Bleach – 59

Another one of the series I’ll be blogging. I really recommend the first thirty episodes, they’re funny as hell, and the story and dialogue has been carried out extremely well.

After the first thirty episodes, however, this series starts falling down a veeerry deeeeep hole. It’s almost only people fighting each other and getting stronger, and I’m more and more reminded of a certain Dragonball Z. Hence, this is why I believe it’s so popular. I, however, hate these kinds of fights that drag on for episodes.

This episode was also for most of the time two big strong guys, showing off their power, and throwing light flashes at each other. Not very impressive. There were two things I did like here: the hyperactive hollow-like thing that suddenly burst out of Ichigo. He’ll make a nice antagonist, I believe. His fight was also extremely short. I like that. That part was really well done.

The other part I like, was at the end, at the place of the cliffhanger. It seems like we finally get to know who’s been causing mayhem from inside the soul society. The bad part, is of course that we almost KNOW that it can’t be the third captain. All the evidence has been pointed to him, he’s been in the spotlights for all the show, so there’s no way he can be the real culprit.

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