Announcement Time – User registration

Hello one and all. As I am sure you have noticed, there have been changes going on around the site as of late and I understand that change is scary. Please take heed to not suffer three simultaneous heart attacks upon seeing the banner up there change for the first time in several years.

Alright, to get serious for now. Things have been going on around the site as we have been basically fixing up the site to be more efficient as how it was previously configured was hardly ideal. We also have had to deal with problems with our server as it seems it can barely handle the slightest bit of hard labor and has caused us to compromise on a few things. Likely our biggest change is the new chatbox which I understand some have grievances with. However it does have several advantages over the old chatbox and what I have to say here will address the biggest issue with it so far. As it is currently, users can only keep their name for a day. If you leave psgels and come back you cannot assume your old nickname until 24 hours pass. To fix this we have added that little register box over on the right side. With it you can register with the site and keep your username in the chatbox as well as use it for commenting. For now those are it’s main uses but we may add new features to make use of it in the future. No promises on that as we do want to keep this Anime Blog as an Anime Blog

You may notice that if you attempt to register you get a popup asking for another username and password. This is a security measure added by our host to prevent the thousands of bots desperate to sell you Viagra and prevent them from overloading the server. To get past this, just put in the username and password as “wordpress“. Check remember me to make it you only need to press ok if it pops up again in the future. Then you will be able to register with the site and log in to post in the chatbox or likewise. This may be inconvenient to some but remember you can save the login information when prompted by your browser and make it a painless 2 click process.

I would like to thank K-Off and afgm for their efforts to help the site. Well I say efforts but quite frankly they did all the work while I sat twiddling my thumbs. Lastly I would like to say that while changes are taking place, we do not intend to change this site from what Psgels intends it to be. In fact we make sure to inform him of what we are doing and ensure we have his consent on all important matters. We hope we can bring bring this site back to it’s former glory and beyond. As well as provide you lot with the best anime coverage possible.

I will try to get the next season preview your way soon and thank you for your patience.

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