Bakuman – 03

Okay, so when Moritaka’s uncle was in high school, he had this girl he was semi-dating, and exchanged letters with. This girl eventually married someone else, and became the mother of Miho, who looks exactly like her at that age… Even Death Note’s romance was more plausible than that…

This episode was pretty much similar to the previous two: the parts that focused on the mangas were interesting, and it’s also good to see more depth on Moritaka’s uncle, but the romance again was pretty dull. Using these coincidences is always a bit of a matter of walking on a tight-rope: if they’re small or the rest of the series makes up for it, they can often be forgiven, but this was just too much, especially considering this series is still introducing itself. I especially don’t like the cliche that you see everywhere, in which a mother and daughter look exactly like each other. That’s called lazy character-designing!

In any case, I’m now beginning to understand why Moritaka’s uncle is such a big focus of these first three episodes, because it allows the lead character to already have a bit of experience with the manga industry, and how it works, and yet there’s going to be a lot of contrast, since the manga that Moritaka is thinking of is a lot more sophisticated than the gag manga that his uncle became famous for. Most of the times with anime like these, the characters involved start out as total rookies, so it’s definitely a refreshing change here.
Rating: * (Good)

14 thoughts on “Bakuman – 03

  1. Have to disagree with you in that point.
    These days i’m starting to thinking that everyone think that youngsters who want to get married at a young age are just crazy, why that?
    I always thought that Mashiro and Miho story, even if it’s not very plausable, it’s still very interesting, like Shuujin said in the epi. 2, they are interesting because they are different from what we usually see over there…

  2. You can rejoice, because with this episode the romance parts are pretty much done (for a while at least). From here on out it should be almost entirely about the manga creation aspect, which honestly is the more interesting part.

  3. Well there’s still a little romance left to take care of but yeah we’ll be done for a while.
    To me the romance is just more like comedy relief and should not taken too seriously and it seems to me the anime staff agree,just listen to the song that comes on when they find the photo album: it’s not an “emotional” or “romantic” song to try and have a serious mood but more of a “comedy” song that gives the scene a fun mood

    Math_ :ot might not happen a lot in real life but it seems to happen all the time in fiction and then there’s her being the daughter of the woman his uncle loved?what are the odds of that ?

    (minor spoiler : and we’re not even done with the coincidences concerning that part of the story though i don’t know if the anime will get to it)

    Here’s what i’m really looking forward to:psgel’s thoughts on the stories the boys come up with,he’s not that into shonen,should be interesting.

  4. Hmm..After see you look somewhat bias to the romance of this series. I really want to say something.

    From my wiew.I think this type of couple will be fit in the story very well.Why? Because You know. This series main story is “Going to be manga artist and getting the anime”.Although from the first three eps. It has some of romance thing in it as well.But from now on.The story will be mainly focus on Manga thing.So they will has a lot less time for romance side.

    And why does it fit? ฺBecause this type of couple.(Mashiro and Miho).Mainly play at the distance between them and didn’t depend on the character development too much so they can less focus on the romance side.More than that.they can add touching moment easily.(For example look at Yakumo ep2. Only two minute for reveal… But it somehow..worked.)

    About coincidences that happened in this series.It can called “Destiny”, “fate” etc. Look at the positive sounds really romantic.isn’t it?

    Anyway. This is my most favourite fall anime for sure. Compare to the others. It feels..Natural. Pacing is right.Its plot.. Not mainly at the comedy or episodic or action.But it can make you want to watch it more and more.And comedy is natural too. plus with many touching scene that it can showed by only three eps.It really great and different from the other anime that on aired now.And that why I like it.^_^

  5. @Math_

    Having a realistic scenario works more for this manga. If getting married at young age is crazy, what about the whole not seeing each another until Mashiro makes an anime, and then get married immediately after that? Isn’t that even more crazy and unrealistic? The manga is praised for being the realistic, but yet the romance is just totally “not real” and unnecessary. Being different for the sake of being different isn’t right.

    Then again, the romance part isn’t going be focused in the remaining episodes anymore, so lets just ignore it.

  6. @Kalandra

    But how could you say that the romance it’s unrealistic and not necessary since it was thanks to this, that the story start to move?
    If it’s not thanks to the romance between Azuki and Mashiro he would never started with this ideia of being a mangaka to begin with…

    It’s unrealistic? The odds of his uncle get in love with the mother of Azuki are almost impossible? Hell yeah. But have to say, it combines perfectly with the type of story that the producers want to tell, and I don’t see the ”realistic scenario” interfere on that like you said.

  7. Like the others before me, romance is not Bakuman’s strong point. In fact Miho’s not even all that interesting as a character. But we’re not reading/watching Bakuman for the romance. xD

  8. I liked the first ep, but these last two were pretty slow. Some minor developments are rather prolonged, like the 2nd episode it took the whole 20 mins or so for him to get the OK from his dad and ultimately get in his uncle’s apartment.

    I’m still giving it a chance.

  9. The script could easily be modified to exclude Miho from the whole plot. Because she is that unimportant. Seriously, his uncle is a mangaka, he is talented in drawing and he like reading manga. Could someone like that be interested in becoming a mangaka? Of course!

    But nooooo, he wants to become a mangaka just because the girl he likes want to be a voice actress. This just sounds like bad writing.

  10. “The script could easily be modified to exclude Miho from the whole plot. Because she is that unimportant. Seriously, his uncle is a mangaka, he is talented in drawing and he like reading manga. Could someone like that be interested in becoming a mangaka? Of course!”

    And he was,but his uncle’s death made him think that it would be too hard to be one and he wasn’t willing to take the risk,his uncle’s death made him lose all motivation.
    And that makes sense to me

    “But nooooo, he wants to become a mangaka just because the girl he likes want to be a voice actress. This just sounds like bad writing.”

    ….and will marry him if he has great success,if she hadn’t promissed him she would marry him he wouldn’t have had the will to try again.

    He was scared of failing like his uncle did,it’s that fear that kept him from trying to be a mangaka.

    but I don’t think you could do it without miho.
    What could make him go “you know what,i’ve been traumatised by my uncle’s death all these years but i’ll forget about it and decide to become a mangaka”?Being madly in love with a girl!
    I’m not saying it’s not cheesy but it’s better than no reason at all.

    For your premise to work (” his uncle is a mangaka, he is talented in drawing and he like reading manga. Could someone like that be interested in becoming a mangaka? Of course!”) I feel his uncle would need to be still alive,which would change the whole story

  11. I don’t understand why the manga praised so much for being realistic since…Eiji Nizuma is unrealistic.Yeah,he is.Completely.His personality.His skills.And the way the manga potray him.Ah,whatever,Nodame and H&C still has the best example of geniusses out there.

  12. ^

    I personally seen people with Eiji Nizuma personality. Not exactly like him, but you know someone with that personality exist somewhere. And I don’t his skills are anyway unrealistic, unless you talking about him being a manga “psychic”.


    Or they could just leave the uncle dead and made Takagi good at persuading people. :/ Seriously its not that hard.

  13. for exemple woody allen has said he’s never been able to spend more than 2 days (litteraly) without being able to somehow be involved in movie making


    I’d personnaly find “Takagi being so good at persuading people” that he can get a guy to get over his trauma in such a short time to be just as cheesy and corny as having a girl involved,but maybe that’s just me.

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