Allison to Lillia – 08

Okay, that’s it. I’m dropping this series. I’ve had enough, the climax of this episode was just painful to watch. I’ll still continue watching this series for the Lillia-storyline, but I don’t want to blog this series anymore.

Owen Nicht is cornered. He’s about to get arrested, so he takes Fiona hostage. Okay, fair enough, I can live with that. HOWEVER, one of the main guards tries to stop Owen by charging directly into the guy. Owen stops him, not by pointing a knife at Fiona, but freaking stabbing the guy’s knee from such an awkward position!

And then it only gets better. Owen manages to escape (note how he didn’t retrieve his knife). The guy is screwed, so he needs to escape. So, where does he run to? The roof. The freaking ROOF. The highest point possible. Obviously, Benedict is the first to get there too, and Owen abandons Fiona to stab the guy, with another dagger that looks exactly the same as the one he just left into that officer’s leg. But here’s the best part: Benedict blocks it with his freaking watch. He didn’t evade the dagger, he didn’t try to disarm Owen. No, he moved his arm in such a risky position so that his watch would stop the dagger, with the danger that if it was only off by a few angles, it would bounce off and still hit him.

After this, I completely lost interest. I knew that this series wasn’t good, but I never imagined that the creators would resort to ZAIZEN JOTARO-plot-twists.

Madhouse, you’re a strange one: you’ve managed to concentrate all of best staff-members on Himitsu, Chi’s Sweet Home and Kaiba this season, and the worst on Kamen no Maid Guy and Allison to Lillia. It’s interesting: usually madhouse series are a strange combination between awesomeness and a bit of laziness. In this season Himitsu, Kaiba and perhaps to a lesser extend Chi’s Sweet Home are pure awesomeness without any apparent weaknesses, and Maid Guy and Allison to Lillia are among the laziest Madhouse Production that I’ve seen so far.

Ah well, now I can blog one extra series this summer, and it’s looking out to be quite a good season. Farewell Allison to Lillia. In a way, I do hope I’m wrong when I fear that the second half won’t be much better, but I don’t feel like finding out.

19 thoughts on “Allison to Lillia – 08

  1. Did I call this all the way back in ep 2? Yes. Yes I did.

    Do you think Madhouse just decided to round up all of their hot talent and go “right, screw those other guys- we’re going to make the best goddamn anime we can”?

    If it results in things like Kaiba, I think I can let it slide 😀

  2. A little lack in realism doesn’t really hurt. It’s a bit annoying, but it’s nothing that suspense of disbelief can’t fix. However, Allison to Lillia has made no attempt to make itself believable throughout the entire series, and then it comes with this episode and surpasses itself in terms of lack of any sort of believability. That’s why I’m complaining.

  3. I don’t like this anime anymore since episode 04, with all unbelievable twists it had.
    Don’t know if I am able to finish this series…I like some of the characters but the rest…

    But it’s good that you will blog an extra series from the sommerseason for dropping Allison to Lillia. I like your blog.
    But it would be cool to see a final review from you after Allion to L. is finished.
    I would like to see your final rating for this series after it ended.

  4. Psgels, I’ve never really understood why you hate
    unrealistic anime. In my opinion, anime isn’t the
    entertainment one should watch if realism is desired. Oh well, you’re the blogger so it’s your
    call as to what shows you blog.

  5. Wait…I sat through episode 7 in preparation for this? But I too want to see the Lillia half of the series, so I’ll keep going…

  6. Maybe now you could pick up blassreiter xD

    I thank that it really is the most underestimated show of the season. The story is very good so far (episode 7), action scenes are great, and character development is being properly directed in my opinion

    Have you been watching it lately? I would like to know what you think of it so far…

    Good luck! 😉

  7. During Renaissance lived Ludovico Ariosto.
    He wrote the first opera meant for press and large scale divulgation: Orlando Furioso. That is the first “fantasy” ever writte. You may argue about the connection between Allison to Lilia, Ariosto and the topic of this page comments.You’d be welcome. Just to tell you that Ariosto wrote his fantastic story according to some rule and wise plot devices. One of these is called likelyhood. It means that a story doesn’t need to be realistic or tell realistic events. A fantasy story can tell also unrealistic events, but the plot must be coherent, so that it looks alike. So nobody asks “realism” in a fantasy opera, but maybe some cause-effect relation would be apreciated. Some evants in this anime are just made up in a very idiotic way.
    What’s the relation between the event of Allison guessing right Fi and Benedict’s conversation from a far point of view and at the very same time? That’s not “alike” but really impossible to happen. And that’s not the only example of unrealistic plot devices…

  8. Say what you will, I still like this show better than Kaiba. I tried to get into Kaiba… but it was just so DULL! This show may be unrealistic, but at least it’s entertaining. (:


  9. Oh come on, I agree is rather weird he stab the guard right leg when he is using his right which should be easier if he stab his left leg instead, and I do agree is rather unrealistic to stop the dagger with his watch, not because it can’t be stop by it but rather the guy doing the stabbing should feel weird to the stabbing comes to a sudden stop, he should notice straight away that he hasn’t hurt him at all.
    Apart from that I love the story and look forward to more and only other things I don’t like is the OP/ED music.

  10. Kaze: well, it’s all a matter of tase. I feel that the more realistic an anime is, the more I can take it seriously. There are of course exceptions, mostly comedy-anime, but it’s like nahrub said: this is supposed to be a story that takes itself seriously, and because of that the huge lack of realism gets really on my nerves.

    Bruce: I’m watching Blassreiter, actually. It’s indeed a good show, but the past few episodes have been dangerously close to melodrama, unfortunately.

    Chenshang: ah, I forgot to mention that, indeed. At that point, I already lost interest. 😛

  11. Well, I think I see the sign of this since ep.4 = =. Hope you write the final review of this though. I don’t mind much about the unrealistic thing in animes although I have to say Allison to Lilia can’t make me feel excited so far. Guess I have to agree with Bruce for saying Blassreiter is much better.

  12. Someone over at THAT blogged the first 3 or 4 episodes and pointed out the large amount of historically accurate detail that had gone into the guns and planes etc. It’s reasonable to expect a certain level of detail to the human behaviour involved in a series if they can achieve that much.

  13. John: You don’t like the Allison & Lillia OP? Man, I *love* that song… the ED is OK, too, but the OP is just incredible.


  14. Somehow, it reminds me of King kong, yes! the tower scene, damsel in distress and the fall. LOL

  15. Say in a word,
    “Great seiyus and painful scenario”

    NHK anime is getting so awful that they are planning to animetize “Winter Sonata.”
    They only have to broadcast “Kimi ga nozomu eien (Rumbling Hearts)” 😛

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