Saiunkoku Monogatari – 32

Image Uploaded by ImageShack Toolbar Image Uploaded by ImageShack ToolbarImage Hosted by Short Synopsis: Sa Sakujun has no desire to marry Shuurei. Sa Chuushou, however, wants the marriage to happen at all costs. This episode showed how desperate he can be at this. Good: Shuurei. Amazing character. Bad: Now I know for sure: Shuurei’s self-confidence is directly proportionate to the quality of this series. Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10 Yup, now I know for sure. The reason why the past few episodes have been rather disappointing finally became clear to me. It’s simply that whenever Shuurei shines, Saiunkoku Monogatari shines. The reason for the mediocre past episodes was simply because Shuurei had been thrown off her balance a bit by Sa Sakujun. This episode, however, she’s back to her usual awesome self, having turned even stronger because of her experiences. 😀 I love the whole Sakujun – Chuushou – Shuurei-triangle in this episode. After the incredibly dramatic episode 26, he turned into quite a nice villain. I especially loved the hair-treatment Shuurei gave him. I think that Shuurei finally realized that Sakujun is just playing around. While he may be annoying, he isn’t really a threat, which is why she starts focusing on the real bad guy: Sa Chuushou. The bastard is planning to set his entire country aflame if Shuurei doesn’t marry his grandson! At least, that’s what he claims. It obviously isn’t enough to trump someone like Shuurei. Which makes me wonder. What measures will he take in order to get the two of them together in the end? He now knows what she’s capable off, and I don’t think he’s just going to sit around and let things happen. I also liked how Shourin escaped Sakujun’s knowledge. It’s great to see that he isn’t perfect either. Kokujun, meanwhile, still is in his cell, turning crazy. Shuurei will probably find him in the next episode. It’ll be great to see how he’ll act from that point. The point remains that he bears a lot of resemblances to a younger version of Sa Enjun, he just was a bit too shy in his earlier episodes in comparison. Now that he’s actually turning crazy, some murderous instincts might awaken in him.]]>

0 thoughts on “Saiunkoku Monogatari – 32

  1. i diffinitely agreed with you about shuurei regaining her inner strenght. She agrees to enter sa clan mansion in order to get her “flower bud”, find eiki and kokujun and well as learn to cope with the sa clan obstacles: her mix feelings for sakujun (she realizes that she is quiet vulnerable and doesnt know how to respond to sakujun mentally and physically) and well as chuusou (using sa clan’s power to oppress the people). But episode 33, sakujun’s feelings toward shuurei rise to a new platform.

  2. Ooh, sounds interesting. I’ve yet to see ep 33 (combination of lots of anime coming out and me being busy with my studies, I’ll probably get the chance to watch it tomorrow), but I’m definitely looking forward to it. 🙂

  3. Actually, he really does want to marry Shuurei. It’s been apparent since they met that he had feelings for her. He mentioned in an earlier episode that he didn’t care what the feelings were called, but wanted to keep her by his side.
    Oh, and psgels, I saw episode 33 today. It’s AWESOME. Be aware that Shunki does something really cool, and immediately negates her awesomeness the next time she does it. Bring earplugs. ;3

  4. I forgot to mention that once Sakujun mentioned his feelings for Shuurei, my previous support of Seiran/Shuurei fell to PIECES. I’m a total Senya/Shuurei fangirl! 😀

  5. @infinity: sakujun says he is not interested in “form of marriage or wife” but then he thought that “its probably a good thing to marry her” because it would be something that he’ll “enjoy”. so i guess he says as long as he have shuurei by his side, he doesnt care about formalities. but seeing how he is playful, doesnt he want to intimately have her?

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