Armed Librarians – The Book of Bantorra – 03

The more I watch this series, the more I’m convinced that it’s one of the big powerhouses this season. Even taking Darker than Black and Aoi Bungaku into account, I still keep edging to this series as my current favourite of the Autumn season, and this episode only made this show even more intriguing. It’s going to be awesome if the creators can keep this up.

This episode provided a lot of answers. We learn who the mysterious woman that appeared in the visions is: Shiron Byacornise, a girl who could foresee the future. She predicted the arrival of a major disease, however she was used by some sort of group of evil people. The reason she got hung is that she finally retaliated, and got herself hung as a sign of repent.

And I must say… the plan of the “bad guys” to get rid of Hamyuts Meseta is actually quite ingenious: they’d predict whenever she’d get near her weakness (typhoons), poison her with a deadly disease and then try to attack her. Finally we have these bad guys who don’t come up with these wimpy plans that involve sending a bunch of weak goons!

It’s also interesting: the previous episode had been setting her up as a villain, while this episode did the entire opposite: in a strange act of mercy she let a surprisingly self-conscious Meat live, and turned him back into a human. That Meat of course was Colio. She’s also a completely different character when she discovers that she becomes the hunted instead of the hunter, and starts becoming entirely nonchalant as to what’s going to happen to her.

Then there is that mysterious book guy, who still is pretty much of a mystery at this point. He just keeps handing out fragments of Shiron’s book to random people, but for what point and purpose? My guess would be that foresight comes into play again: we’ve already confirmed two people who have somehow the power to look into the future (Shiron and the mysterious guy who predicted the way the storm would travel), so why wouldn’t there be more? It looks to me like this guy is trying to change the future, and Shiron’s memories somehow are the key to it.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

10 thoughts on “Armed Librarians – The Book of Bantorra – 03

  1. After a rather underwhelming first episode, Bantorra has definitely picked up. I find myself more and more drawn to the story as each episode passes. While I could right now care less about the characters (expect Hamyuts; she’s awesome, even with her huge cleavage), the events surrounding them continues to draw me in.

    And David Production toned down the god awful CG of the first episode.

  2. Yeah this was a pretty interesting episode with the details about Shiron. Lol looks like the dumb meat bomb strategy wasn’t the only plan the Shideki Church had.

  3. Great episode. I need next Friday to be NOW after that cliffhanger.

    And I hope [HorribleRemux] can do subs on a consistent basis too. It was great seeing this show in 720p.

  4. as for this season
    for now I prefer Armed Librarians
    couple thing intriguing me, who the antagonist and protagonist. I couldn’t even 100% sure who is the good and bad guy


    Why did my comment get cut =_=
    *tries again*
    The reason she got hung is that she finally retaliated, and got herself hung as a sign of repent.
    — it didn’t appear like that to me though x_x People thought she had been taking advantage of the situation to sell the antidote in a high price, right? So it’s not exactly that she let herself hung, but it’s the people who wanted her to be.

  6. Sapphire: that’s right, but they never would have found out about that if she didn’t outright tell them. Now why would she have done tha if she knew that it would very likely end up with her getting hanged?

  7. @ psgels:
    The reason for that . . . is a spoiler O_O I think some people who read here do not want to get spoiled ^^; Ehehe . . .

    but for a non-spoilery reason, well, since she’s opposing now, she’s no longer afraid to die and she would want to help others no matter what.

  8. I thought the first episode seemed pretty mediocre, so I haven’t watched anymore… But, you know, I’ll keep trying! Your words gave me courage! 😀

  9. *fixed

    “While I could right now care less about the characters expect Hamyuts; she’s awesome, even with her huge cleavage, the events surrounding them continues to draw me in.”

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