Ayatsuri Sakon – 10 – Cat fur looks like hair from a puppet eyebrow

This episode clearly shows how incredibly observing Sakon can be. To think that he’d be able to figure things out by right and left-handed. It was a small and simple arc this time, not unlike the previous one with its huge amount of characters and alibis. This time, we had just a small number of characters involved.

In the end, my first feeling was right. Aoki was the culprit. His reasons for acting the way he did, however, remained a pleasant and very entertaining surprise. Remember his band-aids? It seems that he’s been wearing these for ten years. He got these scars in the same fire he lost his daughter. He and his wife had a fight, because she cheated on him. In the end, a couple of candles were knocked over, setting the house aflame. The wife fled to man she cheated with while Aoki rushed to save his daughter. In the end, this fire burned his face and killed her. This wife was none other than Keiko. The other man was none other than Hayami.

Ever since, Aoki has been longing for revenge. He tracked Keiko down and started working at the same place she did. He waited a couple of years before taking his chance. He wanted to kill her loved ones, before he killed her. When he finally got the chance to do the latter, he couldn’t. Sakon then adviced him to turn himself in.

This arc was rather predictable, unfortunately. Last episode, we saw someone with brown trousers enter Hayami’s room. It was either Aoki or Kishikawa. But Kishikawa couldn’t have done it, because it was just too obvious. So it has to mean that Aoki was the culprit. He quickly changed into a suit afterwards. That’s why I like mysteries with lots of characters. It’s much harder to guess who did it.

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