Berserk(2016) – 03

Forgive me for the delay on this particular post but I must admit that in light of Berserks quality my interest in covering it has somewhat declined. I know that for every episode to come I will have to dance around the elephant in the room but this series isn’t making that easy for me. As when coming close to enjoying the show I am constantly pulled out of it. My experience of watching Berserk is essentially a game of denial as I try to pretend the ugly visuals don’t exist. Perhaps I should find it cathartic as Berserk is a series which by its very nature is ugly. The things that make Berserk stand out as a series is it’s pure unapologetic brutality. Rape, gore, death of children and every uncomfortable theme you can think of is par for the course for Berserk. It is very much a pulp fantasy work and likely one of the finest in manga history. Plenty have tried to imitate but few have matched it’s glory. A true Berserk anime should be quite nightmarish considering the creatures that could have walked out of a Clive Barker novel, however the anime looks to be nightmarish for entirely different reasons.

Todays episode bring in some anime original content and if hearsay is to be believed, this was written by the mangaka of Berserk himself, Kentaro Miura. However when examining the content itself I must question what was the need for it. My original thoughts were that Miura was supplanting the less TV friendly aspects of the series by adding in different content. However the dark aspects are still here so I wonder why the change was needed. In the manga Gut fought a bunch of demon dogs till dawn and Farnese was nearly raped by a possessed horse. In this anime the exact same thing happened but instead we have the addition of a mansion and a encounter with a demon apostle. The encounter doesn’t add much of anything besides confirm that Guts is after revenge. It reminds me of a point in the manga where out of nowhere Miura decided to dedicate two chapters to a flashback with Gut’s meeting a fairy. The story itself was good but it’s reasoning and overall presence in the plot is utterly insignificant. It came at a time when Miura needed to get a move on and push the story to a climax but instead he decided to put in a filler story. This feels much the same, the fight against this dog demon is rather entertaining but when you plan to cover over sixty 30 page chapters in a single cour I think you don’t have time to waste on events that put the main plot on standstill.

However what really bugs me is that they adapted events of the manga and made them lesser. In particular there is a line Guts says about the demons reminding him of how he felt when he started all this. In the anime Gut’s just throws out this line upon meeting the apostle and it doesn’t have the same impact. In the manga Gut’s sees the horse about to rape Farnese and is suddenly reminded of Griffins rape of Caska. Which cause him to be filled with rage and say that line. It was a pretty powerful line and it just confuses me as to why they would keep the horse attempted rape and yet move the line to a different scene. What’s also puzzling is the sound design where they essentially decided that everything Guts hits with his sword will make a clang sound. I understand the idea of emphasising that his sword is more a huge hunk of metal instead of a blade but it really doesn’t make sense to have a sword clang when he’s cutting transparent beings or dogs made of flesh and bone.

It becomes quite distracting once you notice it. There is also the matter of Farnese’s non existence nipples. It’s likely something to be fixed in the blu-ray releases but I find it funny the priorities censorship has. Apparently the depiction of female’s nipples is out of the question yet showing a scene of forced Bestiality is apparently fine? I mean sure you darkened the scene but you still show her getting clearly molested by that horse. What is the point of censorship when it doesn’t censor the most damning aspect? This is the kind of thing that leads to weird fetishes forming. Where the story goes from now is a good question, Farnese has gone through an ordeal which has shaken her faith and put her in a rather compromised position. In particularly her rather kinky possession which lead her to nearly kill Guts while asking him to split her in two with his sword is certainly a story she wouldn’t want circled around the Knights. Her pride could very well lead her to hunt Guts down till her dying breath. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned after all.


6 thoughts on “Berserk(2016) – 03

  1. *puffs a metaphorical cigarette*

    Adapting the manga has always being a huge undertaking since it’s one of those mangas hard to translate to animation well. The artstyle is too detailed, the story doesn’t have a three arc structure, kinda has longwinded stories and moments. This arc in particular mainly serves as a setup to the following arc that actually advances the plot in a meaningful way.

    My assumption is like several animes this one might get the movie treatment at some point in the future.

    As for the episode itself it kinda made sense making an episode like this since it’ll have been rush pushing it all the way to the talk with the blacksmith.

  2. This show really does look pretty ugly. I don’t think the storytelling is terrible though. I’m developing a nipple fetish here as we speak.

  3. Dude, if you hate it, just cover a different one. No harm no foul.

    It also kinda shows in your reviews which ones you care more about so as a reader, it’s more enjoyable to read posts with some investment! For example, in your Re:Zero reviews you speculate about what’s gonna happen next and give a situation you hope will happen in the future for the sake of Subaru or Rem. In this one, it’s more of just facts rather than personal opinion.

    Iono, my opinion could be shit but review anime you want to review.

    1. You actually make a very good point. In fact you are right. I can tell I won’t be enjoying covering this as I continue. Instead I plan to take up Mob Psycho 100 as I did want someone to cover it this season. So it might as well be me.

  4. The censorship is laughable in the western hemisphere. We learn very early in school what a man has, a woman has and what it’s for. In an age were boys and girls are still used to run around top body naked if it is summer. So everybody KNOWS that there is something missing. So why censor nipples? It’s pointless. And in this case with the beastiality going even absurd.

    1. Censorship in Japan has always been weird. It’s pretty much the reason tentacle porn exists. Reason being that even if it looks like a penis, acts like a penis and basically is a penis in every idenifable way, as long as it’s attached to a tentacle then it’s not censored out. Hence that little loophole gave birth to weird fetish.

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