Bonen no Xamdou – 15

Short Synopsis: Nakiami meets a young Tessik Xam’d boy.
Highlights: Solid aftermath.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
Okay, so it had it coming that this episode would just be a mere aftermath after the huge events of the previous episode, but it still was a very solid and good episode. Akiyuki seems to be taken in by slave traders, Haru gets locked up for her behavior in the previous episode, so that just leaves Nakiami for this episode, as she meets a Xam’d boy who managed to live on his own after being implanted by a Hiruko. He and Furuichi show that you don’t necessarily need someone qualified to survive as a Xam’d, although it definitely helps.

The most important part of this episode was the point where Nakiami used her Kajak to buy off the trouble that the boy (who is called Yango, by the way), and I was surprised at the ease at which she just gave it up. Although I guess that it’d indeed stand out too much in the Northern lands. I’m interested in what the young boy can offer for the rest of the story.

Apart from this, the episode also provided small developments on several subplots, most importantly the strange eye-ball that’s been hanging around Akiyuki for a reason that’ll probably become clear in a number of episodes. I couldn’t quite understand what the conversation between the white-haired people were talking about (I ended up watching this episode raw), but I guess that they’re able to feel whether their comrades have died or not, and they must have gotten pretty surprised to find out that the one who infected Akiyuki and Furuichi is still kept alive. It also seems that those strange mask-caped people are their comrades. Does that also mean that the ones who attacked the Zanbani a bunch of episodes ago are their comrades as well?

2 thoughts on “Bonen no Xamdou – 15

  1. Akiyuki doesn’t seem to be well at all…
    I wonder if that black eye has something to do with that big strange thing that swallowed Nakiami in that one episode and just wanished.
    Thank you for blogging again.

  2. I found it interesting that so far, nobody (I think) has mentioned about Captain Ishuu & that military dude that they both behave in the same way and the show focuses a lot on it: they shake their feet a lot… I’m guessing that Ishuu has had some kind of thing going on between both of them in the past.

    Anyways, love this show 🙂

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