O Maidens in Your Savage Season – 05 [Things That Changed Before We Knew It]

Um, okay. deep breath So, this show introduced a character who’s a walking red flag; a loud, wailing warning sign with the capability of turning any and every potential viewer away. And it somehow tries to humanize him in a way? The show tries to do the near impossible task of explaining his psychology to help us at least understand who he is as a person even if we cannot relate. Even though he is an out-and-out pedophile!! Does it succeed or should you stop watching now? Read on to find out!

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O Maidens in Your Savage Season – 04 [The Purpose of Books]

Imagine this. You’re a child. 9 or 10 years old. You don’t know how to talk to people or make friends. You feel lonely so you ask your parents to get you a pet. A puppy. Puppies are really loyal so he’d never leave your side. Your parents tell you wait to wait for some time. Wait you do. Time passes. Years. Everyone else who was a little like you has learned to fit into society. But you wait. Patiently. Diligently. Then, one day your parents tell you that you can have your pet now. But they can’t get you a puppy. Those require too much maintenance. They can maybe get you a hamster or something small. But you don’t want that. You want a dog. It’s your choice now. You can either wait for a puppy or you can be alone.

Hello, everyone. Good to have you back for week 4 of O Maidens in Your Savage Season. Apologies for the late post. I’ve been a bit busy with life stuff. Anyway, getting back on track, this time around, our side characters are fleshed out further and everyone in the cast now really feels believeable and well, real. There’s quite A LOT that happens in this episode. Let’s get to it!

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O Maidens in Your Savage Season – 03 [Willy’s Real Rear Wheel]

I hate stereotypes. Mostly because they’re just the viewpoints of people lazy enough to not make the effort to know better. And from personal experience, I can safely say that women bear the burden of facing this almost all the time. Unjustified and stupid as it may be. If you’re a blonde, you must be dumb. If you wear short skirts, you’re loose. If you’re Asian, you must suck at the Queen’s vernacular. And the most preposterous of them all: If you’re a woman, sex must not cross your mind or may even disgust you. And that, is the main theme of this week’s episode of O Maidens in Your Savage Season.

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O Maidens in Your Savage Season – 02 [Es Ee Ecks]

To someone on the outside looking in, the anime medium, or what it has become now, comprises of some incredibly good seasonal shows that never become truly great; behind these, we have a slew of solid ones followed by a sea of mediocrity. And all this covers a fifty feet deep pile of crap that everyone should best avoid as anything constituting it is severely injurious to health. That, is the general perspective of your average semi-aware anime viewer. While it is fairly adequate and won’t hinder their anime experience to a major degree, it would also mean that they fail to unearth the true gems of the medium which sometimes don’t get discovered because they aren’t immediately marketable or popcorn-media. And O Maidens in Your Savage Season is one of these gems.

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