Seriously, Ben-To has a lot of elements that I at first sight often dislike. I mean, this series could have just as easily picked the path of Majikoi: I really was behind that series after its first episode, but by god… how abysmal it turned out in the end. I tried giving its fourth episode a small chance, but it was exactly the same as its third episode! The more I watch Ben-To though, the more I realize how lucky we are with this series. Three episodes in and this is still showing no signs of dulling in. But most surprisingly: I can’t believe how well acted these characters are. Just about every character in this series is really likable, and together they make for a really entertaining series.
If this show was just hilarious, it would be one thing. However, my problem with most comedies is that when they’re not funny, they feel empty. Here though, you’ve got a bunch of people who are enjoying simple dinner (the loot in this case), or doing simple things as spending time in a clubroom. I really find this show to have a charm that most other moe shows lack because they focus more on moe antics. I personally prefer this show’s more down to earth approach. It makes them much easier to relate to.
On top of that, I love how David Production says “screw it” to conventions. This also was visible in Level E, which in the end never really stated the name of its main character, even though it was a hilarious one. Here too: three episodes in and the only hint we saw to the main female lead is a random flashback. It’s delightful to see such creative ways to introduce cliches like the childhood friend. Especially after Haganai’s third episode. I also love how the beginning of this episode started with hints at what was going to happen, which only made sense at the point where the creators came with the delightfully random punchline.
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>
Love the show. It has to be one of the very best right. It’s my favorite anyway. To me I love how it takes the whole fighting thing and takes it over the top with serious fun.
Great storytelling and timing, great acting and art this one should be a shinning example to all other want to be’s.
As someone who has played majikoi and enjoyed it, I knew from the start the anime was a failure; I mean they took the climax from one of the roots and used it as the first episode with no context.
Anyways, so far bentou looks really solid. The main character has shonen elements but still manages to break the mold. This show is like kenichi without the major flaws and awkward fanservice.
This has become my favorite of the season, I love comedy shows, but the problem with most of them is they aren’t funny, this one is.
My favorite was the scene where Shiraume basically confesses to having won the position as student council president by fixing the votes.
“On top of that, I love how David Production says “screw it” to conventions. This also was visible in Level E”
Shouldn’t you be praising the source material instead of David Productions for that…
@Wastlo, Psgels has a tendency of forgetting that these are adaptations and if the anime studio is doing their job right then they have no influence on the story of the show. They just put the story on screen. So yep, the compliments on the story should go to the original writer and not he anime creators.
I really am loving this show at the moment.
This is actually better than what I expected. And of course this is coming from someone who is currently watching Maken-Ki, Horizon and Majikoi. It has harem/fanservice elements but it does it with great execution. Not to mention that the acting was very good. I already foretold the ending of the episode from miles away but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy every moment of it.
Ben-to is such a great concept, glad to see they aren’t wasting it with a half assed anime.
Glad that you’re enjoying the show, but I do feel you’re being a bit unfair in that there are quite a few moe/slice-of-life shows that in the past you’ve clearly stated your dislike for (which to my eyes perfectly fit the more ‘down to earth approach’).
Definitely, this episode was amazing. Although so many stories focus on simple morals (I can’t count how many times I’ve heard ‘food tastes better when you eat it with family/friends’ in the past year on one hand), this whole thing about /earning/ your food just felt so much more full to me. Which is nice, because Ben-To’s somewhat about food.
(It could just be that I watched this episode just after dinner. Oh well. Dinner was also nice. I didn’t eat a lunchbox because normal people eat lunchboxes at lunch.)
Finally a blogger who doesn’t bash Ben-to! I really love the anime too. It has this, dunno, this thing that just doesnt bore you, and before you know it’s 20 minutes later.