Chainsaw Man – 2 [Arrival in Tokyo]

Enter week two of Chainsaw Tuesdays and we have a quieter episode this week with the primary focus being the introduction of our main cast. We are near the end of volume 1 of the manga though that did resort in the cutting of a scene. But before getting to that I would give an overall impression of this episode being good. We got some laughs and it set up things for the next. It did the job it was meant to do though that may not wow people still looking for Chainsaw Man to deliver the answer to the hype it’s gotten. I think crunchyroll’s translation continues to muck up a bit thus making jokes land not as well or muddy certain lines with greater implications. CGI haters can relax as we have a fully 2D episode…I think. I will go into that but my confidence in telling the difference has been put down a notch. Also for those interested Crunchyroll has announced that the English Dub of Chainsaw Man will be debuting next week on the 25th. Which kinda shoots my plans of covering it weekly with the two episode delay but I am curious as to whether this could lead to grabbing a more mainstream audience. Chainsaw Man so far has landed pretty well but I think it has an appeal that could extend even to non anime watchers, with the only detriment at the moment being its subtitle only release.

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Chainsaw Man – 1 [Dog and Chainsaw]

Landing finally after all this time with anticipation high and does Chainsaw Man land like a superhero or splat like the other guys. To give early judgment, I would consider it a success as it did what a first episode should do. Would that match the hype built up for it? No, but quite frankly nothing would. This episode was beautiful, Ushio did fantastic on the soundtrack and direction was excellent. I am aware that the voices Denji and Makima are different from what people imagined and personally I did feel a degree of dissonance which may need more time to fade. I expect more of that when I check out the english dub of the series. True be told I planned to include a section for it in this post but sadly Cruchyroll is late with that dub despite it being completed. Still I feel the Japanese actors did well for what little I can do to judge their performances. We got a good opening with my personal favorite touch being the movie references as Fujimoto is a well known movie nut. A nice blend of well known and fairly obscure as well as seeing as we got Pulp Fiction and Big Lebowski alongside Jacob’s Ladder, Constantine and Killer Tomatoes of all things. This thing is likely a litmus test for how well you know your movies. Full disclosure, I failed having only caught the Goodbye Eri and Big Lebowski reference but I know you looked them up too.
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Chainsaw Man – A Pre-Airing Primer

We are mere weeks away from the airing of Chainsaw Man and I thought I would take this time aside to have a little chat. I solemnly swear this post will have no spoilers and is just a means of helping newcomers get why this show is a big deal, what you could expect and how you shouldn’t walk into this expecting it to blow you away. I mean the series already has haters which even the most beloved of series have but I do understand how this series may not be for everyone and if you read the season preview you can likely tell who I have had fairly heated arguments with about it. So I have tried looking at opinions from those who were not quite as keen on the series to perhaps put forward reasons as to why this may not click with you. I have structured this post in a way where I will detail one positive and then one negative and by the end you can make your own judgments.

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Legend of the Galactic Heroes Die Neue These – 34-36

For once my choice to split these posts into three episode summaries works to my benefit as we got a three part closer to our season of LOGH. It’s a wonder if I can find enough to talk about for a full post as in general this is mainly action and strategy which oddly enough are usually LOGHs weakest episodes in the original series. I have likely mentioned it once, twice, if not many times but the original LOGH is not something you watched for the space battles. While there are certainly aspects of the original series which beat out the remake like episodes which gave better perspective to certain conflicts and design choices, if it’s one area the remake beats the original it’s in visual presentation. The original had its moments of great animation, for the most part battles meant watching boxes fire lasers at each other. The remake gives these battles a much needed visual punch even if the end result is still along the lines of boxes firing lasers at each other.
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Legend of the Galactic Heroes Die Neue These – 31-33

Well we are down to the second last post of this season…or at least I would say that but it’s been confirmed that we are getting another season of this so my job is once again far from over. Don’t take that to mean I dislike that this is continuing as four seasons is a massive rarity for most series and to see a show with the quality of Logh get it is well deserved. Moving on to the episodes It’s a bit odd to start with a staff officer giving a painting to a sickly man and a rather cryptic musing over how the officer was surprised at the lack of a pet in his room. I would say that this is a remark akin to “Grass is greener on the other side” as the sickly man claiming the officer as his ideal. So the remark about disabled individuals having pets who could do things that they could not is in reference to how the sickly man views the officer but fails to see that just like pets, there are restrictions to the freedoms given. As for Maries conversation with Reinhard, I feel she is giving Braunschweig far too much credit if she thinks he simply lost due to three things. He displayed incompetence in almost every area that it’s hard to even imagine how be could best Reinhard, in truth the only thing he succeeded at was pushing his subordinate to kill Kircheis which was mainly delagation. Though her assertion that an enemy was needed in order to grow a nation is a fascinating one. When you think about it this is similar to the idea of how competition helps to improve a product or service. If nothing threatens your position then you have no drive to improve and something which is a point of comparison. People have a tendency to place a group in an “other” category either by difference of opinion or status and part of what may drive a person is the desire to “Not be them” An enemy may be a good term for such a person or group and it’s an amusing concept to have something whose purpose is to prove you are above it. Nobody wants to lose or be beaten by something they have deemed counter to their core beliefs so it would be a curious thought that the strive for innovation and improvement be derived from a negative source.
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Legend of the Galactic Heroes Die Neue These – 25-30

I am uncertain as to who is so committed to LOTGH that they continue to remake it even four years after the debut of the first season but I am certainly grateful for their efforts and the efforts of the animation team. Jumping into it again reminds me just how different it is to any other anime with its pseudo documentary approach to storytelling. Watching it is like watching history and I find it funny how often it goes to the effort of naming every minor character on screen, as though these were people of note in their own right. But I think the show realizes that there is no possible way for anyone to remember the names of all these characters(Especially for Japanese people to remember all these foregn names, not even counting for the fact that this used to be a novel which would make that straight impossible) as it does the equivalent of a sizzle reel naming every member of Reinhard’s court. I find though LOTGH deals with fairly broad subject matter, it never truly leaves the viewer behind and often puts information clearly enough in bite size chunks for them to get the current situation. It’s the difference between convoluted and complex in like how Kingdom Hearts storyline is simpler than you would think but the problem lies in how utterly convoluted it’s presentation is. Where with LOTGH we have the story getting across the cost of the coup by talking about the free planets needing to gain new soldiers with the loss of so many experienced ones and tying it into Juilian getting inducted into the military. Through Juilian we see the training and first battle jitters, as well as the classroom setting to exposite about the importance of the Iserlohn corridor. On the surface you have a basic A plot of Juilian entering the military and within that is many small bits contributing to worldbuilding at large. LOTGH in general makes frequent use of a microplot to give a greater sense of the bigger picture. Unlike Game of thrones for example it doesn’t jump between three different ongoing plots but instead focuses each episode on one specific topic and rarely if ever deviates(Though to be fair that’s based on this season as my memory of previous seasons is misty due to it being literal years ago.) Look at the last of the episodes here on Fezzan where every scene is about Fezzan and characters within Fezzan. We never switch to Yang or Reinhard to see how their current stories are going, but stay laser focused on just the events of Fezzan. So we are never overloaded with information as the anime sticks to showing you the details you need to know for the current episode.
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Fate/Grand Order: Final Singularity – The Grand Temple of Time: Solomon Anime Review – 50/100

I truly wonder if Fate anime will come out ad infinitive just to force me out of retirement. Look I know full well that the reading audience of this blog likely hold little to zero interest in this movie and I truly don’t blame them for doing so. Even I, Fate fanatic that I am, held off on watching this for over a month and can express a degree of ambivalence towards it. As such I might as well admit that this isn’t so much a review but rather a diatribe I was inspired to write after sitting down to push myself though this movie through obligation. But I put my plea to the blogging court, is there truly anyone looking for a review of this movie? It’s a conclusion to a story which 5/7s of which is unadapted to anime and holds appeal mainly for those who spent two years playing a mobile gacha game or those that powered through 160 hours of writing. I can only really assume you are reading this out of some odd fascination with my drivel or an equal interest in this franchise of glorious highs and head to wall bashing lows. But with all things considered I at least need to make an effort to give some sort of opinion on this odd movie.
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Full Metal Daemon Muramasa Visual Novel Review – 90/100

It’s tough being a visual novel fan as we are the niche within a niche within a niche. Anime fans are likely to read manga and some even read light novels and some may even read web novels. But rarer than that is the anime fan that reads visual novels. So being a western VN fan can be quite painful when you see that some of the most highly lauded visual novels remain in a language you do not understand. Thankfully in recent times a lot of greatest hits of the Visual novel industry have been localised but among the white whales of long sought after localisations is Muramasa. Sadly the rights to localise this title lay in the hands of JAST who is a company rather known to take years for a single release and seem to have an iron grip on all Nitroplus works. Considering how long it takes for them to do a single release many thought that we may never be able to experience Muramasa. But straight out of nowhere JAST announced that Muramasa would release within a month pretty much catching the entire VN community off guard. Thus here we have it, the once claimed untranslatable VN is now available to read for English audiences. I might as well say from the outset that this is one of those VN were going in blind is the best option and while I will be avoiding spoilers it may be best to experience this on your own before looking at this review provided you are interested. That said if you don’t have an interest then maybe this little review of mine could get you intrigued. If you wish to know if I recommend this visual novel then my answer is absolutely yes. Continue reading “Full Metal Daemon Muramasa Visual Novel Review – 90/100”

Fate/Stay Night Heaven’s Feel – III Spring Song Anime Review – 95/100

It’s taken years to reach this finale and it’s something I have been looking forward to for quite some time. The Heaven’s Feel movies so far have proved to be the best adaption of the Fate/Stay Night visual novel yet and it was up to the third one to make it a slam dunk. What are my feelings on it? Well, one particular thing I have with Ufotable adaptations is that their work often veers close to perfection yet misses the mark ever so slightly. Heaven’s Feel was close to being an exception to the rule but sadly this movie has a scene that fell short and thus stopped it from being flawless. That statement makes it seem as though I didn’t like this movie but believe me when I say that is most definitely not the case. It’s more the frustrating feeling of a fan who sees something reach for the stars only to fall right before it grasps them. This is the griping of a fan who saw something great and is complaining that it wasn’t a little greater. At the end of the day this is the best adaptation of the Fate franchise due to how it not only represents the source but elevates it. Of course whether it is the best anime the Fate Franchise has to offer will be down to who’s watching it but I have a fair feeling that most will be debating between this and Zero. I will take this moment to state that this review will not be taking the more usual approach of talking vaguely about the anime in order to not spoil things for those looking for an opinion on it before starting. Honestly if you are looking at a review of the third part of a trilogy of movies and haven’t watched the first two then I would say you are quite odd. I will be talking about scenes and spoilers from the movie so if you haven’t watched it I would advice you to not read this review. But if you want my opinion on whether you should watch this or not, well I am a Fate fanatic so of course I am going to tell you to watch it.
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Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World 2 Anime Review – 85/100

When I finished the first season of Re:Zero, I ended my review on a certain assumption that a second season was on the way. What I didn’t know was that the second season would take four years to get here but was the wait worth it? Now that the final episode has aired I would say yes and I very much look forward to a third season I pray is sooner than the second was. This was the season to change a lot of people’s minds on Re:Zero and have them thinking better of it which I of course called in the first season which people considered more polarizing. When it comes to second seasons in anime you often have cases where a second season spends too much time laying down setup for a third season which may not come to pass. Or simply running though the same beats of the first season and expecting it to have the same impact. In comparison Re:Zero season 2 doesn’t just continue the story but manages to make it’s previous season even better in retrospect as it brings new things to the table.

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