Blood-C – 11

It’s not like I can’t understand the hate behind this series. I myself am incredibly biased against overacting moe stereotypes. so any build-up of atmosphere or character gets lost on me for those shows (that’s also why I am not going to bother with The Idolmaster no matter how good people say it ends up to be). But found this episode to be amazing.

I’m really glad to see that this series knew how to build up. A major problem of mystery series is that they are excellent in asking questions, but rather straight-forward in answering them. This episode revealed the nature behind this world, and it did a wonderful job at it. The backstory of this show is very imaginative. The previous episodes hinted enough to it, but this show really has a unique role for its main character, and in particular the side characters, even though they took a huge risk with it.

I mean, the drag turned out to be a major part of the plot: Saya herself just wouldn’t remember, and so the side characters all got sick of waiting and pretending to be stock characters. Saya staying the same: also part of the plot: the whole point of it was to see whether she could do that. I especially love how just about every character has been putting up a huge act in front of Saya. I mean, I saw that coming, but not in this magnitude. Seriously, in terms of overall plot, I’d say that the balls of this series this season are second to only Penguin Drum. I love the shows like these that take risks like this.

With this, I can really forgive the wait. I mean, I dislike series that focus too much on building up, but I absolutely love the kinds of series that just build up to one climax, and make that count. This all came together wonderfully. My one complaint is that at times the acting was a bit awkward. Mostly when characters started yelling, it wasn’t the most believably drawn.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

34 thoughts on “Blood-C – 11

  1. . Mostly when characters started yelling, it wasn’t the most believably drawn.

    I know right? It almost struck me as a “vent-your-fears-session”, until HE shows up.

    I can’t believe we went through 9-10 episodes without fully knowing what was going on until now. Awesome.

  2. At least Idolm@ster isn’t half as bad as shows like TWGOK & BakaTest 2 (I admit I enjoyed the 1st season but the 2nd just draaaags and boooores me now). It’s not even THAT fanservice-y (like panty shots and stuff), which is why I like it. Too many things cater to guys these days…

    You can skip episode 2 though. That was bad. (Yukiho & Yayoi’s voice just annoys me in general)

  3. As I said Blood started gestating after Episode 8 and I had a feeling on most of the characters in this series. I know *spoiler* that Fumito was kinda eerie so I wasn’t surprised seeing the guy as a antagonist in the show but Tokizane annoyed me Tomofusa and Yuka look genuinely worried about Saya *spoiler end*

    This episode was one of the best ^_^

  4. I highly disagree about Blood-C and The iDOLM@STER. The characters in iM@S proved to have much more depth than anyone in Blood-C as the girls are always developing. The stories are lighthearted while entertaining and the girls give you reasons to like to them other than the fact that they’re “moe” too. I guess people who hate moe for biased reasons wouldn’t notice that right?

    Blood-C just drags on and has cheap emotional manipulation throughout (by using cheap shock value with exploitative violence), except many of us didn’t buy any of the bullshit. Half of the series could have easily been removed and the plot wouldn’t show the slightest hint of compression.

    This episode was unintentionally hilarious. It takes this long for plot, characterization, and intrigue to happen!?! It’s like watching a really over extended and crappy M. Night Shamaylan film. Sorry, that’s pretty awful storytelling. Yes, this episode was interesting but at this point, there is no saving this series from bashing. It’s too late. This intriguing twist does not rectify or justify the rest of the series. It was monotonous, boring, gratuitous, and annoying for 9 straight episodes. Saya doesn’t provide any valid reasons for viewers to care about her.

    I do agree that Blood-C is genuinely horrific at times, but that’s it. This show is so mediocre. I don’t understand your constant praise of it. If a moe show was doing this nonsense, I think you wouldn’t be as nice about it.

    I can’t wait for this show to be over, and no matter how “amazing” the ending may be, Blood-C will still receive a 4/10 in my book, as only a quarter of the series was actually interesting.

  5. >_>


    Where are the haters? e_e

    Anyway, GREAT episode, can’t wait for the “end” next week. But I really doubt the anime will end next episode… I bet in a cliffhanger that will leave us in rage until the real End in the following movie.

  6. “It’s not like I can’t understand the hate behind this series. I myself am incredibly biased against overacting moe stereotypes. so any build-up of atmosphere or character gets lost on me for those shows (that’s also why I am not going to bother with The Idolmaster no matter how good people say it ends up to be).”
    Uh, do you mean to say it’s biased to hate Blood-C?
    “I mean, the drag turned out to be a major part of the plot”
    Yeah, a real comedy, right? Doing something bad storytelling-wise isn’t *really* bad as long as it’s done on purpose – that’s a great philosophy for making animes in the future. I think, even if it’s part of the story that the story dragged that much as to force people other than the main-character to act, just so the plot could finally progress – it’s still a story that dragged until now (which isn’t good no matter what the explanation is). The series admitted it even that it was a totally useless farce overall until now and the bad storytelling just doesn’t disappear only because the series agrees with my complaints of the story.

    But it will be interesting to see where the series goes from here and it might become really good if including all these morally ambiguous characters means that the story will be as morally ambiguous from now on.

  7. Big Spoiler# Saya is used and abused and is in a constant druged state and you so long discourses about her self nature is pure nonsense I like the job they did in the serie and theres a reason why the side characters have no big back story They are actors in a big farce they are bland because of that everything is made up they are simply used as “presssure points” to realease saya´s true nature.
    I especialy like how most of them turn out to be just plain bad humans and not some halfass crying moe characters simply said theres is really people like that that do everything for profit or for a new clean life(evil twins)simple normal humans can be the “real monsters” and this episode is a prime example of that .
    Saya is seen as nothing more than a Beautiful doll with a dark side that everybody fears but end using for their own goals this fact is the central point of every blood series and blood c does that with a heavy dose of mystery .

  8. Saya has to be the worst main character ever, period… Its just depressing how much they ruined the character, she seems to have the brains of a peanut and just stands there in shock as if everything they were saying wasnt obvious 7 episodes ago

    Heres the problem, a boring show doesnt become good just because it is boring on purpose, thats just bad execution… Like many people said this episode ended up being hilarious because of all the reactions and the stupid twins etc, “so bad its good” type, so I guess it deserves an extra point for that

    But the best part is the plot is the stupidity of the plot… Sure, I bet lots of teenagers would go to a random island full of monsters risking their lives, just for some money, makes perfect sense LOL

    For those people saying “IF you hate it why are you still watching it?” – duh, for the same reason you watch indian movies etc, train wrecks = guaranteed lulz

  9. Frost: while I can understand some of the complaint mentioned here in the comments, I do think that you’re severely overexaggerating. Getting annoyed by Saya is perfectly reasonable, but “worst main character ever”? Seriously?

    And yeah, I bet lots of people would go and borrow money from the mafia risking their lives, just for some money. Makes perfect sense LOL.

  10. I think it is hilarious that people have complained week after week about this or that as if the writers overlooked something only for it to turn out that the writers were two steps ahead all along. Yes, it is strange that she starts singing the morning after she sees her friend killed — except when you consider she is drugged and hypnotized. To some of us it was quite clear that the show’s creators were trying to create a strange situation that hid a mystery, to others it was a bad show because everything wasn’t explained to them in tiny little bite-sized chunks. The creators decided to SHOW NOT EXPLAIN, and we get people decrying this as bad writing because it wasn’t obvious what was shown, that Saya was acting illogically for the situation.

  11. So here is the problem. People find it boring. I caught up with the series yesterday and I have to say, I enjoyed it. I know it has a lot of the usual Clamp style …”mystery”. A lot of unfinished sentences at critical points, always something is about to happen but never does etc.

    But it did manage to build an atmosphere, and it did throw enough bones to maintain my interest. Maybe it worked better for me because I marathoned it.

    (on a completely different sidenote: psgels, I’ve been trying to post on the shoutbox for the last couple of days and it’s saying that I’m banned?… Is it my ip? I have dynamic IP so it will probably change in a few days I hope.)

  12. Puran: oh sorry. Were you perhaps Bent Faker?

    The thing is, that I have a very straight-forward policy with random trolls: ban and ignore. With that, I unfortunately didn’t realize that it was you. Apologies.

  13. yeah, psgels, totally with you on the moe aspect. For example, there I was, watching the first episode of Higurashi, and everything was a-ok until a girl started speaking for the first time. When I realized that ALL their voices were BEYOND horrifying just for the sake of “cute”, I ran away and never looked back. Of course, there is such a thing called “moe done right” – Gintama’s Kagura, for example.

  14. I’ve just given up on trying to explain it to people; if you hate Blood C, that’s fine, but to think it’s the worst thing ever, god, you really must be narrow minded.

    I’m DONE. If you hate a show, stop WATCHING IT. It is not so hard to drop a show. I did it with IDOLMASTER and god it was a good action. I haven’t regretted it since nor have I been consistently whining about it like the five year olds you all are. You are fine not liking Blood C, but if you can’t do anything but talk about how boring it is and how predictable it is and then yell at psgels for liking it, then I pity you.

  15. I sooo called this in the ep 6 comments. :3

    Can’t wait to see how they wrap this up next ep and lead into the movie.

  16. I find it baffling how the people who so obviously hate this show still watch it, presumably so that they can come here and tell us all how bad it is. Luckily we know that they secretly love it.

  17. I find it baffling how the people who so obviously hate this show still watch it, presumably so that they can come here and tell us all how bad it is. Luckily we know that they secretly love it.

  18. There is no twist because this drug and action stage stuff has been predictd by everyone since Episode 4. (excepts CLAMP fan who only WAI WAI at crossover and CLAMP universe and such)

    Now I know why I keep watching Blood-C. I watch it because it keeps getting worse with every episode to the point that it became LOL show and I no longer take it seriously.

    It makes me LMAO to CLAMP and the director and I love it. This show is such a stress relief.

  19. ( @psgels: I actually hadn’t posted in the shoutbox in a while and I surely didn’t post under a different nickname, which made the fact that I was banned even weirder. It seems I can post now though, cheers! )

  20. I really dislike Blood-C, but I stuck with it for a long time because the fights were amazing, Clamp’s character designs were eye candy, and I used to like Saya. Plus, I had hope that the story would still unfold in an amazing way since CLAMP had a say in it.

    But by episode 11…I realized that it wasn’t going anywhere. The plot twist could be seen from MILES away. And I just didn’t like Saya anymore. Because she was just becoming cruel. Yeah, she was drugged, I get that, but she was drugged TO THINK THAT THE MONSTERS KILLED PEOPLE. In other words, she thinks that the furukimono killed her friends, and she STILL doesn’t give a crap.

    Well, right now, I’m still only watching this show for its production values, its atmosphere (I’ll give it credit for creating a nice mood) and only because I’ve come this far. Might as well watch the last few episodes of this thing.

  21. As a hater, please let me explain why people keep watching this show.

    1: At this point we have watched almost the entire show. There’s only a few episodes left. Those of us with completionist attitudes say “Well I might as well…”
    2: Believe it or not we do hold out hope that this show might surprise us. Even the worst shows can sometimes bring remarkable twists. For example the ever17 VN was very boring but I must admit that twist in the true route was ingenious.
    3: This relates to 2. We read people saying “OMG MY MIND IS BLOWN! BLOOD-C RULES!” and think that maybe….just maybe this episode might pull something interesting only to watch and get disappointed. Then we lash it out on you.
    4: If only those who liked the who watched it then it would get overrated and mislead others into watching it and wasting there time. Some people need to say the truth. Plus I will admit that there is some joy in hating something. We love to hate it.
    5: This show is an excellent example of poor storytelling. For those of us who wish to be writers ourselves it’s a good learning experience of what to avoid.

    And there you have it. All I can say now is that if you think a big unimaginative infodump is better storytelling than explaining it over the course of a narrative then it’s best to keep it to yourself.

  22. I’m with Aidanak47’s no. 1 point: the only reason I kept watching was because I wanted to know what happens.

    I mean I bloody watched Rainbow Gate till the end (though that was more an exercise in “surely things can’t end up being even MORE ridiculous”). So I figured this show couldn’t be worse.
    On the one hand, it turned out to be much better (am looking forward to the movie). Nevertheless dragging the story on and on till episode 8 was a rather poor choice of a story, most especially considering that the show is only 12 episodes long.

    Ah well, I guess I might as well finally watch the first Blood movie 😛

  23. Aidanak47 you nailed it. A very well stated premise.

    As a hater, please let me explain why people keep watching this show.

    1: At this point we have watched almost the entire show. There’s only a few episodes left. Those of us with completionist attitudes say “Well I might as well…”
    2: Believe it or not we do hold out hope that this show might surprise us. Even the worst shows can sometimes bring remarkable twists. For example the ever17 VN was very boring but I must admit that twist in the true route was ingenious.
    3: This relates to 2. We read people saying “OMG MY MIND IS BLOWN! BLOOD-C RULES!” and think that maybe….just maybe this episode might pull something interesting only to watch and get disappointed. Then we lash it out on you.
    4: If only those who liked the who watched it then it would get overrated and mislead others into watching it and wasting there time. Some people need to say the truth. Plus I will admit that there is some joy in hating something. We love to hate it.
    5: This show is an excellent example of poor storytelling. For those of us who wish to be writers ourselves it’s a good learning experience of what to avoid.

    And there you have it. All I can say now is that if you think a big unimaginative infodump is better storytelling than explaining it over the course of a narrative then it’s best to keep it to yourself.

    The only thing I can add is…….

    Just don’t read the comments if you don’t like what they say.

    You can’t can you?

    I have enjoyed the comments much more than the show itself at this point. I will still watch the last episode just to see it. Hope for the best and expect the worst. You won’t often be wrong.

  24. [quote]Just don’t read the comments if you don’t like what they say.

    You can’t can you?[/quote]

    You got me there. I am afraid it’s impossible for me. When I read something I disagree with I read it fully to find contradictions to exploit. It’s one of the drawbacks of being an egotistical bastard who always thinks he is right.
    Still I wear the title of egotistical bastard with pride.

  25. I keep watching cause I really want to like it. I like the Blood series and I like many of Clamp’s series.

    But alas, I really do hate this BloodC. The deaths were so meaningless, the characters are annoying, the episodes are so horribly structure and some parts are so slow I want to destroy my computer.

  26. @ joojoobees its not because people want bite-size pieces and because of showing and telling :\ it’s first episodes were crap except some details — most of us hung on for the action.

    I will admit it had some good story points even comparatively to Blood + but yes like Blood + it has crap too and until episode 8 nothing really is worth watching. The dog tries his best to make Saya realize things but she is too idiotic to understand stuff. In fact she never does question things until episode 10. So yeah after episode 8 the plot starts and before that no one really needs to watch it unless for certain kicks.

    If you think of showing not telling storylines then even Ghost In The Shell beats Blood C with its enigma and gradual information and action build up so unlike GITS which gets a 5/5 Blood C gets 3 or 3.5/5 for trying. It has a nice climax but holes in storytelling are just holes in storytelling.

    There are a lot more you can do with a 12 episode anime show with regards to subtlety but it does not do that so yeah it fails in tacit storytelling but triumphs in gore, blood and finale.

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