Ao no Exorcist – 09

And here Ao no Exorcist proves that it too can write a great climax. It’s a bit late compared to the other shows this season, but heck: this episode rocked. It showed that the formula of this series definitely works.

This episode was rock-solid: The previous episodes just made it seem that Satan started to send his minions to fetch Rin. This episode however revealed that there was much more to it than just that, and evolved into an exam that got out of hand. This too is a staple of shounen series, but rarely do we see it executed so short but sweet.

And here’s the thing with this series: it was annoying to get through, but I’m really enjoying the characters right now.In fact, the dynamics between Rin, Yukio and the others really culminated together in this episode, above how this episode flowed really nicely from one twist to the other. Heck, even the two characters who had been silent up till now finally spoke and added some charms to this episode. Now that’s a great sign!

It’s also here where this series shows that the motivations for the main character to get stronger are much better than usual. Becoming the best or getting power to protect someone, they all have this been there done that mentality, not to mention that just that can become really one-sided. Rin doesn’t exactly want to protect: he wants his enemies to stop involving innocent people. That’s a lot more interesting to watch. And of course I’m not asking for every show to have a deep background for its character (heck, the lead of the Law of Ueki, one of my favourite shounen series ever has the simple motivation of wanting to win a contest), I’m asking for it to be interesting: toy with it; show other characters who can relate to that, use it to get into interesting situations. This episode was a major step into the right direction for Ao no Exorcist. Now keep this up!
Rating: ** (Excellent)

6 thoughts on “Ao no Exorcist – 09

  1. I especially love how much they’ve developed Rin now, up till the point where you can even expect him to do what he just did, because we know him so well.

    One can argue this makes him cliche (as that is what many shounen characters do), but I still say that this run was masterful.

    Now if they can keep doing this for sixteen more episodes… (and I have no doubts about that)

  2. “It’s also here where this series shows that the motivations for the main character to get stronger are much better than usual.” – You think so?

    “Rin doesn’t exactly want to protect: he wants his enemies to stop involving innocent people.” – It’s not a big difference.

    I found this episode really cheesy.

  3. //sigh

    I wonder if 24 episodes is enough for this series.
    I just don’t want to get my hopes up high and then end up with a freaking cliffhanger at the end.
    That would be just horrible.

  4. After nine episodes I’m really starting to like this show. Hell, I wish I could marathon it because I hate being left in the dark on what’s becoming a very interesting world. I really got the sense from this episode that Rin was really sick of how people were behaving around him. It really bothers him that people turn ugly or get hurt just because of who he is. He was annoying at first, still is a bit, but I really am getting to like him.

    Maybe this show can fill the void that was left with me once D.Gray-man got cancelled. It’s nice to have a somewhat dark shounen series to go with from week to week.

  5. Very nice episode .. did expect Nauhaus to actualyl attempt killing Rin this fast … but it seems the manage was behind it all .. which puts big question marks on his back-story !!! is he lying !!? .. i mean he said Satan possessed him, tried to kill him and made him kill his family .. so why the heck is he conspiring with the manager (who is one of satan sons) and his demon brother (if he is going to lead him into the campus it means he knows who he really is) does he really know the true nature of the manager (who is also a son of satan) and his story is fake or not !!?

    more improtantly .. it annoys me no one can see the manager is a half-demon like Rin .. he has very pointy ears and pointy teeth like Rin .. at least those who know about Rin’s true nature should be able to spot the similarities and that the manager/principal is a half-demon (and of all things one of satan sons .. there seems to be three so far) .. more importantly .. why the heck would a son of satan make a school of exorcists and send them out to kill demons even though he seems to be on good terms with satan and his connections with Gehenna are strong !!!!?

    Can’t wait to find the answers to those questions ^_^

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