Basquash! – 08

A bit of a strange episode, which takes us outside of Rollingtown as Dan and the others are looking for an opponent that isn’t scared of Iceman’s ‘destroy’-attacks. The plot takes a step back in this episode in order to focus a bit on the development of the characters and introduce the final bunch of main characters: those three idols we’ve been seeing in the OP. At this point it’s still unknown what kind of purpose they actually have in this series, but that should get a bit clearer after the next episode.

But yeah, if anyone here has a bipolar disorder, it has to be Iceman. This episode explores his past, and as it turns out: he kept getting kicked out of his former teams because he kept abusing his team mates with what was just his version of a passionate pass. Just like with Dan and coco, because he never said anything about it everyone kept thinking he was trying to destroy everyone (and really, who wouldn’t?) It definitely is a very strange sort of background. Still, I’m definitely curious about Sera’s back-story right now. Judging from the OP, it looks a lot more serious.

And that little princess of ours… she keeps moving further and further away from the regular image you’d have of an important princess like her. She’s athletic, doesn’t whine when she’s all alone in the middle of the desert, and she probably is the least spoiled princess I’ve seen in an anime. Though I do wonder what that strange voice was that she heard. This doesn’t really seem like a mystery-series, and yet the creators went that way with a mysterious voice that only one character can hear.

Rating: * (Good)
Not the best of the show, but the development on Iceman was appreciated.

4 thoughts on “Basquash! – 08

  1. psgels, are you going to watch the second Haruhi Suzumiya season that just started airing? It was actually a great first episode, very little of Haruhi herself.
    I think you’ll enjoy it. And the animation of course was on its best again.

  2. thestation: yeah, I’m probably going to watch it, though I don’t think I’m going to be blogging it or writing a first impression about it.

  3. Wasn’t that deep voice that the princess heard at the end of Episode 6 kinda given away in episode 7? That weird butterfly-shaped thing seen in the ending with her silhouette and that was hidden under her hat in episode 6 when she ran away from coco after it started moving and getting angsty. Though makes you wonder.even so…… what the hell was it? hah

  4. I think that there was an important part of the plot developed – those pathways in the sand. In that last scene those pathways that the trio are uncovering mirror the light patterns on the Moon. I’m guessing that things are not what they seem, and maybe even the Moon isn’t what it seems.

    And for S-R – no, the butterfly “Jii-Jii” isn’t the source of those deep reverberation-sounds. It’s something else. Right now I’m guessing that it is either related to the Idol Trio or else something more significant – again maybe related to the patterns on the ground.

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