Announcement Time – Writers Recruitment #2

Applications are closed. To everyone who submitted, thank you for your interest!

In June of 2017, I applied to be part of the team here at Star Crossed. Now, nearly two years later, I’m writing our new recruitment post. Time flies when you’re blogging anime.

With Aidan’s recent departure, it’s time for us to shore up our roster a bit. More writers means we’ll be able to cover more series, include more perspectives in our First Impressions posts, and perhaps introduce new features like Lenlo’s Throwback Thursday. Seasonal anime will always be our bread and butter, so we’ll be asking new recruits to give us a hand starting with the Summer 2019 season. If you watch anime week-to-week and want an established platform to write about it, then we’d love for you to apply.

Text blogging isn’t a glamorous job in this era of video sharing sites and social networks. If your application is accepted, your only rewards as a writer will be a sense of accomplishment and the rare message from an appreciative commenter. Keep at it long enough and you may even get one or two not-so-appreciative messages! Mario, Lenlo and I will be grateful to have you, though. We’ve all got different tastes, so you’re sure to find somebody you click with. We’re also flexible regarding upload schedules and show selection, though we’ll begin to expect a bit more once you’ve settled in.

Still keen on applying? Hit the jump for details!

1) Tell us a bit about yourself, talk briefly about some of your favorite anime, and provide a recent sample of your anime-related writing. It can be an episode writeup or a full series/film review. This is a chance for us to take a look at your writing style, as well as an opportunity for potential new bloggers to test themselves. Our posts are typically 500-600 words in length. See how long it takes you to hit that target while maintaining a level of polish and personalization that satisfies you. If you can do that up to three times a week, you’re exactly who we’re looking for.

2) Email your application to animarchmadness(at)gmail(dot)com with the subject: “[your username] Writer’s Application.” The deadline will be Sunday, June 16th. Depending on the number of applicants, we’ll do our best to respond via email as soon as a final decision is made. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment on this post. One of the writers on staff will be happy to reply.

Anime blogging may not pay the bills, and it’s not a ticket to instant internet fame, but if you love the medium of animation and want an outlet to express it, it can be a fulfilling hobby. If you’re willing to take up the metaphorical pen, best of luck! We’ll see you on the other side.

7 thoughts on “Announcement Time – Writers Recruitment #2

  1. I think this post says a lot about blogging. Long time ago, I’d visit my favourite blogs to read about anime reviews but there are only a handful of those websites remaining. I’m not a fan of watching fan reactions to each anime series. I guess what I’m saying is good job and I hope you get some solid applicants =)

    1. “I’m not a fan of watching fan reactions to each anime series.”

      Couldn’t agree more. For me, those remaining anime blogs you mentioned are an oasis in a sea of clickbait and insubstantial video-based content. Ours is nowhere near the best of the bunch, but we’ll be keeping the lights on for a while to come.

      Thanks for the nice comment! See you around. 🙂

      1. Trust me, if we got paid this would be a whole different story. Ads everywhere! Banners on Banners! Capitalism at its finest!

        1. If we got paid, I wouldn’t join in in the first place. When you do something for hobby and when you do it as job are completely different story. And the demand for quality writing and time efficiency are much greater, too.

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