Bleach – 67

In this episode, there was one imposter among our heroes, and they had to find out who it is. Of course, as all of the main characters have the intelligence of a mortified pineapple, they just randomly did stuff without thinking of the idea to ask each other some smart questions.

Anyway, apart from that, this episode was very enjoyable to watch. It’s also been the first time in ages that Bleach really had nearly killed me from laughter on one particularly wrong scene (everyone: don’t miss is. ;)).

Okay, next time will probably feature the end of this very special arc. I wonder what it’ll be.

Bleach – 66

This was a pretty entertaining episode. I’m beginning to like the new Bleach. It’s starting to turn into the brilliance of the first 30 episodes again. Thank goodness for that.

Okay, it may be a filler. But it sure is a good filler. I just love the way the everyone abuses and yells to each other, Kon’s hilarious when he’s not near Inue, and finally some problems are presented in which the characters have to use their brains, instead of their muscles. I can’t believe a show like Bleach would ever have that in it, to show such intelligence.

Also, Kon’s new back-pack-mode is hilarious, and have I mentioned before that the bad guys are great and the ED too cute?

Bleach – 65

The first half of this episode reminded me of those horrible american cartoons, in which someone or something has been caught and the main character has to do some kind of treasure hunt/quest in order to get it back… I’m also curious about the motives of the new bad guys. Why the heck would they capture her? Do they want something from Ichigo, or were they just in the neighbourhood and found it a nice idea to drop by and say "Hi!" in a kindof eccentric way? And why would they organize such a treasure hunt in order to do it?

I do like the bad guys themselves. They show lots of potential, and seem better antagonists than Aizen and his gang.

Oh, and btw, the new ED is too cute. ^^

Bleach – 64

It was great to see everyone who was left behind again after Ichigo set off for Soul Society. Especially Ichigo’s father cracked me up. What I found a bit weak was the fact that Renji suddenly appeared. He was getting popular, so the creators certainly couldn’t avoid to write him out of the series, so they tried to find an excuse to stuff him into this arc somehow. Furthermore, Inoue gets some serious screentime, probably the first time in fifty episodes, and we already know the goal for the next fifty episodes of the series. We also got a small glimpse of the new bad guys. I don’t know why the creators tried so hard to hide their faces, when right afterwards the ED gives us some nice close-ups of our new antagonists. I have to say, I like their art. The little girl is also too cute.

Bleach – 63

Recap episode. Along with the ending of the ending of Soul Society arc.

"Celebration! Rukia rescue!"
"Shine Away! The ten fights of the Shinigami!"
"We will show you your favourite Shinigami!"
"On top of that, we’ll show you new developments!"

That’s the caption of this episode. I don’t know, but it seems a bit desperate. Especially the latest sentence. Are the creators that scared of losing people in a recap episode? I’m a bit sceptic about this. Another thing that I find strange is that they keep talking about the ten fights. Eventually, we just get to see seven of them. Did the creators have something special in mind, or are they just trying to save some budget?

Anyway, the recap itself consisted of almost all of the long fights that had happened in the series, put in just twenty-five minutes. The creators obviously tried to give the fight-loving viewers a little extra, by repeating the "good things" all over again. I, however, hated it.

Then we get Ichigo&co saying goodbye to everyone, and Rukia deciding to stay. That one’s an interesting development, but a tiny voice inside of me keeps yelling that they’ll eventually end up together again. My intuition says that that’ll happen within two episodes.

The thing I enjoyed about this episode was the comedy that finally returned to the series. From Ichigo’s arguing, to Kon’s blabbering and Inoue’s naiveness to Kenpachi’s enthusiasm.

About the next arc: I’m getting a bit worried. The fights at the soul society were already incredibly long. I have a feeling that the creators are trying to surpass themselves, with even longer fights. As for Ichigo, I would so love it if he became the bad guy in his Hollow-form. That would be so awesome. But then again… looking at some of the signs of low-budget in this episode, that probably won’t be happening.

Bleach – 62

A lot of things happened this episode. Some for the best, some for the worst. The big bad guy is uberpowerful. He manages to execute his plan. And Rukia is no longer needed, so she needs to be killed. I wasn’t very pleased with these turn of events. It all seemed to go too easy for the bad guy. Then suddenly everyone arrives right at the same time to help out Ichigo and company. I’m really having love-hate feelings over this. It was of course great to see all those characters back with some roles, especially since it wasn’t at the last possible minute that they made their entrance. I also found it highly enjoyable after I saw the first ones appear. But isn’t it a bit too coïncidental to make ALL of them appear at the same friggin’ time? Well, afterwards, you finally think that they are going to give a nice turn to the story, but no. The bad guys just ascend into heaven and disappear. I guess the creators wanted to have everyone important see the events that were about to happen, for god knows why. Anyway, everyone’s happy, everything is over, everyone’s still alive (Ugh! >.<), and the bad guys still roam somewhere, probably waiting to be slaughtered by Ichigo in the end.

There are two things I really liked about this episode. The first thing was the fox trying to get to Tousen. At the beginning, this seemed to go totally wrong, as he got slaughtered by the big bad guy in less than a second, but the creators managed to execute this part pretty well. I’m curious about what is about to happen to them. The other thing I liked was Byakuya’s explanation of his reasons. These actually seem very plausible, and left me with a good feeling afterwards.

Overall, I’m looking forward to the next couple of episodes. The climax is over now, so there’ll probably be more time for comic relief – the strength of Bleach. Let us hope they won’t screw this up as well.

Bleach – 61

Yes, so what if most of the screenshots are of the 4th squad vice-chief? I like her, she has an awesome character. Apart from that, this episode has been awfully weak. We finally get to learn the reason why the big bad guy (I’m just calling him this to avoid spoilers) is doing this, but it would’ve been better if we weren’t told. So, in the end, it does revolve around Rukia. Everything that’s been happening this series was all well coordinated and directed by the big bad guy. I really liked the uber-powerful soul-slayer-story better. Furthermore, right at the moment when a character’s about to be slashed to death, who comes to save him at the last possible minute? Right. And, of all the people, why did Urahara choose Rukia? And why does the big bad guy find out about this only just a few moments after he left? And why did the almighty Ichigo even get involved in this? It seems that almost everything that’s been happening in this series was either directed by Urahara or the big bad guy, and for the things they didn’t have anything to do with, there the phenomena called "luck" was helping them to make everything go according to plan.

It also seems that the total death count has reached zero once more. Here I was with a sparkle of hope for a minute, but they were crushed as flies. Are the creators too scared to kill of their characters, or something?

Okay, enough about the bad things. Now the good things. The part in which the 4th squad vice-chief let everybody know about the plan of Aizen was perfect. Not only did it include the vice-chief, but it did also show the a lot of characters that haven’t been on the screen for a long while. This did good in making me anticipate to see more of them. This made me see that this show does have a lot of good character, which are awesome when they are not in the spotlights. The cliffhanger at the end of the episode also has potential to give a nice twist. At least, if the creators give it a chance.

Bleach – 60

Aaaah, so this was the big thing everyone was waiting for. The big bad guy is finally revealed, and next episode we’ll learn what he’s planning. It’s interesting to see how every character will be reacting to this, but I do have some problems with this. The big bad guy just seems too ultrapowerful. It’s perfect in any way, and has found a perfect strategy. I so hope that at least a few persons will be able to make him scared, apart, of course, from Ichigo. It was also nice to see a whole episode without him. He’s by no means a bad character, but when he does get in the spotlight, especially at this point, you can take poison on that he’s going to end up fighting.

It was also nice to see that some people actually DIED this episode. Finally they are moving into the right direction a bit, although the creators have to make their deaths count for a bit, and not make it seem like they wanted to get rid of a few characters because of budgetting problems.

That said, I’m still a bit disappointed with how this turned out. The reason stated above. This episode did make me lose even more interest in the main plot, but ironically it did increase my interest for the subplots. Especially the conflict between the 1st, 8th and 13th captain (read: conflict, NOT fight).

Bleach – 59

Another one of the series I’ll be blogging. I really recommend the first thirty episodes, they’re funny as hell, and the story and dialogue has been carried out extremely well.

After the first thirty episodes, however, this series starts falling down a veeerry deeeeep hole. It’s almost only people fighting each other and getting stronger, and I’m more and more reminded of a certain Dragonball Z. Hence, this is why I believe it’s so popular. I, however, hate these kinds of fights that drag on for episodes.

This episode was also for most of the time two big strong guys, showing off their power, and throwing light flashes at each other. Not very impressive. There were two things I did like here: the hyperactive hollow-like thing that suddenly burst out of Ichigo. He’ll make a nice antagonist, I believe. His fight was also extremely short. I like that. That part was really well done.

The other part I like, was at the end, at the place of the cliffhanger. It seems like we finally get to know who’s been causing mayhem from inside the soul society. The bad part, is of course that we almost KNOW that it can’t be the third captain. All the evidence has been pointed to him, he’s been in the spotlights for all the show, so there’s no way he can be the real culprit.