Blegh! – 84/85

Oh… the pain. The horrible pain! When I thought that Bleach couldn’t get any worse, here it comes and waltzes the viewer down with a whole hour of garbage. And when I say garbage, I mean PURE garbage. I can’t believe how incredibly cheesy this episode had become. If I had a spoon nearby, I’d gouche my eyes out.

Ichigo’s fight was okay, I guess. He didn’t do anything, no flashy powers were shown, nothing special at all. It was decent, except for the fact that the bad guy managed to get away, leaving total progress at zero again. How long to those guys plan to continue this horror.

No, the horrible thing was Inoue. I remember that I hoped for the combination of her, Rukia and Cloud to think up one fantastic strategy to beat that woman. I think I like that woman the most, from all possible bounto’s. She’s the only one who has mastered her doll, it seems. And yes, the woman was pretty entertaining. Even though it’s a talking sword, the fact that the two of them argue with each other has pretty awesome effects.

Then, the horror struck, when the woman leaves, and a bounto whose doll can take over persons appears. THIRTY WHOLE MINUTES are spent for Inoue trying to save Rukia who has been taken over. And what about strategy? Well, that could have saved the day. Until you realize that Inoue has the intelligence of a sheep, chasing its own tail. I mean… ugh. >.< In any case, the way this was resolved was just horrible. There are countless Deus ex Machina which could even make Star Ocean Ex jealous. Cloud could have saved the day, but he just doesn't do anything at all. The bad guy easily lets the good guys have a conversation before he attacks, and Inoue finally saves the day by collecting all of her inner power which seems to be strong enough to defeat Rukia. Then, to make things worse, the bad guy doesn't die, he escapes. So, what was the total plot progress of this episode again? I think we need to explain the meaning of those words to the creators before we can answer this.

0 thoughts on “Blegh! – 84/85

  1. Heh, yeah. The only reason I keep watching this is because of the times at which the characters are all just bickering to each other. ^^;

  2. i’ve only ever watched half an episode of bleach and i was wondering whether to pick it up again…thanks for the warning. Re:blog comment, I really have no idea what Jisan means so i deleted it. It was just something I read in the notes of the episode, I probably misread it!

  3. It was a little upsetting that the Paul Bunyan character lived. It was obvious that the guy lost and could have been killed. I thought it was silly that Mr. Bunyan took his attention off the fight with Kira, who has more skill at battle than Ichigo. But he had to get all Zen and muse about his past. The filler for Bleach isn’t doing very well. There’s only so much internal conflict with Inoue that we can tolerate… infact… the damsel in distress is really overplayed in most anime. All the Bleach fans are desperate for the filler to be over and for the Manga story to be continued.

  4. Yeah, indeed. I really think that Bleach should take Naruto´s example in terms of fillers. Naruto´s fillers are actually enjoyable, though Bleach only manages to get enjoyable inside the fillers of the fillers. There´s got to be something wrong with that.

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