Armed Librarians – The Book of Bantorra – 23

So here I thought that I was beginning to understand the story of this series. And then this episode comes and gives a completely different dimension to just about everything. Seriously, is there no end to the Armed Librarians’ awesomeness?

I remember noting a few episodes ago, that the Violet Sinner might be this series’ protagonist. Okay, so that was obviously wrong and incredibly misguided, as this episode showed that she too could be quite the bastard to Hamyuts, and probably turned her into what she is today. I’m very surprised that the creators have decided to show much deeper into the past, to show where everything begun: with the wishes of one of the acting directors to destroy heaven. AKA: that damned tree!

This episode revealed A LOT: as it turns out, the Armed Librarians exist in order to protect heaven, while the Church is there to maintain it: to provide it with good books in its attempt to achieve true happiness. The reason they’re at war is mostly because most members don’t even know about this, and Kachua getting strange ideas and taking these ideals much further than necessary.

Now, about Hamy: the majority of her past hasn’t been revealed yet, but based on what this episode my theory is the following: both she and the Violet Sinner were developed as a way to destroy heaven. Heaven told Makia that it wanted to die, however I believe that this was mostly another one of its attempts to create the ultimate book: Hamy. I have no bloody clue what his wishes are, but I think that the church believed that Hamy’s book was the one that Heaven was looking for, and therefore tried to kill her with all their might. In contrast, the Violent Sinner was meant to destroy heaven: when her love would come true, heaven would be destroyed.

My guess is that whatever Heaven is trying to do, Hamy wants it as well. By ‘wanting to ascend heaven’, she meant that she wanted to have her book absorbed by that tree. She’s basically been living her entire life, trying to make her book as exciting as possible! That’s why she wanted to die: in an as exciting way as possible, so that’s why a simple suicide wouldn’t work: everything about her needed to be glorious in order for her to be the book that grants Heaven’s wishes.

I’m not sure how that ties in with the Violent sinner, though. There are just too many open questions about her at this point. Who did she love? What is her connection to Hamy, and what did she want Hamy to create?

Overall, Armed Librarians has been without a doubt my favourite show during the past Winter Season. The next question is simple: SECOND SEASON WHERE!?
Rating: *** (Awesome)

8 thoughts on “Armed Librarians – The Book of Bantorra – 23

  1. I love this show
    I think bantorra only needed 3 or 4 episode of OVA to cover everything i think. but getting second season wouldn’t hurt either

  2. I think most of our fears are coming true.
    Based on the next preview it seems they are pushing it so fast to get through volume 8 by the end of episode 24….which would exactly mean 1 episode for both 9 and 10 left.
    I still hope I’m wrong…

    I seriously need to pick up reading the novels again.

  3. My guess is the person the violet sinner loves is “heaven” who could very well be a person since it was speaking and we see glowing dude in the preview. My next guess is heaven rejected her leaving her as we see her now. I’m not 100% sure but I think she has the power to create those iron people. Probably what was happening to Minth at the end there.

  4. I don’t think her ability is to create Vend Ruga but rather… it seems she can command people or mess with their thoughts badly, considering how she pacified Hamy. She seems to be spreading her rather twisted demented love around, and I think Hamy might still be reeling in from long time effects considering how she’s quite loving towards rabbits (which Chacoly had as a stuff toy).

    @Chounokoe: I don’t mind if they do breeze through the chapters now as long as it still remains coherent and the spirit of the story is still there (ALA Natsume Yuujinchou). Course it would be great if they didn’t rush through it and just extended but alas its been a set series, considering that this is material already available I would assume that the director would’ve considered how to keep the essence of the novel more or less there.

  5. This show just has that ability to pull everything together into something awesome. Looking forward to see how this all ends.

  6. @Machi: This is not a matter of chapters, this is a matter of 3 light novels that combine to approximately 930 pages…
    Unless I’m either totally mistaken (which I still hope because I’m just going by the hardcore spoiler on the dustjacket of volume 8 and 9) or the last 4 volumes consist of only fighting this would be terrible…

  7. I’m aware of the remaining novels as well (after it was posted), I’ve read the jackets as well to see whats left.

    Its best to wait until the last episode to go off into judgement it would also just be as good to look into it optimistically, considering as I’ve said the number of episodes have been laid out since the onset of the show so I’m sure the staff did have to consider how they’ll be handling the remaining novels.

    Though considering the strength of the series so far even few minutes of bad faith, or in this case remaining two episodes, wouldn’t null out the fact that the show has been incredible. Sure it would be great to go out with a bang but we shall just have to wait and see.

    We’ve still got 3 or 4 episodes left, depending on whether anime news network or my anime list is correct (hoping for the latter so we’d have 27 episodes). But either way even with a few bad minutes, or in this case episodes, of bad faith the show still remains solid. In any case best to wait and see rather than fretting about how the show could bomb the remaining materials, considering as others have commented that they’ve been relatively faithful to the material to do it justice I again say stay optimistic.

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