AOMM Anime Blog Quality Rating

Ah well. Every anime blogger suffering from an inferiority complex can breathe easily again. I just compared Jason’s newest masterpiece of Anime Blog support, the anime blog quality rating, with Star Crossed. You can see the results below. Let’s just say that you’re currently reading on the worst Anime Blog yet, as I don’t think that anyone will have a lower score.

+1 point for viewable on small (i.e. 1024 x 768) monitors.
+1 point for using good HTML techniques, i.e. specifying width and height tags for images and description tags for links.
+1 point for using e-mail address.
+1 point for about page. (If you count the puny page I have…)
+1 point for at least ten posts a month.
-1 point for any day with more than five posts. (What can I say? I almost always reserve one post per episode. And at some days, I watch a lot of anime ^^;)
+1 point for keeping a blogroll.
+1 point for lack of comment spam.
+1 point for RSS or Atom feed available.
+1 point for valid and Magpie parsable RSS or Atom feed.
+1 point if posts are categorized by series or some other system that makes some sense.
+1 point for screenshots.
+1 point for punctuation.
+1 point for spoiler warnings.
+3 points for not being afraid to go against popular opinion.
+3 points for bringing something new to the table.
+3 points for blogging about shows no one else is at the moment.

This makes a total of 21, otherwise known as a horribly low score. But ah well, you know what they say: the more mistakes you make, the more you learn. 🙂

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