Three episodes left, and this show comes with an anti-climax. Interesting, that after all of the build-up of the previous episode, all that the characters did in this series was get fired up, try out some stuff, realize that they don’t work and continuing where they left off. If anything, this was an episode to boost their confidence and resolve, more than anythings else, and I’m not sure whether the right place for that is so near to a major cliff-hanger.
Also, am i the only one who felt that the audience for Miho’s event was a little… stalkerish? I mean, it was just creepy in \the way that they just kept staring at her without saying anything, or even looking at each other.
Overall, I think that this is the part where this show is getting a bit repetitive. The interesting part about this episode was the way that all of the mangaka commented on each other’s stories and all, but this was the umpth time in which we saw the lead couple in a minor setback, only to get more motivation to go on and create their story. It probably won’t be a problem for the rest of this first season, but the second season does need to pay attention to this.
Rating: * (Good)
I haven’t read the manga, but I believe the creepy audience is intentional?
The stalkerish audience is an anime-only thing, but I’m glad they put it in there, because it’s forshadowing something that will happen later on to Miho
How many episodes is in the first season?
Kalandra: 25 of them.
Meh-ish. The anime is exactly on chapter 30, and from the manga, I think they are wrap up at chapter 33 which is also a climax point but that means going at crawling pace of 1 chapter per episode.
There is a chance they could have a sequel hook using chapter 37 sudden revealation, but I doubt so.