Uchuu Kyoudai – 15

This is the episode in which the tensions really start erupting. In Camp B, this is the usual stuff, in which one of the members cracks and starts causing tensions deliberately amongst the rest of the team. The reasons for him cracking are vast: having to live together with one fidgety guy, one very quiet guy, and one overconfident guy, but the straw that broke the camel’s back was a timer that was set off in the middle of the night, which was probably initiated by the guys from JAXA in order to test them.

In Team A there also was tension. However, in the circumstances there are completely different: a clock broke, and it was Fukuda who broke it. Why on earth would he want to do that?! Why he of all people? After last episode, he was the last person I’d suspect to have done it. But that’s the great thing: if the creators can successfully back up the reason why he did it, things really will become amazing. At first I thought that he was some sort of agent from JAXA, meant to stir up some trouble here and there, but with the previous episode and his reaction while breaking that clock this seems highly unlikely.

Especially Mutta was amazing here, and very different from his usual self, especially after he again had the luck to witness what really was going on. I really liked how he, after witnessing that, decided to remain quiet about it. Seriously, this show has some very annoying cliff-hangers. Rating: ** (Excellent)

6 thoughts on “Uchuu Kyoudai – 15

  1. I think this series is going to start to get really really good. All of the characters are well-fleshed-out and built up, so once things like this start happening the character development is going to be excellent.

  2. It was really smart of Mutta not to out Fukuda. Undermining someone like this in front of everyone without understanding whey they did it could destroy the team’s opinion of him irrevocably and damage their beautiful teamwork.

  3. The box with the glasses could very well have contained a secret message. How would Fukuda react if he was given the mission to destroy the clock? Probably he would do it. He has sacrificed much for his dream, a clock would be a minor issue.

    Though even so there are many unresolved questions. Next week will be interesting ^^,

    1. If Team B’s alarm was caused by JAXA, it makes sense that Team A would get “pranked” the same way. Also, I’m curious why no one has thought about repairing the clock. I’m not really sure but a clock seems like a relatively simple mechanism and there should be some brilliant engineers in their team. Real astronauts would be expected to jury-rig alot more important pieces of equipment. (See Apollo 13) It also seems like a strange coincidence that Fukada, the one who broke the clock, was also the one who “contacted” JAXA about what to do about it. Did he fake the call? Is the whole broken clock thing part of a JAXA experiment that Fukada happens to be in on? He did receive new glasses from the outside. Did it come with secret instructions or something?

  4. I always look forward to Space Brothers! One of the ones where I want to dl and watch immediately!

    I want to know what’s going on!!!

  5. I think among the teammates there are agents from JAXA…
    Initially when Mutta and Kenji were to take the third exam,they were expecting only 8 candidates but there were 15 of them…probably the other candidates are JAXA agents!

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