Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure – 03

I’m still completely baffled by how over the top this show is, but here is the thing: if the pacing was any slower, this series would have been incredibly cheesy. There is so much over the top yelling going on. If this had the pacing of its contemporary Dragonball Z, it would have been an incredible flop. I cringe at the thought of what would hvave happened if this would had the pacing of a regular shounen series.

Instead though, the creators went for this really fast pacing, and they went for it all the way. It does have a few quiet moments that prevent it from being too fast-paced, but the action scenes are a complete delight, exactly because it jumps from one scene to the other without the endless padding. Because of that, the scene above the inferno worked, even though it took ages for two people to just fall. The characters yelling now fits perfectly here and it just continues to build up adrenaline. It’s also not like the voice actors do nothing but scream the same over and over. They simply talk with a lot of power and passion behind their voices.

Dio especially was brilliant in this episode in this. This is the point where he completely loses his humanity, and during his many rants he was just so enjoyable to watch. There is just something funny about how he goes “JOOOOJOOOOO!!!!”, or how he uses his fingers and toes to climb walls but he just keeps going! Once the action scene in this episode starts, there is just hardly any chance to catch a breather.

On a side-note: do you see the top-left image? I now know where some of Hunter X Hunter’s character designs came from.
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

25 thoughts on “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure – 03

  1. I think this was the worst (not bad at all) episode thus far. Jojo should have a few burning wounds after this, at least.

    1. but he did do his mudamudamuda while walking up the wall, not the fighting one though. did the wryyyyy several times as well.

          1. Hm. I mostly want to see the steamroller. I used to hang out with some people who used to wryyyy a lot. Like after every sentence. And I could never figure out what they were on. XD

  2. somewhat upset that they’re censoring the gore elements, but at least they’re not removing them completely. hoho time for the bizarre adventure part!

  3. So I went and read the first couple dozen chapters of the manga and it seems that the source of the crazy pacing is the manga.

    The anime creators are not rushing it (at least not that much). What they cut so far is some backstory for the mask (which isn’t very interesting, at least up to the point I read), some tidbits about the dog and stuff like that.

    Otherwise, the manga as well has a fast pace. It’s not like Zetman at all. Zetman’s manga had a slow pace (by slow I mean, it had a lot of details a lot of insight for the characters, it was a more analytical kind of manga) so the anime had to… “remix” a lot of content for it to have the pacing they wanted.

    But here… The manga is just as fast paced. The 7 year jump? Just the same in the manga. The weird montage of Jojo and his girlfriend? Just the same in the manga.

    And while they do cover a lot of chapters in each episode, I think that’s mostly because the manga has a ton of fights (and the fights usually have a lot of pages with just one or two panels), so a 10 page fight in the anime takes 30 seconds in the anime.

  4. Phantom Blood, i mean the first Jojo, is the weakest plot of the series.

    Later JoJo parts are mindblowing, and fights require more strategy than Hunter x Hunter.

    I still like Phantom Blood (first saga), but is the most simple.

    1. While Phantom Blood is the weakest arc, to have a good reception from a good portion of the people who have NEVER read the manga is just telling about how good of a job David Production is doing. My god, I hope we will see Part 2 that have the best JoJo.

  5. Jojo bizarre adventure is amazing, I’ve never read the manga, but I definite enjoyed this arc it was over the top, I’m really having fun with this series and its epic fights to a great extent.^^

  6. I wasn’t expecting to see Jojo win the fight without using any kind of special powers. I thought he would use his mother’s ring somehow as his mother mementos seem to host extraordinary features.

    As said, an over the top fight. Normally I think the main character will be able somehow to win but in Jojo’s I tend to see a sure defeat for him so I end up getting surprised when he defeats Dio, which means it’s a really well done the show.

  7. Yeah, even when it’s over the top, it keeps the surprise element and that adds to the epicness factor as well.

  8. This episode had SO MUCH chapters of the manga. And by that I mean 220 pages, a whole volume and 3 other chapters!!
    To put this into perspective, current one piece episode animate 18 pages only, while current Hunter x Hunter animate aproximately 36 pages.
    And nothing much was cut off, minor gore here and there only!

  9. well….. only first episode was fast. second pretty a bit slow and this episode feel slower then the manga version

    damn wanted back episode one pace now

    1. it indeed had about the same pages stuff
      but unlike other episode, all this happen in one day . i kinda expected them to burn it twice as fast

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