Carole & Tuesday – 17/18 [Head Over Heels/ Only Love Can Break Your Heart]

In episode 17, Etergun receives the spotlight when he basically got the rug pulled off his feet and gains some back at the end of the episode. While the event played out is too quick for me to register his loss, it feels hilarious nonetheless that such a guy with high-esteem like Etergun can feel low and depressed at times. After all, he has to fight between Good Etergun vs Bad Etergun in his head, and the way he was scammed by his Pinocchio AI is a hood tweak on the beloved character. One thing that I feel amiss though, is that there is little to no interaction between him and Carole & Tuesday. Well, he did crash into their house but there’s hardly actual conversation between them, and guess who he wanted to sing for his new song? ANGELA. Well, isn’t that a betrayal of sorts? Kidding aside, the way he and Tao have a totally different approach towards AI music, but are pretty much acknowledge other’s style is another high note for me.

Things get a little bit darker, and more serious in episode 18. First, Angela’s stalker doesn’t leave her a moment of rest here, as he behaves more and more aggressive. Hitting her “rumored lover” by a non-driver car, and apparently stalk her through the camera system in her car? Do those things have any connection? Yes, the automobile. I suppose the creeper is an AI car mechanic/ technician and he uses these assets to stalk on the poor Angela. In another event, Tuesday’s Mom Valerie is involved in much more aggressive political run. It causes a rift between her and her son Spencer, but as Tuesday points out in the interview she isn’t the sort of person that goes for discrimination, so it could mean that she’s suffer about the development as well. Jerry wants Tao for his next move so I’n rather curious on how he will use Tao for political gain.

As for our titular characters, we see Tuesday experiencing a fleeting first crush before it collapses through reality. Kyle is attentive to her but it’s soon clear that it is because of his years in the dangerzone. Speaking of that the sequence in which Tuesday shaking uncontrollably upon a bomb nearby is pretty fantastic. For a show that has always been relied on conventional story progress (well, nothing wrong with that, really), that single moment shows you exactly how inexperienced and naive Tuesday is. Carole & Tuesday the show eventually uses her first lost crush as a way to strengthen the friendship between her and Carole. Whatever sad things happen to her, Tuesday learns that she can always depend on Carole. Like a snow softly falls over Mars, this lost crush feels brief, tender oddly resonant.

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