a contentious one going by the comments. And by contentious I mean people thought I was a tad harsh and may have missed the point of the episode. Well for those people I have good news, because I actually quite enjoyed this one! Surprising considering its 90% setup but it’s setup done well. So without further ado lets jump into Jujutsu Kaisen!

Like I said, this week is primarily setup for what is to come. It’s a lot of talking, wandering around and basically no fighting until the very last second. So the question becomes: Why do I think this is good setup compared to most anime? And the answer I have come up with is this: We still had interesting and meaningful character interaction, with history about Fushiguro specifically, that made it worth our time. Whether it be Fushiguro’s time in middle school or his more serious inner conflict about his sister, we learned more about who Fushiguro is. And these weren’t just random tidbits, info dumping his backstory for us. They were directly involved in the random B-plot of the episode and that made them feel… important. Even if they probably aren’t in the long run. It’s this sense of importance that makes this episode work for me.

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Jujutsu Kaisen – 21 [Jujutsu Koshien]

I can’t lie, this was a weird week for Jujutsu Kaisen. Between the baseball, the comedy and the serious plot I had no idea what it was trying to accomplish. I don’t think Jujutsu Kaisen knows either to be frank. So without further ado lets dive in to the wacky world of cursed baseball.

As I said, this is tonally a very weird episode. Large portions of Jujutsu Kaisen were very comedy focused this week, and to great success I would say. Toudou getting hit in the face with a baseball and then the follow up gag of it being completely on purpose was hilarious. It was hands down the best joke not only of the episode but of the series as a whole. But interspersed between those jokes, between the baseball stat cards and fun scenes, we got… serious character flashbacks about abandonment? And philosophical talks between headmasters about whether or not Itadori should get to live? What? It felt like Jujutsu Kaisen didn’t have enough baseball content to fill a full episode with. That makes sense, no doubt the baseball was a single chapter in the manga. With an anime’s pacing though it makes for an awkward episode.

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Jujutsu Kaisen – 20 [Nonstandard]

Welcome back to another episode of Jujutsu Kaisen! I hope you’re ready to boogie woogie till the sun goes down, because this week danced right back into my good graces. Toudou proves why he’s the best character in this entire arc, Gojo goes ham on a forest and Itadori sets a record. So without further ado lets dive in!

Right off the bat I think this episode worked much better than the last. Everything about the production, from the music to the animation to the sheer fun of it, is just better. It feels like there was a clear vision on how to present Toudou and his ability. Especially when compared to the inconsistencies in Hanami’s branches last week and my general dislike for Park’s style. This week definitely wasn’t perfect of course. Some of the early cuts, particularly the first Boogie Woogie, felt… slow and oddly paced. As if they were animated on 4’s instead of 2’s or 1’s. The composition of these shots worked but I don’t think the animation was able to keep up. After that though the episode just improved as it went. Things sped up, Toudou took control of the scenes and Jujutsu Kaisen just became a blast to watch. Gimme more of this.

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Jujutsu Kaisen – 19 [Black Flash]

This is it, it’s here, Kimetsu no Yaiba Jujutsu Kaisen episode 19! I would call that a joke but Jujutsu Kaisen really tried to pull out all the stops this week. From big flashy fight sequences to some emotional moments, it tried. But does it succeed? Well lets talk about that.

Starting off, production was all over the place. The animation was incredible of course. From Itadori’s kick sequence to Hanami’s flowers and tree growth. It’s all very dynamic, moved well and looked great. The problem is that the composite was complete shit. More often than not the characters didn’t look like they belonged in the world. Whether it be the utterly terrible splashing water or CGI forest once again standing out, it was bad. Of special note is the running sequence atop Hanami’s branches which just feels like an inferior version of Yutaka Nakamura’s work on the first My Hero Academia movie which you can find here. I don’t want to criticize Keiichiro Watanabe to much. The vines/trees and the actual character animations are fucking incredible as you will see in the clip below. But they don’t fit together well, with Itadori’s run seeming to float above the environment.

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