Birdy the Mighty Decode – 10

Short Synopsis: Senkawa and Nakasugi go on a date and Natsumi and Muroto go after some rumours about Syamalan.
Highlights: Yet another episode that delivers.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10
And here I thought that this would be a simple intermezzo, where the series takes a small break, and takes its time to introduce the next arc. Instead, the creators managed to turn this episode into both an intermezzo and an episode that yet again pushes the plot forward. Especially the mysteries around Syamalan continue to tighten as this series goes on.

I must say that I like this series more and more with every episode, and it’s really one of those examples of a series that starts off rather weak, and only picks up later in the story. In fact, I see the entire first season as just one big introduction for the second season. My guess is that this first season takes care of everything around Syamalan (consider him as a sort of mid-boss), so that the second season can focus on Capella, and the guy with shades and his boss.

I’m really curious to how the creators planned to end the first season. It’s probably just going to be an average climax, where Syamalan gets stopped, but I can’t help but think how both Noein and Escaflowne’s thirteenth episode were absolutely amazing. I wonder whether the director has the same in mind for Birdy the Mighty, or would he rather provide a solid introduction for the second season instead?

3 thoughts on “Birdy the Mighty Decode – 10

  1. Interesting episode, my only problem is that Birdy seems to be getting fairly overshadowed by Tsutomu at the moment. To the point that you almost forget that the main character has an alien living in his body.

    Whilst I don’t dislike Tsutomu, I would prefer to see Birdy in the spotlight a bit more – though considering she was on top for the two space episodes, it’s not completely unbalanced.

    Anyways, the plot is moving along and steadily, and as you said, it will be interesting to see what direction this show goes to tie up its first season.

  2. So this series is starting to pick up? Great!

    I’ve only seen the first two episodes which were surprisingly dull considering this show’s director is the same man who directed Escaflowne. Glad to hear its starting to get exciting.

  3. Dude its awesome! Seriously man your rating is all messed up. This deserved a 9 or 9.5 IMO. Here ill give you the facts, you got a beautiful girl as main guys girlfriend and they have an awesome romance going on between them not to mention a creepy as hell villain (seems like someone did a serious number with his head) plus throw in a crazed old lady which i would like to use as a punching bag and you got a whole package I mean what more do you want? This is a once in a lifetime deal IMHO.

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