Short Synopsis: ‘boob-san’ organizes a rematch between Iceman, Dan and Sela.
Episode Rating: 7,5/10 (Good)
Now I know for sure: this show is weird.
If the woman with the huge bosom at the end of the previous episode wasn’t enough: it now turns out that she’s a famous shoe designer with a feet fetish… yeah. She even goes as far as selecting one of Dan’s friends to accompany her because his face resembles a foot. Not only that, but she also designs shoes for Bigfoots…
The result was an episode full of ‘big’-jokes around her.
My question now is: why the heck am I enjoying this show so much? The premise gets more ridiculous with every single episode, and yet I’m really digging the chemistry between the characters so far. Dan’s ramblings don’t get on my nerves at all, and in fact are hilarious at times. I like how this episode emphasized how broken mechas remain broken until fixed (compare that to your average mecha-series, in which the machines magically fix themselves at the beginning of every episode), and it was especially fun to see a stressed out Miyuki as she tried to get everything fixed properly before the above-mentioned rematch.
I am curious though: where does this series think it’s going in the end? Up till now, there hasn’t been any major storyline popping up: all we’ve seen is a bunch of hints: what role is the moon going to play in the end? Is Coco simply there to give Dan some background or is there more to her? Will this turn into a basketball show with mechas, or is the basketball simply going to be a vehicle to the real meat of the story? What is going to be the role of the little princess that we’ve been seeing now and then?
This show is some kind of benign satire. The main character is meant to win in the end, yet the show is aware the fact that most things that happen in anime stretch credibility. It’s a mature, not PC kind of humor. I think you should rate episodes higher, the 2nd one was the only average so far (and probably, after having seen the whole series, it will feel better. Things in this show seems to grow on you).
About where the series is going, well, it’s still too early to tell. This show seems to like introducing things at a relaxed pace yet still giving something enjoyable each week, instead of giving you the meat first and then some fillers in the middle part.
This series is just leaving me confused. It is filled with elements that usually make me avoid a series like the plague and yet, just like you, i’m rather enjoying it. Just can’t put my finger on exactly why though. I guess that’s not important though, it’s just some fun afterall.
“what role is the moon going to play in the end”
This has pretty much already been explained. The main characters sister got the nerves in her feet damaged in an accident a couple of years earlier. The main character wants to get his sister to the moon where they have advanced medical facilities where they could repair the nerves in her feet so she can walk once more. The moon seems to be this place where only the wealthy and priviledged are allowed to go, so this means that our main character has to earn a shitload of money to be able to get to the moon… which (as of episode two – i still havnt watched three and four) seems to be impossible with his current financial situation, being deeply burrowed in debt for destroying that arena.
Again, the odd focus on BOOBS??? They become bigger due to gravity? Is this suppose to be analagous to the change in height observed under low gravity? And that product placement. Nike is definitely an interesting company. No need to talk about the episode as all the main points are outlined above.
Coco is obviously the Ultimate Bystander. It makes sense that she would be a Bigfoot Basketball/News Media blogger since she’s always, always, always shown on the computer.
I love this show. It’s so incredibly fun.