Bleach – 90 – Ah, So That’s Why They Did It. Yawn.

This episode was very funny. Ganju is in his store, wondering where Hana went. He then runs into a random magazine, and gets excited by a “certain” picture inside of it. His manager sees this, and suddenly begins to get sad when he learns Ganju’s true tastes. Afterwards, he runs away crying. Just what have the two of them been doing. ^^;

Oh… wait… that wasn’t the episode? It was just the Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book? Ah.

In any case, Renji’s able to beat Mister Four-Eyes but gets buried under rubble afterwards when the entire cave collaps. Strawberry is the only one remaining as he heads for Mr Smarty Pants. Gorilla dude meanwhile summons a gate towards another dimension while Mr Smarty Pants and Strawberry have a little fight. Of course, Mr Smarty Pants totally pwns Strawberry, as the latter has yet to go into bankai-mode. Ishida, meanwhile, gets his powers back. Woohoo. I am so looking forward to the next episode. *coughcough*

I realized that the more Bleach draws to the end of the Bounto-arc, the more boring the episodes get. Though I never realized that they’d be this boring. Just let those Bounto hurry and kill the 12th squad captain in order to get their revenge done.

0 thoughts on “Bleach – 90 – Ah, So That’s Why They Did It. Yawn.

  1. First I was going to ask you who was this strawberry person, then I realized that you ment Ichigo. Ahm… strawberries are red dude. His hair is orange. If your strawberries are orange, you either shouldn’t be eating them or they aren’t strawberries.

    Next, I don’t think that the two guys were doing anything together, and that the store manager just liked hime and hoped that he might like him.

    Maybe I just expects highs and lows like in any show, so the “boring” parts, as you put it, doesn’t really bug me. I don’t consider this that boaring anyway. It’s just the story moving along. The whole thing can’t be littered with fireworks.

    I am looking forward to Ishida getting his power back too. It would be sad to have to the last Quincy go though life not having any powers.

  2. Strawberry indeed was meant as a pun. Not because of Ichigo’s hair, but the fact that Ichigo can have two meanings in japanese: brave (or something in that direction) warrior (which I think is what the creators had in mind when they gave him the name). The second meaning is strawberry, which I like much more myself.

    It’s indeed okay to like the current arc, though I’m totally bored with it. I need some strategy in the battles. I need some characters who are bickering with each other.

  3. Bickering? Like he did with the girl at the start of the show? *grin*


    So that is what his name means. But how does it go from brave/warrior to strawberry?

    I heard that we are in the last twenty or so eps of the show, and if takes as long as the last them they went to the Soul Socity, we will bearly see him back home in school before it ends.

    And what is this I read about getting rid of the 12th squad captin? Is that the funny guy that changed his body and is in charge of the technical department or whatever it’s called?

    I would ask if you read that in the manga, or if it’s just your thinking, but I think I will just watch and see if you are right first. *grin*

  4. Oh, sorry, you misunderstood me. It’s not the last twenty episodes of the show, it’s the last twenty episodes of the bounto-arc. After all, the captains are the only ones who still have to fight the bounto until Ichigo and Ishida face off in the final battle.

    That would indeed be the 12th squad-captain. Technically, he is responsible for the things that happened, as it was the science-division (or however it’s called) who brought life to the Bounto.

    Oh, and I haven’t read the manga, so I have no idea what’ll be happening next.

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