This episode definitely had some interesting twists, and quite a surprising lead character: that middle-aged guy in trench-coat that we’ve been seeing once in a while in the first half. At first I thought that the creators were creating some side-story here, but the twist in the middle of the episode was… unexpected to say the least.
Looking for some interesting article to write in order to win back his daughter, it seemed like a pretty straight-forward episode that delved into film-noir territory, but having him stabbed and brainwashed was an interesting twist that asks a few more questions about the identity of that strange slasher. Is it really like some kind of parasite or virus that hops from one person to the other? Could the body that attacked him be one of those teenaged girls or something? And how does that slasher have access to the Dollars chatbox?
I’d guess that in a few episodes the show will get to the point in which it can show off the pay-off of all the build-up of the previous episodes. Having excellent build-up is of course one thing, but actually using it is something different, and I’m interested to see what this series can do. It’s obviously been building up a lot during the past few episodes, so they’re not as good or interesting as some of the parts of the first half, but it can still go anywhere at this point.
Here’s one concern, though: it seems to me that the graphics and animation isn’t as good as it used to be. Especially in this episode, the animation wasn’t as solid as we’ve been used to from this series, the backgrounds were a bit bland, and the movement of the characters also felt a bit jerky. Let’s hope that Brains Base saved enough of its budget to also deliver a solid finale.
Rating: * (Good)