The golden rule of comedy: if you’re going to make sex jokes, then make sure that they are good ones.
I’m not sure what happened here, but this was without a doubt the worst episode of Ben-To so far. I’m not sure what happened. Did the light novels have this exact same chapter? Did the animators not have enough budget to animate any more fights? Did they pull in a bad episode director? In either way, this episode was the typical bad episode that bad harem shows use to fill their time.
This episode was meant to introduce the two major characters of the final arc. And they’re incredibly stupid. That’s what I really dislike about most moe fanservice shows: they reduce their characters to idiots, just for the sake of fanservice. This is something I thought Ben-To avoided, but this episode made this show a whole lot more generic.
It’s a good thing that the creators still know how to tell jokes, because things like Saito’s dive were absolutely hilarious. At the same time though: this also was the point where the Saito Pervert joke passed their shelf date. For one they were repeated way too much in this episode, and for two this episode tried way too hard. The jokes were fun when they were subtle, like for example in episode one. This was once again “let’s strip Saito and laugh, and have him generate inspiration for Hana. I knw that there are people in this world who no matter what automatically laugh whenever a penis is involved, but at least try to also cater to the ones who don’t…
Rating: – (Disappointing)]]>
Isn’t that the thing though? You can’t really satisfy everyone.
There is no way to cater to the people that like the penis jokes and the people that don’t at the same time. Still, I do have to agree with you on how old these jokes get. But maybe there is a bigger audience in those that actually dig these jokes and that’s why shows like this fall into the sequence.
Or am I just spitballing here?
Maybe I am bad person, but I am happy if you give a disapoint for this serie
I’m glad I dropped Ben-To now that this episode has come up. My anime club showed the first episode and I didn’t like it…and I found Hana annoying.
For this show to fall so hard…..It was like they threw away what made so fun and fresh. Did the writers go on vacation? It has been such a good show till now. I kept expecting it to get better as it went and instead it got worse.
Yo I do agree that this was by far the worst ben-to episode yet(still it had its epic funny moments) but now making a funeral to the series because of this is simply retarted what´s next asking him to drop this ? People that hated the series since the start will gloat about this weak episode saying “I Knew this was garbage etc.. but Ben-to is not dead not even close .
It’s like the show forgot for a moment that it’s a parody after all… The two new characters could still be a great addition to the series in that sense later on. Didn’t find this episode to be that dissapointing, since the clever comedy was still there.
Who I wish a quick death upon however is Asebi. Goddamnit she’s annoying.
i’m confused… why did they think that satou was the white haired main character?
also, it wasn’t thaaat bad… I mean, I agree with the rating, but I was still perfectly able to enjoy the episode even if it was just a little bit.