
here. Regarding the content on my blog, most posts will be episodic, with either a summary, commentary or a combination of these two, depending on my mood. Occasionally, though, I do tend to write special features. These are the most important ones: Some quick first impressions: At every season, I try to watch the first episode of as many series as possible, before deciding which are good and which aren’t. Most of these episodes don’t really provide enough material for one post, but when I combine three series, and provide a small blurb about my opinion, it works out quite well. Monthly Summaries: I watch more than just she shows I blog, and that’s one of the reasons I write up a summary at the end of every month about all the shows I managed to see, ranking them from worst to best. It’s also meant to list the new anime that have been announced in the past month and the individual episodes I enjoyed the most. Anime Reviews: Inspired by Anime Academy. Before I started this blog, I was already an avid reader of the reviews provided at that site, and some of the writers have amazing writing skills. I just tended to disagree with their opinions way more often than not, so I decided to write my own. Most of the site here is filled with spoilers, but for the Reviews and the Monthly Summaries, I try to stay away from any major revelations. Some quick second impressions: Basically a spoof of the quick first impressions. When I want to really say something about a show I’m not blogging, I use this category. Up till now, these turned out to be eiter underrated or overrated series.]]>

0 thoughts on “About

  1. Hehe, I share your sentiments on AA as well. While I disagree with their opinions more often than not, there’s no other anime review site I respect more. I suppose the sinker is their aim to be as objective as possible in their analysis.

  2. I’d like to say that your blog is very well organized and your analysis is clear and simple and sometimes very funny! I found it today and I intend to start coming here often. I’m also 19, I’m Portuguese and in my country it isn’t paid much attention to anime – for that, i always look for foreign info.
    I absolutely agree with you about the “moe-shows”, i think they’re made for empty people, by empty people.
    I just think that your blog lacks attention to older anime like Sanjushi, Anne of Green Gables, Lady Georgie, The Rose of Versailles or Daddy Long Legs. They are much better than most of the recent ones, i think. Well, this is just the opinion of a huge fan of the classics. 🙂
    Keep up the good work!

  3. I’d like to say thank you for all the work you put into these reviews and summaries. These days it’s getting more and more difficult to find an anime-based website or blog containing insightful and indepth reviews that cover a vast variety of the most recent anime as well as a couple from the a decade or two ago. So again, I just wanna say thanks. It’s really good to see that sites like these still exist.

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