Announcement Time!

Well hello there my precarious readers, this is AidanAK47 here to bring you news most unexpected. And before you ask, no. It’s not that I finally gave up and decided to ditch you all like the rest. Through what is an unexpected turn of events I have made this blogging thing a bit too much of a habit to give up so I ain’t going anywhere anytime soon. So while I wait for Dark Souls 3 to download and suck the remainder of my free time into a endless void; I wish to share some news.

We have a new writer on board! Please welcome Mario_Thang or whatever they decide to call themselves during their time here.

Due to circumstances they will be posting using Lightningblot’s account who you might remember as that guy who wrote two posts on your lie in April and disappeared into the abyss. I happened to get a hold of his password thanks to shenanigans involving lightningblot’s poor choice of password and a rather insolent but laughably stupid troll.(Still brings a smile to my face when I recall just how I managed to wrestle back control of his account from that silly troll)

So that’s all well and good but what does that mean for you. Well it means that this site will be more active and we will be covering more anime each season. It’s means that this will truly become a multi-writer Blog as Psgels intended and there will be someone to contrast my so far one man show on this site. Put simply thanks to jolly cooperation there will be more content on this site for no extra cost. All I ask is that you be gentle with our newcomer and offer constructive criticism  in order to help them improve and get more sunk into the role. Don’t be mean. Of course our newcomer has no obligation to this site and is free to leave whenever they so wish. Though I have made it clear just what kind of hobby this is and they seem keen despite the downsides so I think this one won’t disappear as fast as our previous writers.

Well that’s all I have to say. Psgels, if there’s any small slim chance you might see this then hows about you hand over admin rights so I can finally fix the headers and get rid of that annoying spam. Not to mention make some improvements like a search button and for the shoutbox an edit button. Well then, I am off to slaughter hellspawn with my trusty zweihander.


Praise the sun,


11 thoughts on “Announcement Time!

  1. Good to see you have things under control AidanAK47, missed you guys and girls while you were away.

    Do you ever see Fruits Basket or Peach Girl getting a reboot? It was one of my fave animes.

  2. Great to see more writers! I honestly didn’t know for the longest time so kudos, I guess.

    I don’t have time to watch all the trailers/first eps for all the animes nowadays so I appreciate all your First Impressions posts. Speaking of which, if you guys take requests, Re: Living In A New World is phenomenal and would like you maybe one of guys to cover it.

    Either way, thanks for the reviews!

    1. I am covering RE:Zero. I am planning on getting a review of the second episode up today. However I am also playing Dark Souls 3 today so no promises.

  3. The more the merrier, delighted to see the site go on.
    I’m more than willing to volunteer as well should you ever need or want any more writers.

    1. I cant take on new writers unless I get ahold of one other writers accounts or Psgels shows up. It’s purely by fluke I managed to get access to lightningbolts account.

      1. Aahhh….that’s too bad cuz as a long time lurker on this blog, I also would love to offer my assistance in writing 2 or maybe 3 series whenever you still in need for more writers, since I finally had some extra free time nowadays after I quit my previous job and gotten this new one.

  4. Wow, I had no clue you’ve been stranded here with no admin privileges.
    That’s pretty brutal.

    I really appreciate the good work you’ve been putting into this.
    I hope I’ll feel the same for neo-LightningBlot-Mario-chan. Good luck!

  5. Nice to hear that. Can’t wait for a few more anime reviews, especially this season which I consider as pretty good. I think I am watching way too much this time.

  6. Props to AidanAK47, single-handedly keeping this blog alive and coming through, in the dearly psgels absence over the past year or two? Not going lie but y’all are similar, you’re a little more blunt but as a creeper of this blog for the past half-decade n’ plus, it’s still my go to blog to weed out anime each season.

    Keep up the quality reviews, even the game ones too ha, those are pretty refreshing to see pop up now n’ then.

    I wouldn’t want this blog to become a ghost land or disappear as we know there’s still quality work psgels has left behind, but I really do think you could pull off your own blog too if psgels isn’t coming back or even just checking in… at least to toss ya the admin rights. I have no doubt your own be niche/mature like this is/was before the abrupt departure of psgels ): . Compared to other blogs, I enjoyed the analysis psgels held on shows compared to some of the more flashy or popular blogs out there and discussions always seemed to be on a slightly higher intelligible/analytical level here.

    Keep up the good work, I’m a lurker no matter where I’m at, but this is one one note I just had to comment on.

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