Casshern Sins – 20

Short Synopsis: Casshern finally meets Luna
Episode Rating: 8,5/10 (Awesome)
Casshern Sins has just been a string of awesomeness for the past few episodes. Especially this episode was one of those where everything comes together. Casshern finally gets the chance to meet Luna, and because the entire series has been building up to this moment, the results were nothing short of awesome.

So as it turns out, Luna doesn’t turn out to be such a sweetheart after all. In this episode, she shows that she hates things that are about to die, so because of that she simply kills them off. Dune’s reasoning seems to be that if they’d die, they’d make Luna sad, so it’s just better to kill them off so that this doesn’t happen. In the end, Luna’s just someone who’s been obsessed with her own status: she never dies, and if she were to, everyone would go with her. She continuously needs to heal others, and eventually she changed from a nice healer to some sort of obsessive guru-type person.

This episode also seems to explain why there are so many of those angry robots fighting. Before the ruin, they basically lived in a world where they couldn’t die: if they got hurt, they’d simply visit Luna in order to get healed. Because of that, they grew up in a society in which there was no fear of death, and the morals must have been pretty low on each other’s mind: nobody had to struggle for survival, because Luna was there anyway! Now that the ruin started, and everyone’s going to die anyway, they still can’t remember what it means to have your life lost, or to take the lives of others, since it’s so new to them.

She really is symbolic of the sun, in a much less overglorified fashion as usual: she’s there. Without her, everyone will die, but she never grants wishes, cares for anyone or helps those in need.

But damn, this series has now accumulated quite an army of villains: we already had Dio, Leda and Braiking Boss, and now Luna also joined their ranks. All four of them have their own agendas, and with only four episodes left in this series it’s going to be very interesting to see how all of their story-lines are going to be concluded.

15 thoughts on “Casshern Sins – 20

  1. And it keeps getting better .

    I haven’t watched a single episode , yet i feel like this is a great series just from your blogs . After i finish a couple of older series that i am in the middle of watching , i think i will watch all of Casshern in a day .

  2. I wouldn’t really count Braiking boss as a villain, seems more like a spectator. But Luna and Leda seem to be the more interesting final boss material, I’m still discounting Dio I don’t really consider him so much a villain as more of an obsessed rival with security problems. Seems more like Leda and Luna are the ones that stand out to actually having an agenda. But that is a shock as to how cold Luna actually is, definitely can’t wait for this to be subbed.

  3. Only four more episodes? I thought this is going up to 26? Well, the sooner the better.

    I’ve only seen the raw, but I could tell that this episode is definitely one of the better ones. It may seem uninteresting at first, but it surprisingly isn’t.

  4. Yes this is a very good series so far. Im really curious to see how it will all turn out. Although there is a way they could end it and ruin it, to the point of being overly obvious and i hope they stray from that. Still as of yet, i think mouryou no hako has it beat by a long shot in my humble opinion/,

  5. I’ve seen the subbed video, and the thing that spoke the strongest to me about this episode is the “disappointment at the end of the journey” aspect of it. Usually, there is “a light at the end of the tunnel”. Well, there is a light here, but not the kind any of the characters were expecting. In fact, what they got was, in a sense, even worse than Luna not being there.

    Casshern looks like he’s going to kill Luna again, but I know he isn’t going to do that by his own will. But what’s interesting about the whole scenario is that after “Jesus Casshern” has born the cross of being Luna’s killer all this time, he and his companions find the same Luna as someone deserving to be killed.

    By the way, I don’t agree that Braiking Boss is a villain in this series. At the least, not anymore. Time and time again, we have seen that he’s not the villain he was somehow made out to be by his reputation. Also, while this episode isn’t exactly the best in terms of visuals, I really like the way Lyuze is drawn here. I just thought I’d mention that.

  6. Nothing much to chime in other than this series really delivers, I’m glad the meeting with Luna didn’t fall short on expectations. Definitely can’t wait for the following episodes, looks like Leda and Dio are now going to make a move. Hm I’m guessing Dio will be meeting with Casshern soon based on the preview, perhaps their duel is closing in?

  7. I’m guessing Luna became cold after being hit by Casshern, and maybe Casshern took her kind personality and got it, hence his development. On the other hand, if Luna was always like that, maybe that’s why she named “The sun that was called the moon,” representing two sides, a la Jeckyll and Hyde. And Casshern might have remembered something like this before that made him want to hit Luna.

    What’s even more mysterious, Dune seems to know that she’s that inconsiderate, and was still loyal to her. Wonder what other traits Luna’s got. Mind control?

    On Braiking Boss… he may be a villain yet… or just close to it, since he did create evil in the past after all. We’ll see anyway who takes the cake at the end…

  8. I’m thinking, that multi-colored rock from some episodes ago holds the key to why Luna’s the way she is now.

  9. This was one of the most beautiful episodes. There was a lot of colors used in this episode, especially the black/red graves and blue field of flowers. When dune died it was greenish… beautiful.

    I was shocked to know that Luna was so cold hearted… I thought she was a sweet lil girl, that’s why so many people wanted to protect her (or just cuz she can heal).

    I don’t understand why her personality is so dark and gloomy. Guess she changed?

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