Bleach – 70

This episode consisted of two parts. A part in which the Bounto featured, and a part in which they didn’t.

The former wasn’t really entertaining. The only good part is that we now know that we aren’t dealing with 2-dimensional villains (Well, at least one of them isn’t). The snake-guy also wan’t really something to be looking forward to. Okay, he’s got a power that’s completely original. But the way he uses it, it’s just as if he just learned how to deal with it.

The latter really was enjoyable to see. The character interaction was top-notch as usual and had me smirking for quite a few times. It was really refreshing to see Rukia’s normal side again, instead of her constant worries.

But there’s one thing that’s been bugging me… Rukia lost all of her powers… didn’t she?

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