Short Synopsis: Nakasugi invites Senkawa and his classmates over to her house, but Birdy has other plans.
Highlights: Finally this series gains a bit of depth.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10
Now this is more like it. Birdy the Mighty Decode still is my least favourite series of the shows I’m blogging, but at least this episode was a major improvement on the outer-space arc. It’s main purpose was fleshing out Senkawa’s classmates, and it did this well. I feel a lot more familiar with these guys now, and it’s interesting to see that Nakasugi didn’t just recover from her accident that easily, as she seems to have been revived by an alien as well.
My biggest problem with this series is that the episode length of only 13 episodes seems way too short for its own good, and instead of keeping a fast and focused pacing to make the best out of such a short time, it continues to goof off and gets distracted on unimportant side-plots. This episode too: it was enjoyable and all, but there are so many side-characters and side-plots left. How the heck are the creators going to stuff those in just seven episodes with this slow of a pacing? If this was a 26-episode series, I could understand this decision, but 13 episodes is just way too short.
Considering this is based off of the manga, I think the studio was basically forced to include the characters in. They’re probably managing with what they have.
I don’t think this series would have worked so well with 26 episodes.
i thought the animation quality dropped. Considering it is such a short series I thought they could afford to maintain a level…
Yeah, I noticed the slump in production quality again. To be fair, the animation was fine but the art was still lazy and overall it all felt a bit sloppy.
Considering this is a relatively short series I would hope they bump up the quality a bit more. Because when this series gets the right amount of art and animation, it becomes really good.
I feel like Bones is trying to dig its own grave right now… none of its series so far are “gripping” like the ones before. Sure, they’re GOOD, but even Nijuu Mensou and Xam’d didn’t have the vibe they used to have…
Well, I like how the art in this series is rich and colourful at least. If Noein was any indication, then the director likes to use the best of his graphics budget for the major fight scenes, so I hope that he’s saving his clearly limited budget for the final episodes in this series.
Helen: strange place to make that comment. I’m not the biggest fan of Bones, so perhaps that’s why I disagree with that statement, though I do agree that both Nijuu Mensou and Xamdou do lack the intelligence of Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi. But then again, Xamdou has only just started. 😉
Wrong place to comment, but I think Bonen no Xamdo is AWESOME, and lots of people will agree. You can’t exactly say something so critical like “Bones is digging it’s own grave” purely on your own opinion, because it’s clearly wrong.
So I guess Nakasugi is the Ryunka o-o