Oh. My. God.
That was more shocking than I ever imagined. This episode introduces the second half of Bokura no, and holy god…. that was awesome, disturbing, touching, exciting and I couldn’t help but love it. Bokura no already was my favourite show of the spring-season, and here it comes and turns even better!!
I knew that the other robots were piloted by other children as well, but actually seeing these people, who were about to be killed by our group of kids made a huge impact on me. Fighting against other robots and planets is easy, but once you know who’s inside them, things go a whole lot different.
Apparently, judging by the fact that this episode featured a new ED, Bokura no will be 24-episodes long, and that with only five pilots left (seven, if you count the adults). I really wonder about the surprises that the second half of this show will bring us, and the next episode is promising to be awesome as well, since it’ll be focusing on Yosuki, whose case I’m really looking forward to. Also, what was up with the guys that tried to kidnap the females? They looked a bit different from your usual drunk guys assaulters.
Oh, and Maki! Her ending was so sweet, even though her case was relatively simple. In the end, she died, right after seeing her new brother.]]>
I’m SO glad to see other people as obsessed with this series as I am. It’s been on my mind constantly, especially since 13 is the last episode I’ve seen. My friend has been getting them all for me as fansubs go up, but they’ve been painfully slow updating. Is there a place you’re downloading them raw?
Have you read the manga? I think I found a place to download the first 6 volumes, and I’ll be checking it out soon. I’ve read part of the first chapter on a Japanese site, and wow, it started as such a happy-looking series! I’m paranoid of spoilers for the anime, though, hence I’ve been slow to read it.
The raws can be found on Tokyo Toshokan. 🙂
This twist upped the ante by a dozen-fold magnitude. KUDOS to the creators!