Casshern Sins – 08

Short Synopsis: Casshern meets a female singer.
Highlights: Beautiful climax.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10 (Awesome)
Oh, this was such an sweet episode. It again classifies as “filler”, but I don’t care! Hah! Casshern this time meets a singer, whose songs have an interesting effect on robots: they annoy the hell out of the berserked ones (by lack of a better term for it), but they the ones who aren’t interested in fighting forget about their despair about the destruction. I believe that the berserked ones actually felt the same power of her songs, although they refuse to accept it, which is why they want to destroy her. The irony in this episode was of course that the symbol of hope and destruction end up travelling together for a short while.

And I must say that those songs were really well done: not just in terms of audio, but the visuals also matched the songs perfectly. The engrish was surprisingly well done, and especially the song at the climax of the episode was just wonderful. This episode also showed that Casshern is most definitely made out of metal, so there has to be something inside him that makes him able to shed tears and heal his “wounds”.

My guess is that this show is going to go for the “Bee-Train”-pattern, meaning a first half of mostly unrelated stories and a few hints at an overall story, with a second half where the story takes over the main focus. I must say that I’m a big fan of this approach, because it really allows the viewer to get accustomed to the different characters and the setting before the big stuff starts to happen. And of course, the fact that the creators have made every random episode an excellent showcase in terms of writing, visuals and audio only contributes to that.

6 thoughts on “Casshern Sins – 08

  1. omg i just love this anime. it’s just too great ^.^!! i cannot wait for this to be subbed, the recent episodes were amazing and this really does look amazing too! i also love this approach as you said, it just gives people time to absorb everything.

  2. Bee Train isn’t the only one who’s doing that. It’s a pretty common anime pattern. Seirei no Moribito, Kaiba, Dennou Coil…

  3. Wow. This episode turned out way better than I’ve expected… kinda like episode 06. I guess I’m just happy about the fact that Lyuze’s in it and not only did we get to see her actually fight, but also fight as part of “Team Casshern”. As before, I’ve only seen the raw vid so far, so I don’t really know why, but who cares? She’s in it, and that’s all that really matters to me.

    Casshern this time meets a singer, whose songs have an interesting effect on robots: they annoy the hell out of the berserked ones (by lack of a better term for it), but they the ones who aren’t interested in fighting forget about their despair about the destruction. I believe that the berserked ones actually felt the same power of her songs, although they refuse to accept it, which is why they want to destroy her.
    When I read this prior to seeing the raw vid, I actually thought the singer’s songs have some kind of adverse effect on the berserking Casshern. But as I found out, this wasn’t the case. Those robots you’re talking about aren’t berserking at all. I don’t really know what’s going on, but I know they’re not “berserking”.

    By the way, I agree that the way the songs/singing were well done. At first, I thought it was kind of silly the way the singer just broke out into an engrish song, but that quickly blew over and I started to feel somewhat impressed by it. I’m amazed in particular at how the singer robot just made that impromptu singing into an actual performance.


    Yet another episode about Casshern being a babe-magnet, but I’m pretty sure that he’s gonna end up with that one girl who hasn’t hugged him so far, yet has been with him right from the very start. And I’m not talking about Luna.

  4. I think from episode 7 it seems that the world pretty much rejects hope or the creation of anything new. I guess those that have pretty much resigned themselves to barbarism are somehow frustrated at those who still have hope or the energy to live on and create. Maybe thats why the robots had such adverse affects to Janis and the bell maker, strengthens the whole apocalyptic atmosphere. I really do love how well written this show is~. Just my two cents.

  5. Awesome episode, if all filler episodes in anime are this fantastic i wouldn’t mind fillers at all … if only the were this well executed .. sigh.

    The English songs ( well at least the first one ) felt weird the first time, but later i got captivated by them .. the singer has such a wonderful voice, the words are nice and the music is so well composed …. the audio in general and visuals during the song are just breathtaking, wish that stupid robot grunt didn’t interrupt her first song .. gah .. he got what he deserved from Casshern any way.

    Anyone knows what are those two songs in the episode called or where to get them ?

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