Casshern Sins – 10

Short Synopsis: Dio prepares an army to go against Casshern.
Highlights: Good! Focus on the bad guy!
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10 (Excellent)
Well, I should have known. As awesome as this series is, it still has to obey the Golden Rule of Anime: a character is dead, only when you get to see the dead body appears on screen some way. Luna is alive, although I’m not sure how Casshern found out about that one, but I probably missed a vital piece of dialogue in the previous episode.

In any case, this episode wasn’t the best of this series by far, but it nevertheless was an excellent one, and a very important one as well. Too often I see anime whose bad guys are hardly fleshed out at all. There’s hardly any chance to get to know them, and that’s why they very often fall into the pit of stereotypes. That’s why I’m glad that Dio’s development starts relatively early in the series, when this episode gives him a full episode of attention. I’m already beginning to warm up to the guy.

Also, there really is lots of hugging in this series. I think that this has multiple purposes. For one, it’s very cute, but it also symbolizes warmth; a stark contrast to the cold and dead world that the series is set in, and fully connected to the series’ themes, of trying to do something with your life, even though the world is only getting destroyed.

16 thoughts on “Casshern Sins – 10

  1. Wow, no matter how good this episode was (it was good anyway)you have to appreciate the animators of this series. I mean, just look at the fight in this episode. There was so much key animation and it flowed so well.

  2. I’m pretty sure Luna’s condition was nothing more than a rumor last episode being spouted by some generic robots. So I do wonder how it got confirmed this episode D:

  3. Early in the series? I was under the impression that this is gonna run for 13 eps only. Of course, I would be happy to be wrong about that.

  4. Luna is alive, although I’m not sure how Casshern found out about that one, but I probably missed a vital piece of dialogue in the previous episode.

    I don’t know how Casshern suddenly just knows Lyuze’s name either, but he does.

    Also, there really is lots of hugging in this series. I think that this has multiple purposes. For one, it’s very cute, but it also symbolizes warmth; a stark contrast to the cold and dead world that the series is set in, and fully connected to the series’ themes, of trying to do something with your life, even though the world is only getting destroyed.

    And it’s not just hugging, as this episode has shown. I wonder when Casshern and Lyuze will get their turn. Dio and Leda’s scene was almost as awesome as the main fight scene of this episode. I’m sure Casshern and Lyuze’s will be even more awesome than… like, than even those two combined.

    Speaking of Leda, it’s kind of disappointing that after all that “cool act”, she gets ass handed to her in her very first fight in the series. I guess its not too different from what they did with Lyuze, but Lyuze was up against one of the Casshern-Dio-Leda-types, and this was the complete reverse of that.

    And her sharing some common ground with Lyuze in the sense of being “female”, using a weapon, and losing her first fight; already tells me that they’re destined to go against each other someday. Another thing to look forward to.

    Early in the series? I was under the impression that this is gonna run for 13 eps only. Of course, I would be happy to be wrong about that.

    I think he was talking about episode 06.

    I also thought that 12-13 eps. would just be right for this series before. Then I realized that the series is going to go up to the 24-26 range with the use of “fillers”. I wasn’t too happy about that at first. But given the quality of each episode and the fair amount of development between Casshern and Lyuze, I learned to deal with it, sit back, and just enjoy the ride.

  5. “Luna is alive, although I’m not sure how Casshern found out about that one, but I probably missed a vital piece of dialogue in the previous episode.”


    this is what chassern said at the end of the episode. So no, he doesn’t know for sure if she’s still alive, since he lost most of his memories of the past.

    The old crazy bodyguard seem to think she’s dead for sure, but seeing how he survived the encounter with Dio, he’s probably going to either die once he catches up with casshern, or by some wierd twist of fate end up protecting casshern instead.

  6. I’m going to laugh out loud if it will only be 13 eps long.

    PS: 100 points for CxL. Luo’s flashback about Luna as a kid confirmed this is an alternate settings. Aww too bad, cause all the basic plot is now lost now and i yet don’t see any reasonable explanantion about the new one.

  7. I saw the subbed vid just now. It seems that Leda’s got her own motives from the start. It seemed that way in episode 06, and I thought this episode for the most part showed otherwise, but in the end, it’s obvious that Dio is merely instrumental in acheiving her own goals. I don’t know how she came to the conclusion that Luna’s still alive, but apparently, she considers it a threat to her plans.

    Aww too bad, cause all the basic plot is now lost now and i yet don’t see any reasonable explanantion about the new one.

    Do you really need the original plot to enjoy a Casshern title? I think what you’re looking for is a remake or a sequel, and Casshern Sins is simply neither of those.

    By the way, since you seem to be a fan of the original Casshern, you might be interested in the games “Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom Cross Generation of Heroes” and “Tatsunoko Fight”, in case you don’t know of them yet.

  8. This episode: Two guys!
    Next episode: Another guy!

    I think the creators finally realized an essential aspect of the setting they were mostly missing-male characters who get personalities.
    Also, what did Luna have on her head in the flashback? It looked like a helmet thing. That made me wonder if Ringo is connected to Luna somehow, but that’s a random theory at the moment, considering wearing a helmet isn’t a very unique trait. Though, they do have the same coloring.

  9. “Luna is alive, although I’m not sure how Casshern found out about that one, but I probably missed a vital piece of dialogue in the previous episode.”

    He found out about it when Lyuze was going on with her usual spiel of “Everything sucks cuz you killed Luna”. Bolton (the half-ruined robot that remained behind in the field), overheard this and said something along the lines of “Killed Luna? I guess the rumors were wrong.” He then proceeded to tell them of the rumor that Luna is alive and can stop the ruin for those that find her. Then, shortly after Niko died, Casshern promised Bolton that he’d bring Luna back to the field when he found her.

  10. Wow. This episode was great. For some reason the music really stood out for me this ep even though it is really similar to the other episodes music. This was my 2nd favorite episode behind episode 9 which was for me one of the top 5 episodes of an anime I have ever seen.

  11. He found out about it when Lyuze was going on with her usual spiel of “Everything sucks cuz you killed Luna”. Bolton (the half-ruined robot that remained behind in the field), overheard this and said something along the lines of “Killed Luna? I guess the rumors were wrong.” He then proceeded to tell them of the rumor that Luna is alive and can stop the ruin for those that find her. Then, shortly after Niko died, Casshern promised Bolton that he’d bring Luna back to the field when he found her.

    Casshern wasn’t really sure that Luna’s alive.

    Here’s the relevant dialogues (with some edits) from the veoh video at zomganime:

    Robot: What about Luna, I don’t even know where she is. And more than that woman, we believe in Dio.

    Another Robot: We might not be able to survive even if we join the army. Anyway, just look for Luna…

    Bolton: Killed Luna? Since when?

    Lyuze: Since long ago. Ruin started because Luna died.

    Bolton: So… That rumor was fake? The rumor that Luna existed somewhere, and giving life to humans and robots.

    Casshern: Eh?

    Lyuze: Luna can’t be alive.

    Bolton: But a lot of people believe in that rumor. Even among my comrades, knowing that we cannot live long due to the Ruin progressing. Maybe that’s why they chose to believe it. The rumor also said that if we find Luna then we can stop Ruin.

    Casshern: Uh?

    Bolton: I will be staying here. I will be waiting for you to bring Luna here.

    Casshern: I promise you, Boulden, I will bring Luna here.

    Casshern: If I find Luna, then there might be an answer to stopping the Ruin.

  12. That Luna is alive is still a rumor. Just because one or two robots speak of it as truth, doesn’t mean it’s any more true, even in the show. Casshern is looking into it because he has nothing better to do, and wants to stop the ruin.

  13. Bluntly put, but I agree.

    Thinking about it, the people behind this show could have come up with a more convincing plot device than another rumor. At least the rumor about Casshern is somehow supported by his mint-condition appearance. This one has nothing whatsoever to back it up.

  14. Well it does have one thing to back it up nobody has seen the corpse of Luna from the looks of it. Or if not then perhaps… Somebody that may resemble or be similar to Luna, in any case episode 10 gave us a new fragment of the encounter with Luna so there is definitely something up with that. Anyways its just a rumor so its nothing totally confirmed, though Casshern now does have hope. In any case 10 was quite interesting with Leda who seems to be manipulating somethings behind the scenes, what I am just waiting for is Braiking boss, and I do wonder if Dune will return.

  15. Anyone seen some episodes of the original Neo-Human Casshern? I saw the last episode on Youtube, and I think it has a clue on what the ruin is. I suppose the writers of this series will draw on something from the old, aside from the characters. BTW, Luna was Casshern’s girlfriend from the original series. Lyuze, I don’t know if she’ll be Casshern’s love interest in this one. She and Ringo, Ohji, Dio, Leda and named robots are new characters this series.

    Also, in this episode, Luna says she changed because of Casshern’s blood. Casshern has blood? So he may be a cyborg like in the original series.

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