Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-Tachi wa Mada Shiranai. – 04

What makes an amazing 11~13-episoded series is completely different from what makes an amazing 24~26 episoded series. The latter has time to build up and flesh out characters. The former however doesn’t need that luxury, and needs to deliver right from the start. And Anohana did that wonderfully: all four episodes so far have delivered, and all have been amazing so far.

The strength of this episode was that it took the heart-wrenching formula and added even more to it: a completely weird plot twist. When Hana-Saku Iroha did this with its third episode, it lost part of its charm, but this episode retained the tension and the emotional connection, while it also showed how Jinta isn’t the only guy member of the cast who completely lost it.

The awesome thing about this episode was that just about every character shined: Matsuyuki for insulting himself, Jintan for having the guts to actually try and talk to him, Chiriko for getting tired of him, Menma for consistently encouraging Jinta, Tetsudo for joining her and trying to keep the group together and Naruko for still trying to get Jinta to go out more. These characters all have their flaws, but this show always makes them play with these flaws.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

10 thoughts on “Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-Tachi wa Mada Shiranai. – 04

  1. I did NOT see that coming. but when i look at how Jinta reacted when the girl almost fell and the flashbacks…i wonder if they all SAW her fall creak open her head and lay lifeless in the water below..that’d mess me up for years too.

  2. I figured this was going to be the reveal, but it was quite enjoyable nonetheless. It’s now my favorite of the season because tearjerkers rarely feel so sincere.

    The puzzle of ghost-Menma’s interactions with the others could make or break this one, though. Here’s hoping they don’t go nuts with the concept given how out-there the rest of the cast already is.

  3. Weird development though I can’t say that I did not see that coming especially with Yukiatsu’s sniffing Menma’s one-piece dress from a past episode. Now I am getting even more curious about what is up with Yukiatsu and Menma in the past, for him to act the way he does now. Initially, I was thinking childhood crush which is the most logical reason as to why he is so touchy with the subject of Menma but with this episode, surely there’s got to be more behind his and Menma’s history.

  4. This series is freaking good and I’m sure Yukiatsu’s cross dressing issue is going to be skillfully developed but still I laugh like a maniac every time I see MANma.

  5. I really hope they will use this twist well to show how broken Yukiatsu has become. I mean, when you think about it, it’s creepy! Dressing like you’re dead friend :S

  6. Poor Naruko…competing with Menma for Jinta’s affections and still on the short end after she’s passed away =(

  7. So, last episode I never came to conclusion of hi crossdresing, so this episode was a surprise to me! I really liked it. For some reason, seeing him dress up as Menma really hit me emotionally.

    Maybe its was because how he made it look as if he didnt care… but really the death effected him greatly. I hope we get some focus on his character more.

    I don’t know, but I could just feel the pain all of the characters have over her death.

    I also kind of hope that Naruko and Jinta get together, I think they’re cute.

  8. Just started this show yesterday. I must say it’s kind of ruining Iroha for me, because this is just so much better.

  9. if the calibre of the story writing so far continues right to the last, i cannot wait to buy the series when it comes out

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