Bleach – 81 – The Absolute Horror!

After last week, the series focuses on the main story of the fillers again. Jin reveals why he did everything. The mosquitos can suck up a living human’s soul, purify it and somehow make the same amount of spirit power ten times more powerful. Now that I’m typing this, I’m realizing something. Human souls are naturally impure? Then what do the mosquitos do in order to purify it? Well, because they’re damn handy plot devices and give Jin a nice and easy way to be evil so that the creators wouldn’t have to use their brains in order to find a good motive for him.

Then, something seemingly worthwile happens, though Bleach managed to screw it over in such a way that it becomes horrible again: one of the Bounto is having his doubts, and stands up to Jin. He mentions the case of the old man, who became so old because he used to absorb a lot of human souls in the past. (Actually, why isn’t this guy stronger than Jin?) Of course, Jin quickly changes this guy’s mind by feeding him the liquid from the mosquitos, turning him hungry for power again. Not only did the creators waste a valuable chance for a good plot, they also signed their own funeral. I mean, every ape can tell now that Jin will become more and more obsessed with power, until he takes too much and explodes, or something like that. I can’t bear the thought of having to witness these scenes for another ten episodes.

Still, two worthwile things happened at this episode. The first, and most important one, is the conversation between Nova and Sado. Pure brilliance. The second thing is Ishida, the only one who managed to turn the filler-plot up a bit. He’s love-sick, of course, and he, again, goes out. This should at least provide some worthwile scenes, should it?

0 thoughts on “Bleach – 81 – The Absolute Horror!

  1. A while ago I didn’t read the manga for bleach and was just watching the anime. The anime was great and when the Bountou story began I thought it was part of the story. I didn’t know it was an arc until I read the manga… great manga. I watched episodes 26-60~ so on, over and then over again. Then I read the manga, I was worried I’d get tired of reading the same scenes over in the manga, but it was still eye-catching. Now, I’m worried about how the series will start back to the Arrancar and Aizen story… because obviously Rukia and Renji are already in the real world and then the team of other shinigami are going there soon too. I would have loved if they’d followed the manga closer and not introduced the shinigami into the arc… oh well… maybe once the Bountou are dead Rukia will go back to Soul City and then come back with her powers restored and she’ll use her awesome zanpaktou. Can’t wait…

    And yeah… I got that impression too about the Boutou. They’ll end up destroying themselves with too much of a good thing, most likely.

  2. That’s my guess as well. As soon as the bounto-arc is over, all of the members of the Soul Cociety will b heading back to Soul City, after all, they were all on a mission (except Renji, perhaps). Afterwards, either another filler will begin or the story will continue with Aizen and Arrancar. But then again, I’ve yet to read the manga.

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